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Everything posted by Westiepeach

  1. Good Lord, I thought they were all dead from malnutrition. And why are they all in the “prepare for the crash” position? And why does that one JRodling have mismatched socks? So many questions...
  2. Nurie does have a genuine smile on her face, true happiness is reaching her eyes. Such a difference between her “smiles” with Best Mama Ever, which was less of a smile and much more of a grimace. I still hate her beliefs, however...
  3. Agreed! This is what pisses me off the MOST! Wear your freakin’ mask... No, wear your fucking mask the whole time you are in the store! It is not cute to pull it down and take a selfie, it is not a photo op, just wear it and DON’T TOUCH IT!! This is why we are at where we are at. Sheesh.
  4. I am just holding my breath because the last time we had a time change, all hell broke lose...
  5. Glad the pandemic is over for JillRod. I mean, it's not like the COVID numbers are going up or anything... ::eye roll::
  6. Oh god yes. I am a mess. Between Covid, masks, the current political environment, lack of social gatherings... lost work... grrr. I am truly a mess. I got yelled at a few weeks ago at my local Discount Drug Mart by the customer in line in front of me. “Honey, you are a little too close to me. After 8 months you should know better by now.” Um... I was nowhere near you. There was a cart between us, and I even held back. All I said was, “Don’t call me honey.” I could have said a lot more, but I was not in the mood to be arrested. The cashier and the lady behind me both gave me an elbow bump. Bottom line, yeah, I’m in a mood.
  7. Girlfriend, I am so with you on the raw tomato thing. Hate, hate, HATE them. Yet, I love anything made from raw tomatoes. Go figure.
  8. I saw her picture and at first I thought it was Candace Cameron Bure.
  9. Silly. Jesus likes them best, so all is well. ::smh::
  10. I am also in the “no food in the bathroom ever camp.” But, when I worked for someone else, before I started my own business, I did drink my morning tea in the half bath while I did my makeup. But I only drank my tea. Any food was eaten in the dining room/kitchen area.
  11. Come sit next to me. I was trying to think of a PC nickname for him. I couldn’t. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  12. Funny thing... all the little slips of paper will have the name "Mama" on them. Because ALL the kids will INSIST Best Mama EVER deserves all the gifts!
  13. Ok. So Kendra is pregnant again. Lauren Caldwell is now engaged. And Mama Caldwell is now pregnant again. Your move, Duggars.
  14. I'm impressed she spelled fettuccine correctly!
  15. You mean it's not Chicken Fettuccine "ALFRED?"
  16. I made it on Sunday. It was EXCELLENT! I had to buy jellied cranberry sauce because my store did not have whole cranberry sauce. I just bought a small can and mixed it right into the meatloaf. I did not put it in the glaze (I thought it might scare Husband! LOL!) but it was incredible. The stuffing mix really made the difference. I portioned the loaf and froze in individual servings. Highly recommend it! Next time I make it, I'll definitely use the whole cranberry sauce.
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