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Everything posted by Wierzbowski

  1. Cleen is winning, correct? Nunez's bias is pretty obvious.
  2. Patricia's party looked bunk. Cheap, chintzy, and too brightly lit. Those white trees should have reached the ceiling.
  3. Hearing the daughter speak on her missing mom, Nancy Moyer, was absolutely heartbreaking. Sometimes the pain of the other victims of these crimes-- sweet, innocent little kids-- isn't made as clear. I was watching this with my husband, saying "you just can't be a woman in this world." I know of course there are plenty of male victims, but these shows and stories sometimes make me cautious even in my own home and are the reason why my husband (6' 4" + strong) can go running alone in woods whenever and I won't (I think that is how that meat guy found and killed the other woman mentioned in the show?). Or why I park close to the building I'm entering, directly under streetlights, look all around me when I get out of my car, have secret code talk with my husband when I'm leaving for and arrive at a place, etc. And the fact that there are TWO super creepy men who could've hurt Nancy. Ugh. About the meat guy: did he OWN the company? Was he its only employee? Because the interviewees kept saying he HAD to have met her even though he claimed he didn't. Were there prints on the meat packaging in the freezer? WHY WAS HE DRIVING WITH A MURDERED BODY IN HIS PASSENGER SEAT? And the other guy Jim, the one time lover, was suspicious with the lying and rolling into her house ininvited. I don't know who is more likely guilty...
  4. Also: "Where's Whitney?" "Probably hanging upside in his closet." BWHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA
  5. Fuuuuuuck Ashley. She's thirsty, nuts, and the world's largest hairy, dirty asshole. I would have popped her one, without a doubt. My blood was boiling watching her today, and I never get worked up or emotionally invested in these shows, which I watch normally pretty brainlessly. Katherine did good. I never thought I'd say that. EVER.
  6. Holly Cantrell-- THIS is the kind of case I'm talking about, the kind where there are clear suspects + motives. Do we all agree either Tommy the husband or Cody the lover did it? I'm personally going with Cody. Why did the police give up on him so easily? He had a motive-- a mistress whose possible pregnancy could destroy his family, friendships, etc. AND he had the time to do it. I also thought Holly's family was far too quick to jump against Tommy. What did they even think about Cody? And wth was this random woman Luanne who became so invested in the case and recorded an indecipherable conversation about Holly between mysterious men and wouldn't give the police the location of the house where this dubious conversation took place? And Holly's family called Luanne "an angel." Odd.
  7. All of these are devastating and perplexing to me, especially as a parent. I can't imagine my child just disappearing off the face of the earth, with no trace, and there being so little I could do about it. So often, there's a clue or strong feelings about a suspect in the show's cases. But I have no idea what happened to Tyarra. It seems like the ex-boyfriend is the most likely suspect, since he lied about having met with Tyarra and was the last to see her alive. So either he did something to her (why?) or someone snatched her between the short distance between his car and the apartment. Does that mean someone was watching her and waiting for his/opportunity? I felt so terribly for her boyfriend. He'll live in regret for the rest of his life about a few things that he could have done differently that might have changed everything. It was strange to me that he didn't even ask who this "Travis" guy was and what she was going to do with him. My husband would have been like "uh, what?" and needed a lot more information. Trafficking has seemed to become a more real possibility in some of these more recent episodes. I'm naive about trafficking. Does this really happen so frequently to young folks? Another utterly terrifying threat my kids face.
  8. I was wondering that too. But at the end, they brought it up again and Shakira said at first she thought it was weird but later she talked to Aubrey and Shakira now thinks Aubrey had nothing to do with the disappearance. This episode with Sage, almost anything could have happened to him, including him been confronted by a stranger. Nobody pinged for me. The McFadden guy was fishy, especially since he left town never to be seen again (did the police never interview him in person?), but I guess he was ruled out. Ish.
  9. Naomi is acting deeply unhappy. Ashley is gross + her motives are transparent.
  10. I kind of wonder what would happen if, when Erika showed up late, no one squealed over her outfit and instead was nonchalant about it. I mean, an outfit? It's not that interesting to me. If that's all you have to offer rather than warmth and humor and fun and depth-- I'm out.
  11. Watching those dummies Googling "how to grill" AS THEY'RE GRILLING killed me. Craig seemed high or sedate in some weird way. I'm kind of glad Naomi followed through with her threats and is moving on. She and Craig weren't right for or happy with each other. But Craig is probably hella bummed he lost his free rent! Hm... T Rav's new chick-- yuck. TOTALLY dehydrated. And what was JD really up to? Interesting we get his version of events before Elizabeth's, who I am more ready to believe.
  12. A mess, as usual. But it was nice to hear people who can actually sing-- Keyshia, Lyrica, Bridget-- do their thing for a moment. The title of the show is related to music, right?
  13. Nunez was HEARTBROKEN over that decision. I swear I amost saw tears. As soon as he saw those hands were jacked, he was scrambling to find greater flaws in the other tattoos to have them at the ready. I agree, though-- the other tattoos had just as big of issues. A lighter sky in Katie and Matt's would've made a big difference.
  14. I've watched this show since the beginning but I may be out. It's excruciatingly dull. Is it because the women have no real connection to each other? Because the "plots" are so obviously contrived? Because the women have not a shade of authenticity or depth? I don't know. But I need to break my habit of watching this-- time to start reading Mondays!
  15. Should I know who the fuck Chanel West Coast is? Safaree + the other dudes at the fertility clinic cracked me up this episode. Did Ray Jay end up making a track with Hazel? Lol Joke is on her.
  16. Did I hear right in the Kayla Berg episode that it took them 6 days to either report her missing or begin their search for her? God. I don't really have any idea about what transpired but that Kevin dude is suspicious, obviously. There's something up with a 24 year old dude who chauffeurs girls to parties like that. The whole case made me grateful nothing happened to me or my friends when I was younger and took some risks or trusted shady people. I'm already scared for my young kids when they hit that phase. I guess the thing to do is keep the lines of communication always open? And I can already barely sleep when they're safe in their beds. Regarding Eric's case, his mom has been posting more information that she's uncovered on the official Disappeared FB page and all signs point to Kendra's husband, including his claim that he could dump a body from a plane and that he hid assets under other family members' names in case he "went down for this." It sounds like it's been a challenge for her to get law enforcement to investigate in a timely manner.
  17. I actually laughed aloud when, at the end, Ramona and Sonja were playacting Ramona's apology and Sonja put on a stank face bc she was standing in for Beth. Like, that was the persona she immediately took on.
  18. BWHAHAHAHAAHHAAH Did Joseline just call Mariah Lynn, Mary Lee?
  19. I recognized the mini LED tree that I suppose was meant to act as decoration on Ramona's table as one I got for my 5 year old at the Dollar Tree. Fits perfectly with those green napkins and outdated striped chairs she has, I guess.
  20. I just can't take too seriously a therapist who plays as much with her hair as Aubrey does.
  21. I don't like Katheryn-- I think she's a shit person. Not because she's a gold digger or gets around or whatever but because of how she treats even people who are on her side (interesting I use that terminology rather than "friends"...) Did you see her body language on the couch with Jennifer, who has defended Kat's behavior (more articulately than Kat herself, I might add)), including when Kat simply stopped talking to her without explanation? When Jennifer was crying, Kat was picking her nails, rolling her eyes, faced away from her, and seemed pissed when Thomas handed her his handkerchief. If my damn friend were crying, you better believe I'd have my arm around her and comfort her! JFC. And she only cares Jennifer is preg because now she has someone to further share her own childrearing issues. What a rotton, selfish, self-centered terd.
  22. The saddest thing at the Polo Match was seeing how excited Kensie was to be there and all the people who love her and then how her mom very selfishly took that away. No matter what was going on with my child's father and me, my priority is always the happiness of my child and to have him around people who love him. This is the ultimate reason I can't tolerate Kathryn. It's not about Kensie for Kathryn. On a lesser level, is Jennifer her damn servant? What does Jennifer get in return? I wouldn't last in that friendship for more than an hour.
  23. While I agree that Ramona shouldn't have brought up the Viagra crap in front of everyone, Dorinda's rage that Ramona was discussing her and John's private sex life is misplaced-- didn't John talk about the Viagra to a group of Ramona's friends on a public street corner? And Carole's eyebrows were way too dark during her lunch w B.
  24. Delurking because LHH, any location, gives me such joy but your comments even more so. ^ OnceSane + your brilliant allusion to the NY edition. Ahhh my people. ( I watch this in shame, alone at home but can be my true self here haha.) I thought D Smith seemed pretty classy until she brought homegirl in to start shit with Tammy. Why you need to passively readdress something already covered? And forgive me, I love messy ass Karlie Redd and the fact that everyone including her lunatic self knows she's messy. Her comments about pubes flying everywhere in the malaise-- LOL. And ew. Was that cry by Tommie for real? I thought she was kidding then gonna say GTFO to that nasty, furry, bumbling, cheating, criminaling troll. You always disappoint me women on this show. Where's Erika?
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