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Everything posted by melody16

  1. I'm hoping that the engagement is the beginning of the end for Friz. But unfortunately if Friz ends, will the writers be able to resist throwing Liz at Jason and/or Drew? I don't know what is worse honestly.
  2. Becky usually talks up her current pairings though, and she's a team player. I don't know if she will be as transparent about what she wants for her character (unlike some other people, lol).
  3. That was very anticlimatic. Billy Miller was actually pretty good though. I am not looking forward to the Sam/Jason/Drew triangle at all. I do feel a slight bit of happiness that Drew fell in love with Liz before the Jason Morgan memories kicked in and only fell in love with Sam after he got the fake memories. I didn't like Drew and Liz together, but this still pleases me.
  4. Yeah, right now Liz doesn't seem interested in either Jason. I hope this remains the case, but I doubt it.
  5. I think it's because of his relationship with Jake.
  6. I thought Robin was a jerk and was extra cold to BillyJ (who, even if he's not Jason, is a victim). Sonny, Carly, Robin etc. have no proof whatsoever that BillyJ is not the real Jason except their feelings. And their feelings served them so well when they thought BillyJ was real Jason a few years ago. I am not a fan of Billy Miller's portrayal but I feel some sympathy that basically everyone is dropping him (except Sam and Liz).
  7. Pleaseeeeee let BillyJ be the real Jason Morgan.
  8. I agree with a lot of what you said Darklazr, but I guess I now have to thank Carly's meddling for breaking up Lake and Samtrick!
  9. Yeah, but when Sam got with BMJason she was with Patrick, who clearly was a family man who didn't live to be at S&C's beck and call. Of course Robin came back so that relationship was over, but if BMJason is not Jason and is some other person, then he is basically her Patrick redux.
  10. Would love if Franco died! Not an unpopular opinion, I"m afraid.
  11. Sam has become the type of character that has things done to her, rather than actually doing things. That's why I find her to be a bore.
  12. I think all the actors involved with the Tale of the Two Jasons story are doing a pretty good job, but I am really confused about Sam's point of view. She thinks SBJason is the real Jason so she will love him forever but she also loves BMJason, who she doesn't actually think is the real Jason anymore? The reason she and BMJason fell in love was only because he was Jason. She had no feelings of love toward Jake Doe. The only person that loved, liked etc. BMJason before they knew he was Jason was, hilariously, Elizabeth. But I always thought the beginning of Sam's and BMJason's "love story" was one of the most contrived things I have seen on this show, and that's saying a lot! Sam loved BMJason only because she discovers he's Jason, but he acts nothing like Jason. Makes no sense at all. Elizabeth's perspective toward BMJason was somewhat similar but at least she had feelings of like/love for Jake Doe. Also Elizabeth was supposed to be the bad guy/somewhat unhinged in this scenario and Sam was the good guy. It seems to me that the writers try to protect Sam's character so much that they basically give her no agency at all and she's merely reactive to situations.
  13. I think that might be an old clip of Becky. I recognize the sweater.
  14. I think in the book she jokes about him being a bigamist when they are talking about what Jamie does for work. And then he tells her he's a smuggler. But I haven't read Voyager in a while.
  15. Ugh! This is why I shouldn't post using my phone! Thanks for the correction!
  16. I loved seeing Ned! His and Claire's reunion was so heartwarming. It made me so happy to see how excited Ned was to see her especially after the coldness of Jamie's family, except Young Ian who continues to be fantastic. The three of them (Jamies, Claire, Ian) work so well together, which bodes well for next season. The scene where Jamie dances with Marsali and Joan was so well done. It actually made teary. That was slo-mo used correctly! The fight scene was everything I wanted it to be and more. Cait was amazing throughout especially when she was telling Jamie off for consistently accusing her of leaving. And Sam was also so excellent. The part where he was talking about Frank and Claire being together and raising Brianna was like book Jamie stepped out from the pages of Voyager. The way he delivered those lines was exactly how I pictured it. Laura Donnelly is tremendous and Steven Cree really captures the kindness of Senior Ian. But wow do I hate Jenny. Both in the book and in the show. Can't wait to see more Marsali!!
  17. Perhaps you're right, aheadofstraight. I love Jamie in the show (more than bookJamie actually) but I almost hated him this episode. He also didn't ask claire if she was alright or act at all comforting after she was attacked. I viewed Claire's actions this episode as her way of dealing with trauma so she didn't bother me as much. She was living a half life for the past 20 years and being a surgeon was her one true way of being where she felt the most comfortable and confident, so of course she would resort to surgeon-mode after being attacked.
  18. I think they like each other fine. The recent videos of them reading the fan fiction and bloopers from that after hours thing on MTV seem to show two people who like each other. Plus this week they were just supporting each other's tweets with regard to Lynette Rice's ridiculous headline about Sam's makeup artist. But they are actors so who knows?
  19. I understand that Claire was pretty rigid this episode but it was Jamie who seemed is a wildly out of character. Blatantly lying to Ian senior because he thinks arrogantly he can keep Young Ian safe, thinking Claire would live with him in a brothel, and acting so disgusting to Claire over the Brianna bikini pictures. He was awful. I love Sam's portrayal of Jamie because he is good at showing Jamie's innate kindness but that was lost this episode. I understand that he lied to Ian senior in the book but it was under different circumstances and seemed much less callous. Claire was totally right and was right to be harsh with him. How could Jamie possibly think it was a good idea to let Ian and Jenny think skmething terrible happened to their son rather than tell the truth? Also I understand Jamie's reaction to the bikini pictures but his dialogue was just over the top and wildly disrespectful to Claire who he called a wonderful mother just a few hours before. I also hate how they keep saying Claire left him. She didn't leave him, Jamie made her go. Sam and Cait still have loads and loads of chemistry in my mind (esp in the scene where they fought) but I hope all this angst will pay off next week.
  20. I'm trying to remember what happens in Echo and I can't (hence the re-read!). Will check the book thread after I finish. I have enjoyed your observations a lot!
  21. Ha I know! But I haven't read it since the week after it came out. I wanted to refresh my memory.
  22. Thanks everyone! So when Brianna first meets Jamie and is pregnant with Jem, she is about 24 years old? That would make sense if she is about 30 in 1776 (when she and Roger go back to the future).
  23. I completely agree with this. I am re-reading Echo in the Bone and I was trying to figure out the differences in ages between Willie and Brianna and none of it was making sense to me. If anyone knows, can they let me know? Sorry if this isn't the right thread but it was driving me batty this morning.
  24. The puddle transition was basically my favorite thing the show has done to date (until next week I am sure!). I love the prologues to all of the Outlander books and this is one of my favorite ones. What a wonderful way to transition Claire's journey.
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