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The Crazed Spruce

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Everything posted by The Crazed Spruce

  1. After a day's rest, the pain is down to a minor discomfort if I breathe too deeply. Didn't even need the ibuprofen. You know it. :)
  2. I had a bit of a health scare this morning. Last evening, I woke up with a pain in my chest. My pulse was still strong, and my arms weren't numb or tingly, so I took it as a muscle cramp and went on to work. It even seemed to be getting better after a while, but after a few hours, it came back with a vengeance. I suffered through it during my shift at work, but I stopped off at the emergency room on the way home to get it checked. (BTW, if you want to be seen in the emergency room immediately, complain about chest pains. I swear, I was in a bed surrounded by nurses and wired up to an EKG in less than a minute.) Well, after running every test they could find (EKG, blood work, X-rays, the whole shebang), they found... nothing. It's not my heart, it's not a broken rib, it's not an embolism, it's nothing they could find. It's likely a pulled muscle, or maybe gas. The doctor suggested I take some ibuprofen, but prescribed some industrial-strength Pepto-Bismol just to be safe.
  3. Maybe so, but we got slammed with it up here this morning....
  4. You should probably check out Family Ties. :)
  5. Yeah, so was I, and I'm icking along with you.
  6. I'm dreading the moment when Americans learn about Jian Ghomeshi....
  7. It's starting to get down to the wire, so.... 4 to DL CuriousParker (Machiabelly, JayKay, BizBuzz, Spruce) 4 to spay a cat killer
  8. No arguments here. :) The "killed cat" clue looks about as good as anything to me. Not quite sure I'm ready to start the vote, though.
  9. Tatiana will be a presenter at the Canadian Screen Awards on March 1. (For the record, the show's up for three awards; Best Dramatic Series, Best Actress In A Drama, and Best Supporting Actor In A Drama.)
  10. If Geraldo Rivera wins, I'm gonna lose that last lingering shred of respect I have for this show. ***** ***** Oh, dear God, Geraldo's gonna win, isn't he?
  11. I started reading comic in the 1970's, so my earliest memories of her were from her feature in the anthology book Superman Family (where she was an actress in a soap opera in her secret identity), and from the reprints of her Silver Age stories in the old Adventure Comics digests. I also read pretty much every issue of her series from the early 80's (where she moved to Chicago and went back to college; weird, but I remember what happened in her personal life more than the actual action in those comics). I mourned her death in Crisis, but at least she went out in a blaze of glory. I followed the post-Crisis version of Supergirl, but really became a fan of that version during her late 90's series, where the Matrix version merged with a troubled teen and became an "earth-born angel". (Fun story: about ten years ago, I was trying to put together a proposal for an updated version of "The Forgotten Heroes" that I was gonna submit to DC, and this version of Supergirl was one of the lynchpins. But they rebooted their continuity around the same time I gave up the delusion that I stood a chance in hell of starting a career writing comics in my late 30's, so that was that....) Funny story: The drugstore around the corner from where I live started carrying comic books again for the first time in over a decade about three months ago. (Pretty much all Nu52 titles, with a couple of Archies thrown in, but still, new comics!) They've slowly been expanding on the number of books they carry, but among the first few? Supergirl and Justice League United. :)
  12. Some early (and ridiculously boring) set photos have been released.
  13. Long Island iced tea. On the rocks.
  14. I don't think Daymond has enough ties to Canada to qualify for the show. Nice thought, though. Personally, I'd like to see a shark from Newfoundland in the den, or at least the Maritimes. (I wonder, does Danny Williams have enough of a net worth to count?)
  15. I'm picturing an HBO series about a pair of fugitives who go on an epic murder spree across the United States, becoming media sensations along the way. Yes, that's right. Natural Born Killers: The Series. Make it happen, people!
  16. Seems about as good as anything. So unless someone has a better suggestion.... 3 to DL SVNBob (Machiabelly, Dougal, Spruce); 6 to test a riding lawn mower
  17. Bonus points if she wears a white jumpsuit and meets up with an old Asian man who becomes her mentor.
  18. Last night's show was probably the best one so far. It's probably a one-time thing, but if they have a full-episode panel at least once a week, I'll be happy. (Happier if they did it for every episode, but still....) Keep It 100 should probably stick to the "lightning round" style they used, too. It seems to work better that way.
  19. That lighter phone comes darn close to replacing the reusable pizza box as the worst product ever pitched on this show.
  20. This was the first episode of the show I've seen, and if it's always this funny, it won't be the last. I am impressed that they went there, though. I mean, just when you think the date's gonna go one way, they go ahead and switch it up. Kudos.
  21. Myself, I'm less concerned about her boob size than I am about her personality. So long as they stay far, faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar away from the Nu52 version, I'm happy.
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