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Everything posted by parrotfeathers

  1. Hopefully it won't be someone Kalyssa used. I was really rooting for her that year.
  2. Hint to that lady: get a dog. You are exactly right. Dr. P actually looks and acts his age (and needs to retire). When he drags her off the stage every episode it looks as if he's taking the leash of his show dog (which is what people call the juvenile girlfriend/wife) and saying "this way honey."
  3. I think Dr. P should have sent this episode to the trash and not aired it. That woman is disturbed from God knows what and I felt like an accessory to his exploitation even watching him "interview" her even with his "now let me make this clear I don't think you killed her" unheartfelt comment. On a more pleasant note the parts I saw (thanks to fast forwarding) did not contain any shock and awe facials from Robin.
  4. Doesn't that require needles being stuck in there? That would be a double H no for me.
  5. That guy was a complete slime ball. Why in the world would she have been attracted to him?? And I hope he doesn't quit his day job to become a tattoo artist. If he did that to himself he has zero talent.
  6. Oh that would have been so good. Making the Team Throwback Edition.
  7. Her face in this photo seems much thinner than when she was a DCC. If you look back at some of her photos, she has many different looks. But I cannot answer your question. In her instagram posts recently she looks like she might blow away with the slightest poof.
  8. Times change I know and obviously they have in the job field also. But, when I worked I was a legal secretary/assistant. Lots of firms would not even interview you unless you had already given your notice that you were leaving. I imagine it had to do more with keeping a good working relationship among the law firms (not "stealing" a secretary) than anything else.
  9. Why yes, I absolutely believe this was her master plan. That didn't pan out. And if I were a DCC I would be p*ssed that she tried to pull it off.
  10. All year I'm like "aww Kelli is being so much kinder to these girls than previous years" and thinking "that's so nice." Then tonight when sneaky AR got caught trying to put one over on them I'm thinking damnit Kelli all you can say is you are disappointed? Chew her ass out woman! Right on camera!
  11. OMG part 1 the two-for about the quads is horrible. Couldn't finish it and will delete part 2 before even starting it.
  12. Is that the woman with the long neck she keeps bending to the side like her head is about to roll off her shoulders? Weird indeed.
  13. Imagine having to have contact with that woman for another 18 years or so. Prison might be better.
  14. We all know K wasn't about to give her that after the "rumor." But it may have made more TV drama to have given her SG and then have said oops you play dirty with TPTB you pay.
  15. Well frankly this old gal can't tell which is the filler photo. If it's that undetectable why bother spending the money?
  16. I'm sure the producers are following the happy couple so she can come crying to Dr. P after her wonderful man leaves her penniless after he gets to the USA. Or else she'll come on the show and complain that he still can't find a job and sits around the house all day while she has to work to support him. And Dr. P can say I told you so.
  17. I may have to watch this twofer. CPS removed their other children at one point after the girl's disappearance. Not sure if they are back. Candus' sister disappeared in 2009 and has never been found.
  18. I couldn't find the episode thread? So CMT went and pulled a Dr. Phil on us--stay tuned for Part 2. He loves doing that with the catfish episodes (which of course are what I love).
  19. JJ was quite peeved that mom did not put this $20,000 into a bank account for the kid's college or other. But, I thought child support was given to help the parent "support" the household. No judge says monthly child support goes in a bank account to pay for college. So in effect grandma should have gotten some of it. I do believe she should not have spent it faster than a dog can pee on a tire rim. But expecting her to save it all for her daughter's future is stretching it. I imagine her daughter's future isn't even in the scope of her thoughts.
  20. Maybe it's an intimidation trick only mandated reporters use.... Not certain how the ladies whose photos were hacked kept from showing their cash and prizes getting in those high chairs.
  21. I think they do more than 1 episode a day? In the same vein, why does he use chairs that look like toddler high chairs? Is it to make people "feel" exposed and uncomfortable (like he has them on some kind of ledge)? Didn't see the camera pan to robin one time today during part 1 of the latest catfish story. A big plus for me.
  22. Perhaps the girls should be issued TWO pair of shorts and they could rotate them, thus having 2 pair broken in.
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