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  1. Thank you for letting everyone know before I did. I stayed in his group 2 days and it was all I could take. Some of his posts are awful and that’s how he became known as creepy guy. about a month ago he started a fundraiser for himself of course .
  2. I'm not sure I can even begin to explain. I joined but left after 3 days. Let me get the name of it and so you can check it out.
  3. That's because he begins each earth shattering comment with his stutter. Gawd I hate his pretend stuttering more than anything--even Robin's plastic face.
  4. Jerry Springer episode. This poor girl has mental illness and was being exploited for hopeful ratings. Hell no she's not the daughter. And she did not look anything like her as a child either. That "PI" or whatever she is looked like a clown.
  5. One of this week's shows is why I have come to hate Dr. Phil's show and am glad it is going. Two women with raging maniac children diagnosed with ADD/ADHD (which may or may not be correct diagnosis). Women say something to the effect "I don't have any other choices" when commenting on things they have done. Every condescending Phil says more than once "oh there are always choices." Bobble head Robin nods from the audience in agreement.
  6. Well frankly I do not know how anyone this naive could have made as much money as he appeared to have. No friends or relatives to comment at all? I'm wondering if he was just shilling Dr. Shill myself. In the segment one day on "it's hard to find a good match if you are over 50" or something like that. The 50ish lady attempting to have a 20ish face must have the same plastic surgeon as Robin. That guy she got matched with better have plenty of cash.
  7. Well it's about time. I haven't been able to stomach a whole episode for years now. And last week's Robin comment that sent me over the edge: "I'm embracing my aging." Oh hell yea she is with all the help she can from her plastic surgeon. I just don't know who is going to feature her Christmas trees anymore or her wide open shocked look. Or what mysonjay will do now. At least Dr. Phil won't have to shuffle out anymore and hopefully will enjoy spending his money.
  8. I thought the showmanship on the Montel show was pretty good. Audience was so excited over the uniform. Wondering what that year's audience would think of the shorts no? Would it have been scandalous back then? Also whatever happened to the Nikole girl (singer)?
  9. A few months ago I said I didn't like the new show. But, I've been streaming it some and I must say I really like it.
  10. Will someone explain that "look" Dr. P seems to have perfected lately. Stares at the camera with those weird eyes like a demon possessed.
  11. Good luck collecting child support. I kinda sorta believed her when she said he did this as a method of getting back to his ex-wife and kids. But unfortunately he can't be that smart or he would have worn protection during their good times.
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