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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. Why wasn't Dave allowed in? Were they making a scene already?
  2. Unfortunately, many of my upper middle class college students still haven't mastered subject-verb agreement. It's not taught in school much these days. And these are kids with every privilege. I do feel bad for Leah in that respect. It's not her fault she's uneducated. I can't imagine the public schools around her are fantastic, and like I said, even ones that are don't tend to focus on grammar anymore. And look at Mama Dawn's and Jeremy's grammar. They're all practically illiterate. She probably had no idea until people started teasing her about it. In that respect, if she really is improving her grammar a bit, I'm actually glad she was teased a little. It'll help her in the long run.
  3. Jenelle is very pretty. Always has been but that look really suits her. Minus the baby bump. That's a whole mess of nope and scary.
  4. That's what I think of whenever I see these people with multiple kids. And the webs spin out-- Dave has multiple kids, one he can't see, and Nathan has another child of whom neither he nor his ex have custody. Courtland has a child. Jenelle's sister has kids, yes? With a guy in an on/off relationship? Don't know if her brother (also arrested for or convicted of DV) has kids. And think of, between all of them and the siblings and parents of the people I mentioned, and THEIR baby daddies, baby mamas, and exes, how many kids there are scattered around the world. Not to mention how many miscarriages and abortions. It's enough to make one an atheist.
  5. @SPLAIN, didn't he switch the topic to Kieffer as semi-justification for breaking into the house, which he directly admitted to? Dr. Drew then discussed Kieffer and didn't press the issue of the multiple accusations of abuse. As for the charges, that was Babs' faux Twitter that said they were the same charges. I hope Jessica is OK. :( She's now been assaulted at least twice because of involvement with Nathan. Once by his ex, once by him. Poor girl. Who posts a song about stabbing women the day he gets out of jail for choking one?!
  6. The song is also about raping a dead woman. I understand it's likely symbolic, but it's not like Nathan's tiny brain can grasp that. What in the WORLD. He posted it the day he got out of jail.
  7. Nathan's been bitching about MTV on Twitter. Fucking hypocrite. They paid your sorry unemployed woman beating ass. He also posted the scary as hell lyrics to this song, promoting violence against women (stabbing a woman "fifty times"), and said that's how he feels right now: http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/avengedsevenfold/alittlepieceofheaven.html While awaiting trial for nearly killing one. I have no doubt he's capable of murder. Scary. As. Hell.
  8. Hopefully he will be, but I doubt it. Unless he admits to having been in the house, which is illegal in and of itself. He might be that stupid.
  9. This is super sad and depressing. I admit to loving the dress and hair wreath, though. *hides in shame*
  10. He probably can, right? If he admits to being there and isn't a resident...that's definitely illegal. I can't believe that "breaking in and choking a woman out while she's in bed" is something a person has done not once, but TWICE. Seriously?!
  11. Yeah...nothing about it in the police report. Does it just mean the break-in? (Lol "just")
  12. Plus, DUIs are taken lightly often but they're basically putting everyone's lives on the road in danger...you're basically saying you value your own desire to drink and drive more than other people's lives, children, vehicles, health, etc.
  13. Yeah, but this isn't Jenelle v. Nathan. Funny how he was so up in arms about the mason jar but then committed a felony against Jessica himself. I guess I just don't see how Jenelle's abusiveness has anything to do with this. And I'd still rather be attacked by her than Nathan, any day any time. On another topic, can DUIs be counted as abusive? That's an interesting take.
  14. I don't know, I watched it again yesterday and that's not how I saw it. But it's certainly debatable. He's also admitted to getting physical with her in the past. But yeah, Dr. Drew just swept it under the rug. I found that incredibly disturbing. While it's certainly true that Jenelle is also an abuser, there is a material difference in that Nathan could literally kill a person easily, with just his hands. As someone who's been on the receiving end of an enormous person's physical abuse (including choking), no, it doesn't make a difference in the person's morality or how abusive they are as a human being, but it sure as hell makes a difference for the victim and the amount of risk and terror. Unless Jenelle had a weapon, Nathan could walk away or hold her off, while if he chokes a female and plans to kill them, one extra split second and they're dead. That's what terrifies me about that POS. Anyone can abuse anyone, but there is a special kind of terror to someone two times your size barreling towards you with bad intentions, fully aware of their size and power and how they can use it against you. And Nathan knows, judging by his attempts to fight or threaten cops on at least 3 occasions. That's not just abuse, it's cowardice.
  15. He didn't deny he choked her even once; if someone accused me of that and it wasn't true, especially on national TV, I'd defend myself real quick. He just jumped to why it was ok, basically.
  16. He did not deny it, looked guilty, then switched to complaining that Jenelle cut herself as if that was somehow related or just as bad (self harm is NOT abusive-- I'm sure Jenelle did get physical with him, but cutting oneself is not the same as hurting another person). I take that as a hardcore admission. I think he may have even said something like "Yeah, but--" which to my mind is a 100% confession. Jenelle's tweet is so gross. Lol abuse! Nathan's tweets have been all about the Bible lately. #goodchristian And I'm 99% sure he did pretty unapologetically admit to breaking in, if not the choking.
  17. I'd say she should have filmed it, but how the fuck could she have when she was sleeping and got CHOKED?!?! I can't even imagine the terror. And yes, Nathan admitted to breaking into Jenelle's house and choking her at the reunion, actually. What a piece of trash. It's actually incorrect that Nathan has the same charges as David. Nathan has been charged with two felonies, including potentially deadly criminal domestic violence. David, to my knowledge, was only ever charged with misdemeanors? Maybe not, though. Anyway, as horrific as this is, it'll be darkly poetic if Nathan ended up a felon after all of his self-righteous "you live with a felon/you are a felon" blather. Not that Jenelle deserves the benefit of the doubt, but I'm sick of Nathan's insinuations that he's somehow any more fit as a human or parent. If he wanted to prove that, that ship has SAILED. And sailed hard. He's unemployed and charged with violent felonies.
  18. Sounds like he makes his own trouble just fine. Charges don't make a conviction. Innocent until proven guilty. So technically he has no record of domestic violence. Just DUIs, public intoxication, resisting arrest, and threatening cops. Lol.
  19. They were likely abused by their fathers or didn't have fathers and have deeply internalized misogyny. They've also been taught to believe that only a man's love can "save" them or make them worthy of basic humanity, so they will defend their current one at any cost, even if the man in question doesn't actually love them. Moreover, they couldn't choose nonabusive men if they tried-- their "receptors" are off. "Red flags" mean more attraction when you're an abuse victim; it's confirmed by study after study. It's horrible what cultures like this do to everyone, but especially the women.
  20. It was Jessica that he choked. He broke into her home while she was sleeping and choked her for an extended period of time. I'm so disgusted I might be sick. http://starcasm.net/archives/356340
  21. *shrug* I like big butts and I cannot lie. Always have always will!
  22. @ghoulinaWe can safely say this had nothing to do with Jenelle. I assume it was Jessica or a new girlfriend. He goes through them quickly. Poor girl. He was arrested in SC. I desperately hope he serves a hefty sentence. Breaking in and assaulting someone? Terrifying. I get that Jenelle is completely disgusting, but on other sites I've seen complaints about "oh, look who Jenelle picks as a father, she's so gross" as if it's grosser to choose a bad man than to be one. Two women have chosen him to be a father and many others to be his partner. Setting Jenelle aside for a moment because of the (justified) strong feelings against her, no one deserves this. Ever. Jessica chose him as a boyfriend knowing his history (no custody of one kid, alcoholism, steroid use, three DUIs, a hefty criminal record beyond that, aggression, PTSD) and if it's her, she still doesn't deserve ANY abuse. It just unsettles me because the same logic (Jenelle is so disgusting for allowing him to be the father of her child) could be used to justify his abuse of Jessica or whoever the victim was (they are so disgusting for partnering with him, why don't they know better?). And what this piece of trash woman beater does is his own problem. It doesn't matter if Jenelle is as abusive and bad, it doesn't matter if Dave is a POS abuser too, none of it makes him any less of a violent felon. I just hope that Kaiser gets put in foster care. And I wouldn't say that about many children.
  23. @ghoulina, regarding the pot: yeah, I don't really expect anything healthy (lol) from Jenelle so all we can hope for is "nonviolent." Sigh. I for one hope CPS "holds that baby tight." I honestly do. But yeah, this story really gets to me. I hope whoever he attacked is ok...or as ok as you can be after something like that. At least physically ok. :( :( To my knowledge, first degree burglary means a break-in. So he broke into an ex's house and attacked her to the point that he may have killed her? God, I can only imagine the terror...
  24. I agree with all that except that pot is actually proven to reduce violent episodes and anger...I actually hope she smokes as it is safer for everybody. I guess to me this just doesn't even really have to do with Jenelle except that we know about Nathan through her. The difference between them might "just" be size, but when that size is barreling towards you threatening your life, that shit makes a difference. When she's arrested again I'll think about her. All I can think of is, damn: Nathan nearly killed somebody...had to have been a current or former romantic partner. Jessica? A new girlfriend? Is she ok? Hospitalized? Injured? Those charges are no drunken shove or usual trashy screaming match. And they indicate he broke into the person's home as well. As a victim of abuse, I can actually feel the terror-- he's so huge. He could easily kill, and he has no self control. It makes me sick thinking about him holding Kaiser and having one of his rages. It makes me sick thinking of him hurting someone. What the hell did he do? This isn't just "yet another charge" and further proof he's a jackass. It was all fun and games when he was just getting publicly trashed and swearing at cops and screamed "why am I a guy?" But a woman was choked or had a knife held to her in this instance. Or beaten. It gives me chills.
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