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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. I find Becky really attractive. Lots of queer women are into androgyny. She would be very popular and in high demand among the queer femme circles. I don't like that Kailyn is joking about it because it makes bisexuality seem like a joke. It gets associated with hypersexuality and opportunism enough. It's just an orientation. We already get enough crap, as do women who primarily date people of color and people of color in interracial relationships...She does not do any of those groups any favors. Not that she should need to, those stereotypes simply shouldn't exist, but it's not great to perpetuate them.
  2. She's always been fairly openly bisexual. Becky has a gorgeous girlfriend that she appears to be very much in love with. I think the photos with Kail are just so they can joke that "she's the baby daddy" in response to press speculation.
  3. Women's studies got me a great career :) just have to have a plan.
  4. She looks like she's sitting on her legs to me?
  5. That's true, although who knows if that was due to birth control, severe alcoholism often affects fertility. I'm sorry to say I wish Jenelle's fertility had been curbed by her drug use.
  6. It's hard to compare since we don't have all the info about her upbringing. Suzi was a raging alcoholic and everything that comes with it, and would leave for days at a time with no hint of when she'd return. At least Kail's kids don't see substance abuse from their parents (I assume many of Suzi's partners were also addicts, because few other folks will put up with that, so it seems to have been more of a Jenelle situation). So I don't see her as "her mom" exactly, just a different kind of awful. Unfortunately, Kailyn was hard working and seemed to be determined at first. The fame has really gotten to her and she seems to have lost that drive in favor of materialistic concerns only. She's spending out the wazoo. I know that people with backgrounds like hers can struggle with that but she really has to learn soon and it might already be too late. She's become a user and extremely narcissistic and I wish she'd go to a therapist and take their criticism seriously. The collecting of kids is starting to become pathological.
  7. I think a lot of stupid people will ignore abuse from any gender. Nathan, Ryan, Adam and David all have leghumpers who say they're so hot, so manly, such great dads now that they got away from those bitches (in the case of the first 3), etc. They also have detractors but there are major apologists for all of them. It's scary. Amber should not be allowed on the show at all. She's now assaulted a man on camera multiple times, nearly assaulted a woman, and her boyfriend assaulted the woman's dad. Wtf. Oh yes. Totally calculated relationship. It'll make Kailyn mad and jealous though which will be funny. But this "relationship" is all about the reality show life!
  8. I think so. She used to be a heroin addict and shoplifted once or twice, that's all I know about her, but she seems to be sober now.
  9. Javi needs to stop dating reality stars so bad.
  10. I have to agree. I don't care much about her appearance stuff except that it's a foolish waste of money, her body is her business. But I grew up with an abusive parent and had many many addicts in my family. It affected me for years, still does. I developed anger issues, severe depression, had toxic relationships with abusive people and other ones that were just dead ends. But I still got my education, worked my ass off, etc etc., and I thought that before, Kail was doing that too--she always worked, she went to school. She could act bitchy and awful but she was making something of herself and was good with her son. So I've always had a soft spot for her even when I knew she was acting like an asshole because I know what it feels like, like you said, to push people away again and again when you really want them to love you because you just don't trust anybody. No one's given you a reason to do so. When her mom straight up looked in her face and told her she was less important than her latest boyfriend...I felt so much for her. It was disgusting what that girl went through and I thought there was no way she'd be like that. It's just hard now when she's bringing yet another kid into the world and when she's decided she's always 100% right and doesn't seem to want to fix herself. She won't budge an inch. Now it's not just her, not just her adult partners who have some choice in the matter...she's bringing multiple kids into this, and acting a fool with her showing off her materialism and selfishness. At some point you have to make a break: I decided, after a particularly terrible relationship, that I would never be my mother. It seems that Kailyn thinks the way to do that is not through therapy, kindness, developing a gentler demeanor, using birth control...it's through attaining more and more material items, more and more kids like a collection, and shouting over the other person and insisting she's right. I have to say that unlike Jenelle, I think Kail has the ability to possibly change in the future, but the biggest hurdle she'll have to overcome is her own pride. And she's got a LOT of it. I understand that it developed in response to a constantly abusive situation and out of a need for survival...but at some point other people matter, your children matter...you *cannot* go through life assuming you're perfect. You *have* to work on yourself. She really, really needs to.
  11. Yeah, she's started to get a dash of that Real Housewife look. I thought she looked sort of natural southern girl at first. Leah I think is extremely unattractive.
  12. Huh. I always found her cute in the early years. Not a great beauty, but cute. I actually think she looks worse and hardened now. Of course her attractiveness competition is pretty low on TM.
  13. I actually think Jenelle is quite pretty. She's got a chin but she has always had a cute figure and a pretty face. On a purely superficial level, of course. I don't think any of the other girls are naturally attractive, definitely none of the OG moms except for Farrah pre plastic surgery (about a million years ago). Chelsea is cute and fit but I can't really see her face under all that makeup.
  14. Frankly I don't see the "Jo is just doing this to make nice with Kail" thing. Maybe that's the reason, but right now he's coming across as perpetually on her side. Whatever the reason, that would not please me if I was Vee. I get that he wants time with his son, but if he took it to court, it wouldn't matter what Kail's attitude was...It would be guaranteed regardless of how she decided to act. Vee is being a lot smarter about this than he is. She has Kailyn's number and knows he should lock it down.
  15. Seriously, pot lowers violent crime levels in places where it's been legalized. Either they're smoking more than pot or we don't want to know what other crimes they would have committed without it.
  16. Kailyn needs to spare us the self righteousness. If I were Vee, I'd honestly be so pissed at Jo for not backing me up and for having his head in the sand. I felt so bad for Jace. This is what he goes through all the time. Yes Jenelle is the freaking worst, but Barb was also so wrong for throwing that tantrum and for blaming him for going with Jenelle. He was confused!! What is he supposed to do or think? He's constantly being passed between them. He's just a kid and they want him involved in their drama!
  17. Omfg Adam. Nobody cares if you quit. I promise you, you are not that fucking important. His delusions of grandeur are seriously scary.
  18. Yeah, I personally thought that was definitely an Amber blind item. Our dog ate part of a tennis ball (eyeroll) and spent last night in the hospital. He's ok now though. But I think we both cried for him more than Jenelle has ever cried for her kid!!
  19. I like kombucha, I think it's delicious. I don't think it really does what people claim, though.
  20. It was appropriated from urban slang like most things Kail likes.
  21. All I know is that I teach college kids in SoCal and they call themselves and the friends the term all the time, post it on their social media, etc. And I'm in my 20s and some of my friends use it ironically to refer to themselves too whenever they do something "suburban and white." Picking each other up for a Starbucks run-- "basic bitches" etc. Nobody has to agree that it IS positive or jokey but it's definitely used by young women very frequently to describe themselves. People can disagree, of course, but we definitely do it and it's not an insult, it's gentle mockery at most. The idea of the hipster is pretty much a myth/outdated now-- all it means now is "ironic." That's what I meant by hipstery. It's "meta" or semi-putting yourself down as a joke. Actually hipsters wear the "basic bitch" shirts all the time. Anyway just check out the #basicbitch hashtag on Twitter sometime, it's mostly girls labeling their own food, clothes, drinks or Snapchat pictures as "basic." It's weird, but it's just one of those cultural things.
  22. That's absolutely how I interpret how she looks at herself. A white girl calling herself a basic bitch absolutely is not the same as a black girl calling herself "ghetto" or "ratchet," particularly a socioeconomically disadvantaged girl (or being a "redneck" or "hick"). Being seen as "basic" might lead to some lighthearted teasing about Starbucks or Skinny Girl margaritas but it isn't going to stop you from getting into school, being respected on a fundamental level, being treated well in stores and restaurants or getting a job. Being read as "ghetto" or as a "hick" very well can. So Kail turning it around on herself is absolutely what she sees as a compliment. Plus it's just a trendy thing to laugh at about yourself.
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