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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. And unless he's never watched porn or gone to a strip club, he has no room to talk. HELLOoooo, you help create the market that allows people to make the kind of money that incentivizes them to be strippers or participate in porn. If there was no audience there would be no porn to begin with. Tyler acted all high and mighty about it too but don't tell me he hasn't watched plenty of porn while evading Catelynn's greasy advances.
  2. "Your statements on MTV have interfered with the sanctity of our aquarium parking lot opiate induced marriage."
  3. Very true-- every time I see complaints about Jenelle on Twitter there are some about her "roast beef flaps" (what people have decided to call her vagina). She and Kail deserve flack for the effects they have on other human beings, but every time it's reduced to "she's a slut/fucks around" I feel like the point has been majorly missed and they're almost getting a free pass. Women get called sluts and have their bodies insulted all the time, unfortunately. What they're doing is sociopathic and has little to do with mere "sluttiness."
  4. Yeah, I was pretty disturbed by that. Her letter didn't even mention Bentley, much less her own child. It was all about her and his parents, who are all adults who fully knew about the addiction. Anyway the whole thing is going in circles now so whatever, but all I'm saying is that I don't see a convincing argument about why she should have kept quiet about the drug use onscreen. That's not the tenor of this show and it takes away its entire point, which is producer- driven drama. I'm pretty sure the 'stars' don't even choose their storylines and that addiction specialist was 100% handpicked by MTV for scheduled, likely semi or fully scripted conversations so the network could rewrite their enabling and broadcasting of addiction as a PSA, so it all seems pretty moot to me. Calling CPS or going to court is a separate issue and no one has said she isn't irresponsible for failing to do that.
  5. Hmm. I'm on the fence with the Maci issue because I do think she's being ridiculous by not bringing this to the attention of CPS but also publicly whining about it, plus the Farrah-related hypocrisy, but I certainly don't blame her for talking about the issues onscreen any more than I blame any of them for being involved with MTV. Aren't we way past "not her business" once they're on a reality show about their interpersonal drama for 9 years and the producers tell them what to talk about and probably select the storyline anyway? She and Ryan have been bitching about each other onscreen for nine years and getting paid for it. Why is his drug use somehow sacred? Should the other addicts on the show have been afforded the same privacy?
  6. It's totally not ideal. I just don't know that people are even really concerned about that when it's all just vagina/slut/"close your legs" comments. (Also, I'd love to retire that last phrase...last I checked, both people had to have their legs parted to some degree to have sex).
  7. I totally agree with all of this, except I've never totally faulted her for how she acted with Jo's family. He's grown up a lot but he was an absolute asshole at the time (as was she) and they were both immature kids, and she'd been abandoned by her alcoholic mom while pregnant. I can't imagine I'd have been able to act super gracious in those shoes either at 16. But every other thing-- YES. It's fine to fake abuse from a partner and abuse one yourself? It's fine to make racist comments? It's fine to be verbally abusive to everyone constantly? To be materialistic as all hell? To alienate your kids from their dads? Yet what everyone focuses on is that she's "slutty." I don't think most people are that upset that she is being irresponsible and creating chaos for her kids by having so many baby daddies, not using protection, etc. I think they like to gloat because it means she's a "whore." At least that's what all the comments seem to imply. I could care less if she "takes her pants off" for 800 guys, girls, whatever. Just use a condom when you do and don't mess up your kids' lives. People don't even seem that upset by the DV...either her own or the fake claims against Jo which could have ruined his life. The not-on-this-board crowd is often similar with Jenelle. She's a child neglecting animal-and-person abuser but let's laugh about what we think her vagina looks like instead. *eyeroll*
  8. As a gift from the universe for giving birth, all I want is a music video for one of these songs.
  9. Like...a LOT of them. *Shudder*
  10. Are any of the dogs still with her? I know there was one that Nathan got back and then re-homed twice.
  11. I don't know why but the animal abuse sticks with me on this show more than anything. Was it Nathan and Jenelle who shoved those big dogs in those tiny cages? And whatever happened that mysterious night to Cate's pig? I don't know if it qualifies as neglect but Chelsea's puppy got attacked by a neighbor dog and killed.
  12. People did that even in my PhD program-- they needed to write the final conclusion to their dissertation and whatnot but graduation was when it was and they attended because they'd done this for 7 years and weren't going to miss it. But to do it after six years of a bachelor's is a bit different, really. I think if she was starting a master's we'd all know alllllll about it.
  13. Yeah, the original song includes way more of her voice unfortunately. I thought maybe she was joking with all this but she did interviews about how rap is important to us all or something. They sounded genuine!!!! I'm dying!!!!!
  14. Yes, that's my point. I'm really wondering how Ryan is doing now. 30 days is *brief* for such a serious addiction. I wonder if he's already relapsed or will soon, or if Mack has him under lock and key. Would she be the type to look the other way like Jen or watch him like a hawk? Well, that is better than what I made up. At the end of the day these kids shouldn't even be watching the show. It's never been age appropriate for a child anyway. No use in picking and choosing what's "most" inappropriate. Also, Tyler went to a strip club on-screen and that didn't matter I guess. *Sigh*
  15. Yeah, they called it Red's Last Bender or something--she was twerking. badly. Nothing wrong with twerking, but her lack of butt made it pretty funny. And of course the hypocrisy.
  16. I would assume because Mack insisted and Ryan is sort of one of those loser-pushovers. Yes he's on drugs, but he has also always just really wanted things to be easy for him (hence why he hated Maci so much during her pregnancy; it was inconvenient). If she'll throw less of a fit if she wears a wedding dress, so be it...you know? He gets his sex, drugs, and parental approval, and the status of being married, which 'round their parts seems pretty important. His parents will get somewhat off his back and Mack basically had to almost die in that car before she would even mildly whine "Ryannnn....."
  17. Wait, does she know this is ridiculous? Does she think it's good? Does David tell her it's good?!?!?! I am speechless right now. And this was her original "Debz OG" single. I'm sorry if we already discussed this when I wasn't around, but this is a revelation to me. Holy. Shit. The lyrics!
  18. And also, good luck with that after that video! Yeah, I don't get it either. Maybe he's just one of those people who gets aggressively pursued (which Mack clearly does with him) and just gives in and doesn't much care either way? Like, he'll just accept it as long as they make nice and have sex with him? She's not going to nag him, she's always on his side, she makes things easy for him. Probably is willing to do the cooking and cleaning, and he could very well be attracted to her. Yes she's not gorgeous (and nor is Maci) but he could easily personally find her attractive. She's young and malleable and his parents adore her and have pushed it. I doubt he's thinking about the reasons for their union all that deeply.
  19. A lot of us speculated she was essentially his caretaker for a while. Obviously that's not true, but it seems to be their dynamic.
  20. So who do we think are "all the motherfuckers" that Cate is calling out in the preview for the reunion? The Haters? Which ones?
  21. Oh, I'm sure that letter had Jen's blessing all over it. I also don't think Mack is smart enough to calculate all those numbers...
  22. Right, but...all of them do that too. They've all signed up again and again in the throes of addiction. It seems like a wash, and it's hard to know what to condemn and what to think someone needs real help for (and everything in between) when you're dealing with this level of dysfunction among this many people. But nobody blamed Barb for Jenelle's actions or Gary for Amber's.
  23. I thought so. I thought that was publicized animal abuse incident #2.
  24. I'm seeing it as a dress sort of thing over pants?
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