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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. Yes, or if she absolutely had to grab something because she'd had a long shift at work and no groceries-- she couldn't get him a special snack or gone through a drive through while he napped in the car, or gently let him know the schedule for the day and that she understood he was tired but as soon as Grandma got a sandwich, he could go straight to sleep? She can't muster a soothing tone? Nope, let's just scream all day. I don't get personally how Jenelle ONLY gets people with such huge violence problems. Look, I get that domestic violence laws now can sometimes get really extreme in certain situations. I get that a couple of immature 20-year-olds in a toxic relationship could get drunk, get in a nasty fight, and shove each other or even slap each other. They should break up and maybe they get arrested and go to therapy but I don't think mistakes like that necessarily make you undateable or not marriage material as you mature and learn and get over yourself, quit drinking so much, etc. I get that people have abusive childhoods and bad upbringings and terrible role models and don't know how to deal with conflict so it might take them a few mistakes to learn. Maybe they only learned to yell and scream and call names and they have to grow out of that. But none of her partners have had any custody of their children. David beat a heavily pregnant woman so badly she was injured. He left her on the side of the road. Nathan pretended to be gone for days on a trip but then appeared from the shadows clearly high and laughing hysterically about being there the whole time. How do you ONLY find total creepers, junkies, and serial killer level violent people? Is that on her Tinder profile? Aren't there any normal people who may have gotten in some trouble and moved on but aren't at that level of insane, heartless, and cruel? Or is that her fetish? When people called her out about David, she was all, "people have pasts and make mistakes !!1!" A la Amber's reaction to Matt. I get that if someone was an addict and is now sober, or if you hit your girlfriend once when you were an asshole 22 year old with a host of issues and did your time or got your therapy or whatever, or you cheated in the past but you've become a more faithful and empathetic person. But these girls seem to think that "in the past" literally just means "that event happened at some point that is not at this moment," not something that requires any growth.
  2. Unfortunately even if there are buses, they are not always accessible. My husband is a quadriplegic and as soon as you deal with the reality of accessibility in this country you realize what a daily struggle it is and how many people are deeply ignorant about it. That's one reason I can't get fully on the Corey praise train. He has been so in denial of her disability to the point of insisting that she will walk down the aisle on her wedding day, people are making a big deal out of nothing, he "knows" she will walk, and that she isn't really disabled. Not only is that dangerous for her medical care, but it's offensive. You don't have to walk to live a worthwhile life. Plenty of people work full time, buy homes, fall in love, marry, have children, make art, and get graduate degrees with disabilities and he acts like that's not possible. Walking is really not the be-all end-all of life. If accessibility was improved, if would help things a lot more than just pushing people with muscular dystrophy to walk (I remember the episode where he said Leah let Ali be "lazy" by not walking all the time and using the wheelchair while he made her walk...eyeroll). Luckily at the last doctor's appointment he seemed to have evolved. Hopefully he will continue to do so. Maybe he has educated himself more.
  3. Dang, that is some aggressive flirting in the sneak peeks from next week. I don't want to slut shame (would be the same if a guy was doing it with a girl who seemed so uninterested), but man, I guess we know how she snowed two people into immediate marriage. If he had wanted to skip dinner and bang in the truck she'd have been game. Hard to watch because I know she's probably really hurt and that's the dad of her child, but man. The secondhand embarrassment is real.
  4. Thank you. Everything here. Instead it seems like Jenelle really wants to pick at the situation so she gets to punish Nathan by not letting him see Kaiser AND winning in court. And Nathan wants to perpetually bitch about not seeing Kaiser but also have his heyday in court. I'd hate to be the poor judge who decides who is the "more fit" parent in this case. We all know about Jenelle, but Nathan has no job, 3-4 DUIs, clearly a roid and alcohol problem, no custody of his other child, and domestic violence charges of his own. Sentencing the child to more time with either of these people would be more like a punishment than anything else. Also, why do neither Barb nor Jenelle understand that Jace is having trouble transitioning and try to gently ease the change from one house to the other? Instead they seem to scream that he's "mean" or "bad" or use his obviously confused behavior as a means of minor revenge against the other person..."He's only bad when he comes back from your house," "Why are you so mean to me after you've been with Mommy?"
  5. And then he cheated with her! Who cheats on Miranda...with Leah?!?!?! So upsetting.
  6. But that's their job. At the end of the day, they're essentially actors.
  7. Oh no-- Leah and Jeremy's dinner date for next week! Terrifying.
  8. Lol @ "virtually impossible." I was kidding about the possibility of Chelsea rethinking social norms or adopting some kind of critical feminist mindset. She's a nice girl, but that's not gonna happen. I like Chelsea, but she's not a bright girl and never has been. Lots of other great qualities, but she's really quite dim. Amber is similarly dim, yes. As is Leah. I'd be really interested to learn the girls' IQs.
  9. I don't know if Chelsea is really having any feminist thoughts or engaging in thoughtful critiques of social norms and the nuanced symbolism of cultural practices, lol. Her ring is shiny and she took 47 years to get her GED. I think the timeline as presented was awkward, but certainly after the fact she says they planned it for a long time and it's made clear that quite a bit of time passed due to the hospital visit and her desire not to discuss the issue on camera. Named after a gun?! These people are class acts.
  10. But she states clearly that they were planning for the baby, so that's not the issue in this case.
  11. Yeah, I assume there was indeed a big gap or the first conversation was staged. MTV fiddles with timelines all the time. They might have screwed with it this time out of respect because my understanding is she didn't want to talk about the miscarriage on camera. I assume she wouldn't want the yay, I'm pregnant convos shown either. They were going to announce on their Christmas cards :(
  12. Javi mentioned being at the hospital with her on the episode.
  13. What proof does anyone have that she faked a miscarriage or cheated besides a blind item?! Is there any scrap of evidence? Presumably Javi went with her to the hospital and she was bleeding. She seems devastated, isn't that good of an actor, and says they planned it down to a science. Javi is wildly jealous. I doubt he'd hide something like that when he wouldn't even shut up about phone passwords and Jo being on Kailyn's porch on camera.
  14. People change their minds and I didn't see her as saying "absolutely no." They were discussing whether or not they wanted one and she seemed less sure about the timing but she's always said she may want more kids. I'm sure we saw one producer-imposed conversation about it and they had many in private. I think miscarriages are probably always sad even if you weren't sure of the timing. They were married, it's not like she was 14 and having wild unprotected sex with a douchebag (though Javi might qualify, lol).
  15. Some of these girls are walking manifestations of Daddy issues.
  16. "Do you think Mommy gets a lot of boyfriends really fast?" is completely inappropriate to ask a child.
  17. "Not okay" with another woman's choice to use or not use birth control with her partner? Wow. She definitely seemed like she was willing to have a baby. Miscarriages are heartbreaking and abortions are a personal choice.
  18. Yeah, as much as I loved Jenelle's reaction, Jessica a "sweetheart?" And she knows this from one conversation? And a sweetheart would decide to be Nate's girlfriend? Kay.
  19. He has not worked in over a year. He has admitted to that and laughed in Dr. Drew's face when he suggested a job. That much is inarguable. I would hesitate to think he finished out a degree at community college (he says he "studied there," which generally means "dropped out") unless I had proof, much as I take Kail's accusations with a grain of salt without proof. You're right that the child support/arrest for that (though not for the drugs, that's documented) may have been a story line...all of it may have been, in fact, and this could all be quite unprovable. It's ambiguous whether or not Jo cheated on Vee with Kail at the beginning of their relationship (when she cheated on Jordan) and Jo has also accused Kail of "trying" to cheat during her pregnancy. Kailyn accused Jo of cheating on her during her pregnancy. When she hooked up with Jordan, however, she and Jo were definitely not together. Since Jo has not proven to be any less trashy than Kail, I'm of the opinion that some hanky panky on both sides happened at inappropriate times when they were younger, though Kailyn is the only one who still gets called a whore for it. They were both immature, selfish asses. Kailyn has anger and abuse problems and Jo also appears to have problems with rage and laziness. From a 2012 episode on why he hasn't paid any child support at all for months: "I could use that money for my music career." Really? K. But he's a great dad and not selfish at all.
  20. Good point. The swearing isn't embarrassing, but a pajama top is humiliating?
  21. Yeah-- bulimics, for example, are often not thin. But people hear "eating disorder" and think "thin," which has caused a lot of issues when it gets discredited or neglected.
  22. Jenelle might finally actually serve some jail time. Unfortunately that might be best for her.
  23. However, just pointing out that 1) this was not Kailyn's first rodeo with yet another of Suzi's boyfriends. If at 18, Kaiser is living with his mom after having a child and while working two jobs and her 700th dick is mad at him about something, I've got to be honest that I wouldn't blame him for being pissed and leaving. Maybe some would feel that she "owed him respect" but at that point I'd be fucking over it and my mom's entire trashy bit, especially if she had done it my whole life and neglected me due to said boyfriends, unabashedly and with no apology, and openly said she loved me less than them. I wouldn't much care about what they thought of me, either. It'd be the last straw at some point. 2) Kail did not cheat on Jo. He had already left her. 3) Jo was arrested for more than just child support; he was arrested in 2014 for drugs and was in the car with someone who was intoxicated (or high?) and, I believe, got a DUI. Not the worst thing in the world, but the only arrest he's ever had was not just for child support, just to clarify. Delaware child support laws do specifically mention incarceration as one possible result if you don't pay. Kailyn has her own issues but Jo is no angel.
  24. Kaiser: Well Jenelle, I seen you with ______ (insert bfs name here)
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