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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. Yeah, I think we as humans naturally want a "good guy/girl" in any narrative, and a villain. It's hard to reconcile Corey's good job as a dad with his heartbreaking infidelity. But the same person can do both good and horrible things. I also assume Miranda wanted absolutely none of it mentioned on camera, so it was downplayed.
  2. Lol omg. I used to think Jenelle was one of the slightly smarter ones...her recent comments have dramastically altered that perception for me.
  3. On TMOG they specifically prompt them: "How's Gary right now? What does he think about the custody agreement? Have you talked to him today? What does Kristina think about Matt?" The whole time over drinks, at a pizza joint, whatever. I'm assuming they do the same thing...let's go over to Chelsea's while Grandma is there and have her ask about Adam. They're essentially actors/employees.
  4. So fucking true. He doesn't even ever take a turn watching the baby and then gets on her for being exhausted. It's not like he works or goes to school.
  5. I'm not sure why we are supposed to find child neglect dramatic and fun to watch, but apparently MTV thinks we should.
  6. Haha, true. Miranda would have been 100% justified in leaving and could have found a man as good or better quite easily. I'm sure Leah sees it as a victory. I bet Corey is embarrassed by it too, especially now.
  7. This is also a reason you shouldn't handle wedding planning while 28 months pregnant. I'd be a bitch if I was trying to shove a wedding in before deployment and a baby, too. That whole thing was a mess. I don't know why they did it but it clearly wasn't out of love. Re: the earrings thing, I think it's obnoxious but it's also extremely common. A lot of wedding practices now are fucking ridiculous IMO.
  8. Fucking seriously on the Javi stuff. I was sitting there with my mouth open, just totally shocked. And that he'd think it was actually NBD enough to admit it! She's bleeding profusely and your instinct is to be like, this isn't about me enough?
  9. Dang-- I don't find the dude attractive but he does make me want to work on my abs.
  10. I assume most of the Adam talk is prompted and pushed by producers. It's sort of irritating because I wouldn't mind just watching Aubree do something fun or funny with her grandma, or knowing more about the rest of Chelsea's family, or what Aubree enjoys, or even about how/why Randy's marriage to Chelsea's mom ended if they want to talk drama. I don't need to hear about Adam yet again. The MTV producers really push the same 2-3 issues every single episode and force a certain storyline. Adam is Chelsea's storyline. I guess because they assume any level of basic functioning (it's not like Chelsea and co are the most incredible, selfless people on earth, they're just basically normal people and even that's too "good" for MTV) is not fun to watch. I actually feel like the extreme dysfunction we constantly see ends up desensitizing the viewer. Jenelle's 800th court date or someone screaming absolute bloody murder or watching Adam be a shitty father for the umpteenth time get old and wear you down as a viewer. Re: the Corey situation, it was definitely more than once. He was accused of cheating before the marriage and for "several months" afterward. He has never denied this, even when sitting right next to Leah and Miranda on national television, and in fact simply responded that "they had moved past that." So I'm inclined to believe it wasn't a 1-time thing since they were in the middle of a fight and that was the one thing Leah said that he didn't dispute in any way. All I can say is that I hope he now worships Miranda and the ground she walks on daily. Even on the most superficial level (beauty, looks) all the way to the soul/moral level, she is far superior to Leah and he humiliated her by betraying her. I'm sure Leah privately cackled about that as well and felt vindicated. Ugh.
  11. I'm sort of excited and I'm aware that makes me a bad person. Well, and his daughter's mom isn't on TV.
  12. His act of cheating, though, regardless of anything else, was far worse than Kailyn's. She had a boyfriend and was 18, he was older and had a new wife. And it was more than once, on and off for several months. That's what I mean about the double standard. It feels gendered to me but perhaps that's not true. Regardless of anything else these people have done, he was a repeated adulterer and that in and of itself takes away a lot from anything I can respect about someone's character. It's also hard to see his complaining about Leah as 100% sincere when he obviously didn't find much wrong with her and considered her preferable to, at least occasionally, and more important than, his wife. Maybe that's not what he meant to communicate, but that's what cheating repeatedly says. By "condemned" I just mean that he acted like it was an awful thing to do, which it is, but then turned around and did it himself. And he told Leah he was going to file for divorce, so she cut him off at the pass, was my understanding. Anyway, he certainly probably wouldn't touch Leah now with a ten foot pole if she begged him stark naked, so that's something. But Jeremy is clearly in love with Leah and in denial (kidding). It's so hard for me to see why anyone would have "a weakness" for this girl, but apparently she's hot stuff in their town, I guess.
  13. Uncle Dave left his pregnant girlfriend by the side of the road and beat her so badly it required a hospital visit. I think he might actually be even worse than Jenelle.
  14. I've never heard of a wedding where that wasn't required, except my own. Maybe it's a regional thing? Who knows. It's definitely a weird tradition and I'm not into it. But it's hugely common.
  15. No, literally any video from Girls/an interview with Lena/article about her and you'll find several dozen (if not more) commenters saying they hope she dies, she's disgusting, revolting, hideous, the ugliest woman they've ever seen, makes them want to throw up...it's emphatically not "a few trolls."
  16. He just appears to be far more mature and confident to me now, and said as much on a reunion show (that Miranda has given him strength and caused him to act differently, stand up for himself and what is right, etc). We can agree to disagree. I think the cheating makes him far less mature/integritous than, say, Chelsea, Cole, or even Jo or Javi (who I hate), but I get that that's not a popular opinion. I think it's a pretty enormous thing to get past in terms of character flaws/misdeeds. And of course he was polite to her in the past-- for much of that time, he was sleeping with her off and on. I just don't like to condemn women for cheating (like Kailyn even at 18 or whatever she was when she was just dating Jordan fairly casually, but still gets called "a cheater"), while letting married men off the hook. Adultery, especially repeated adultery, is a major matter, it's not something I'd just wave off as a minor mistake. That said, he does appear to be a fundamentally good person and good father. Leah lacks any kind of moral center; that may have been true for Corey previously, but I don't think it's true now. Remember, their marriage ended because of her adultery and he condemned her for it, but then he turned around and did Miranda even worse just a short time later. That seems out of character for him and it's very confusing.
  17. I agree, but many people seem to take it as a given:http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/what-costs-should-the-bri_b_5340418.html
  18. I never said he treated Leah badly at all. I said in general, he acts like a more educated/classier person around Miranda. He seems to be influenced by the people he's around...he did the will they/won't they/cheating thing with Leah, kept trying to go back to her, and in general acted like more of an ass and immature. Not TOWARDS Leah, but around her. With Miranda's influence, he's become more mature, seemingly. He definitely comes across more like a stand-up family man with her. I assume that is partly her doing. He's definitely treated Miranda far more poorly than he treated Leah. And yeah, I think the cheating was an on/off thing for quite a while. There's absolutely no excusing it. I agree with that. I personally think Miranda is too good for Corey, but she must see something in him. With regards to the cheating, I assume she didn't know about it until after the marriage. She seems to be a fairly religious, traditional small-town Southern woman. She has made comments about her marriage being sacred to her/extremely important and the fact of being married, also important. I assume that that's part of the reason she stands by her man/hasn't thought of leaving (though we don't know she hasn't) since they are married.
  19. Idk, I just remember the drama with the maid of honor. She was supposed to take care of everything because Kailyn was pregnant, and the bridesmaids hated her. Most bridesmaid situations I know about require you to buy the jewelry and dress the bride chooses, nowadays. I think that's really odd and I'd never do that, but it's very common.
  20. I don't think being a guy has anything to do with it, but he definitely did it. At the reunion she said "things happened between us when they were first married that were disrespectful to Miranda," and he agreed and said they had had to move past it. She indicated it happened for a few months, not once. He not only looked uncomfortable but contributed to the story by talking about Miranda forgiving him. If anything at all about it was untrue, he'd have said something. In my mind, the act of cheating makes someone a cheater. No matter how you cut it, that's disgusting and horrific behavior, and gender doesn't excuse anything. I'm a Miranda fan so I felt extremely hurt for her, especially since she was a newlywed and it was with Leah, who she has to keep seeing. It definitely seems he's matured and they've moved on, but I'm sure it still hurts her. That's not easy to get over. Plus, hearing him complain about Leah while knowing he found her enticing enough to cheat with when you were first married must be gutting. Doesn't make him a bad dad or person and people do bad things all the time while still being good people. But, inarguably disgusting choices. Leah was no more at fault than he was. Having my husband cheat on me more than once in our first few months of marriage with his bitchy ex and then having to be the stepmom to their twin young children and be on his side in custody battles against the person he cheated with? Yikes. I wouldn't have wanted to be in Miranda's position. She doesn't get enough credit. It's not Corey that's some great, selfless person. It's her. Corey acted a lot trashier and less upstanding with Leah; with Miranda, he's more of a stand up guy. I think that's at least partly her doing. He'd better hold onto her, she's a good one.
  21. She wrote later something about "finally" getting her dream house or something. Bitch, aren't you like 23 with no job?!
  22. The earring thing was Javi's sisters and they had a problem with Kailyn's maid of honor (don't remember who that was), not Kailyn. This is why I didn't have bridesmaids... Just writing that sentence was stressful.
  23. It's not like they're anything special. Corey is a cheater, but I think he has more potential to be a good husband and dad. Jeremy I personally think is pretty much a jerk. Good work ethic, but interpersonally, nah. Unfortunately, Leah is too. I don't think she has to be a jerk, but that will take a lot of effort on her part that I'm not sure she's willing to put in.
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