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Everything posted by simplyme

  1. Every generation gets that rap and some names when young. *grins* I looked up the history of the term "whippersnapper" one day (Thanks, Gabby Hays) and found this: Throughout the years, the term "whippersnapper" became synonymous with a young person who had an excess of impudence and ambition. The term may also have been derived from those habits of young men who idled away the time by snapping whips. The actual meaning of a whippersnapper is "a diminutive or insignificant person, especially a sprightly or impertinent youngster." Author Christopher Marlow mentioned the term "snipper snapper" in "The Tragical History of Doctor Faustaus," written in 1604.
  2. Amen. Through the years, I've played a variety of Dungeons & Dragons characters. None of them would ever be confused with the real me, particularly not the hard-drinking cleric who spent her time playing cards in a whorehouse (the whorehouse bit was technically the fault of the monk in the party. You'll notice my cleric was playing cards.) The monk was played by a mild-mannered female friend. My pacifist brother played a female gnome druid who started a tavern brawl. I found Will slightly grating, but only because he was excitedly spewing the "Generations At War!" theme crap that TPTB are pushing atm. I'll be better able to judge people once that crap settles down.
  3. If he really wants to sell those, he'll add a target and scores and size them for a dartboard.
  4. They could just go from three tribes into the merge rather than back into two, I suppose?
  5. I think this just goes to show how different people hear things differently. :) I actually kind of liked what Ken said. He said not to underestimate the Millennials, which I thought was an okay thing to say at that point since it was kind of starting to turn into a Millennial-bashing party, not just a Gen X morale-builder, imo. I'd let her choose whatever she wants to identify as... or not. Generations are mostly hype, but the border years between Gen X and Millennials are sometimes called the Oregon Trail generation or years. @RockShrimp, this might be the Gen Y you are referring to. It's the kids that grew up with pcs, but not really part of Millennials. (It seems like academic people have used Gen Y for a huge range of years and odd things, so I quit using it, but that's just me.) The biggest problem I could see with Survivor: Carnivores v. Vegans is that if food ran really low, we know which original tribe the winner would be from. *ducks and runs* Ahem. Sorry.
  6. I wouldn't trust this guy to be loyal, though.
  7. I was in Australia when their second season of BB ran, and viewer vote determined who was evicted each week and the eventual winner. It was god awful. I'm out. Loved spending time with yinz, though, and hope to see some of you on the Survivor boards. :)
  8. Here's an article that susses out the generations and general dates for them. They're somewhat debatable: http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2014/03/here-is-when-each-generation-begins-and-ends-according-to-facts/359589/ Gen X is 1965 to 1984. Gen Y is an old term. Millennial is 1982 to 2004. And I'm pretty sure Probst was attempting to say that the birth years on the tribes ran from 63 to 82 for Gen X and 84 to 97 for Millennials, not that those were the defined years for the generations because they aren't.
  9. But apparently it does get you cast on BB. I'm pretty sure it's on the casting checklist for potential female HGs.
  10. Well, he's certainly 18 rather than 18 going on 30.
  11. Oh, I'm not saying Paul realized that was the reason he took Nicole instead of James. I'm sure he justified it to himself, or I could be wrong. (It happens, I admit.) But Paul is a more emotional player than he realizes, and he's made strategic mistakes this season because of it. (Example: It would have been in his best interest to keep Natalie over James, and Victor realized this, but Paul was set on Natalie going and didn't even try to manipulate things to save her rather than James. Granted, it worked out to his advantage in the end, but it could have bit him in the ass.) I was just saying that I thought Paul took Nicole because unconsciously his dislike of James influenced his decision.
  12. The above is a @LadyChatts quote I stole from the Rachel Ako thread. I don't know yet if it's really a guy thing. Bret and Chris seemed tight, and possibly Paul (though we didn't truly see that). We saw Bret talking more strategy to Jessica than to Paul, in fact. I definitely got the vibe that Bret did not take to Ken. I don't know if it was an age thing, a model vs policeman thing, if Bret felt his alphaness threatened when Ken offered that he'd lived off the grid in Maui when they were planning stuff, or what. Or maybe I just didn't take to Bret and am projecting. :P I also think any guylliance plans could be limited not only by not including Ken, but by David being scared of everything and the upcoming events mentioned in the "next week..." segment.
  13. Whereas I think he just really dislikes James, has for a long time, and was therefore emotionally influenced to take Nicole.
  14. You don't think his answer would be, "That HOH that you and Da gave to me, when I broke my word and put you and Frank up and Frank went home"? *snrk* Can't imagine why.
  15. Paul might have lost to James, too, though. Meech and Nat would have voted James, and given Paul's answers... who knows.
  16. I'm not that shocked Nicole won. She had much better jury management than Paul did. BB is a social game. It isn't about how many competitions you win or even necessarily about making big moves. It's about two things: getting to F2, and once there convincing the jury to vote for you, either because they like you more OR you played a better game. Nicole got to F2 smoothly. Paul was on the block HOW many times? Five? Six? To me, that isn't strong gameplay. That means you effed up. It's more fun to watch, but the viewers aren't voting. And in the end, Nicole pissed off fewer people, had better support, and Paul's big mouth sank him. I still don't like either of them, but I think the view that Paul played a better game has some holes in it.
  17. The three women in the main alliance knew they were splitting votes and targetting Rachel and CeCe. Lucy voted for CeCe and maybe one of the other women did too? I don't see the guys telling Lucy and not Sunday and Jessica. I don't think it said what the advantage was. It said if you were still there on day 36, you got an advantage. If you were voted out, you got to pick someone to leave it to. She said she intended to still be there on day 36 to use it. Obviously I'll have to go back and rewatch to see the stupid rhyme to make sure.
  18. Bret isn't that good at math. Six people splitting the vote and not including the other four can backfire on you if the other four work together. I think he's too cocky to make it to the end. The Legacy thingie is interesting. It simply says an advantage on Day 36, so that's vague. I like how if you get voted out, you have to will it to someone else, so it will be there at Day 36. (I wonder if that will be done publicly? Could put a target on someone.) They definitely chose some people for their ability to meet the generational stereotype. I could not stop laughing at the Tri-Force, and SimplyMom just kept making "Duuuur" noises throughout much of the Millenials camp footage. I couldn't figure out who it was who asked, "Is that bad?" when Jeff told them the storm had been upgraded to a cyclone and they were being evacuated. After Adam's talking head about how "unprecedented" this was, we just started calling him Captain Obvious. I liked Zeke, Mari, and Hannah more than I expected to. I didn't get much of a feel for most of Gen X (aside from Dave, Rachel, and Sunday's voice, which I am including as its own entity here since it stopped my father in his tracks as he passed through the living room.) Rachel pretty much sealed her own doom by volunteering for two things she did poorly at in the IC, aside from any personality clashes. That said, some of them give me "I have the potential to be a real jackass" vibes, but I'll have to wait and see. I did kind of like Ken, but it's the first episode. Apparently the editing monkeys didn't think it was important to show us how CeCe ended up alienated, unless that was a case of "she appears to be closest to Rachel and we decided to reassure Dave by not voting for him."
  19. Maybe as done by Jim Carrey?
  20. I wondered if one reason Billy went with Adam was that he doesn't want to risk losing a certain part of any possible retained fanbase that might be offended by an association with Miley. She may have a better understanding of the transition, but different people handle it differently. He probably respects her talent and career, but feels Adam has as many relevant contacts in the business and more experience as a coach. Only Billy knows the real reason, though. Anyways, I don't think it was as stupid a choice as others seem to.
  21. Yes. All this. Sophia was one hell of a performer. Sa'rayah is someone that I can see being very polarizing, especially since SimplyDad, my stand-in for the common man, couldn't make it through her audition. Also, "Stone Cold" is not the song to choose for an audition, Katie. It's an emotional, over the top song that makes even singers with good control sound like angsty, screechy teens. If you only have one chance to make the cut, that's probably not the sound you want to shoot for. *sigh*
  22. So does my septuagenarian mom. She's a YouTube freak. My dad's more into eBay. Don't tell Michelle. She'll be crushed.
  23. This was the first chance I've had to watch The Voice this season, and so far I am psyched by the change in coaches. It's nice to see a more level playing field between the four, and Miley and Alicia don't have to look to someone else to decide if someone is good. They also aren't intimidated at all. (I can't wait until Miley changes outfits, though, so my hands will stop twitching with the urge to start ripping those damn flowers off.) Obviously final judgments on them as coaches will have to wait to see how song selection and mentoring goes, but so far I'm enjoying the hell out of them. Also, it's really nice to put to rest the fallacy that you can't have two female coaches/judges without a cat fight breaking out. Sure you can. It's all in the personalities you cast. I don't remember the names of many of the singers, but overall I was happy. The really shy girl (woman? I can't remember her age or name) had potential if she can get some training and keep working. She just lacks the control and practice right now. I'm assuming some of it was nerves and some wasn't. Either way, good for her for managing to get through and be so happy. (Also, she had nice skin and amazing facial bone structure. I thought she was gorgeous.) Billy has a beautiful voice. I was trying to decide how much his having a Grammy bothered me, then I decided that if Meghan Lindsey, formerly of Steel Magnolias, and Alison Porter, childhood movie star, can be on, why not a guy whose voice, life, and music style has changed? I don't see a significant difference there. There was something about Brendan that gave me irrational dislike vibes in his intro package, but I quite liked the tone of his voice. I'm hoping the dislike goes away. I laughed when Blake turned for Dan, the 56-year-old, because Blake is highly market conscious. I imagined Blake thinking, "Crap! I got an old guy! He didn't sound old!" (Again, I liked the tone of his voice. For some reason he looked like a short, older Bo Duke to me, and his wife had echoes of Daisy Duke. I'm blaming my ongoing kitchen remodel and the associated sleep deprivation for that strange thought.)
  24. That's what the Simply house did. Watched the Voice, flipped over to find 4 couples in jeopardy and see the creepy actor go home. Glad to see we missed a whole lot o nothing, as expected.
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