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Everything posted by RealHousewife

  1. Excellent post. I forget how accomplished these women are.
  2. Rinna was known to be a nice person in Hollywood. Maybe she realized she took the Housewife antics too far? I like to think at a certain point she didn't recognize herself and realized the toxicity wasn't worth it. I was a fan at one point, hope she is doing okay.
  3. Ditto. Some people hate when the husbands get a lot of air time, but I'm sorry, Joe Gorga & co are entertaining. She is. Her cheekbones are to die for. I thought the same. Jacke is either truly struggling and/or isn't built for this show in the first place. That's not a knock on her. I certainly wouldn't be cut out to deal with the show either. That is technically true, but I get Margaret's point. A 20-year-old isn't equipped to handle a 40-year-old boss. I'm getting closer to 40 myself, and I still struggle to handle some of the men I've worked with. I thought it was gross of Jennifer to weaponize a situation Margaret was taken advantage of. I'm normally team Marge, but I agree that Bill is not at all a sugar daddy. That's more a Hugh Hefner type of situation imo. Jennifer is married to a man who does very well. Good for her.
  4. I enjoy watching the guys too. Jersey has the most entertaining boyfriends/husbands/ex-husbands.
  5. I agree that Erika was far wronger. As much as I hated to see the others laugh, I'd like to think they wouldn't dream of talking to a kid like that. I can definitely laugh when I'm uncomfortable. Dorit may have been guilty of that. Mauricio's comment seemed like it could have been flippant. Kyle on the other hand, she had this gleeful look and was genuinely cracking up telling the story! And she was so happy that Erika let loose the way she did. WTF?! I know how much being a mom means to Kyle. She has always seemed the most nurturing, so I was very disappointed by how dismissive she was of Jax's treatment. I expected better from her. You nailed it!!! 👏 Same. Excellent post by kassa. It astounds me too. Yes! Erika might be the bigger jerk, but that doesn't mean everything about her is worse. She can own being an asshole sometimes. Dorit does this whole innocent act. And again, I do think Dorit is generally one of the more harmless ones, but she still needs to own her hurtful moments.
  6. I agree that Tamra is a knockout, really pretty face and pretty figure too. I couldn't tell if she was really jealous of other hot women or played it up for the show. The two instances I thought Tamra seemed jealous were when she thought Eddie and Vicki were flirting and Eddie allegedly saying he'd either f or marry Lizzie during the game.
  7. I'm not sure which Housewives have said that family is important in their culture. Guessing maybe some Housewives referring to Italian or Turkish culture? Family is going to indeed be important in every culture, but some cultures are definitely much more family-oriented than American culture. In America, children are ideally out of the house upon high school graduation. There is more of a value on independence here than there is in other cultures. Grandparents often live alone, maybe in nursing homes. In many other cultures, multigenerational living is the norm, not the exception. Kids often stay living with their parents through the college years and beyond. Grandparents move in with their kids/grandkids if they're very old/widowed. Nursing homes are only used if there is no other choice. While I think the divorce rate has gown down (partially due to less marriages in the first place), divorce rates in the US are still some of the highest in the world. I believe things like siblings who don't speak to one another is more common here than in many other cultures. Say what you want about them, but both Teresa and Jennifer are particularly family-oriented.
  8. Dolores is strikingly beautiful, and she's so lucky her face is perfection without makeup. The dynamic is odd yet fascinating. I don't know anyone who is like one big, happy family with their ex and current partner.
  9. He's gorgeous! Not surprised with parents as good-looking as his. Dolores is one prettiest Housewives, definitely the prettiest in this cast. I'm not normally into extremely muscular men, but Big Frank is a really handsome fellow. The whole family is beautiful. Off the superficial stuff . . . I was warming up to Teresa. She is just really good TV, and I cut her a lot of slack because I know she isn't the brightest in the cast. But man was she messy! It was not cool to go into Evan's birthday and spread a nasty rumor. I didn't like Jackie using Gia for the analogy. I get that Gia is no longer legally a kid and is a public person, but she is still Teresa's kid and very young. That said, Jackie's poor analogy doesn't mean she and her family aren't still victims. What Teresa did was disgusting.
  10. I'm sure Dorit cares somewhat, but I actually believe Dorit more than Kyle. If Dorit were that concerned with the fans, she'd align herself more with Garcelle and Sutton, not so much Kyle and Erika.
  11. Aligners. I like to snack and drink coffee and tea. I am trying to get better about waiting after I eat/drink to brush in order to be careful with my enamel, but also brush before putting aligners on to prevent cavities. It's a lot of brushing.
  12. I can't with Kyle and her outrage. "What makes you so entitled to think that you are owed an explanation of everything that's going on in my bedroom?" Does she think everyone missed the season she brought Brandi to spread malicious gossip about what goes on in Denise's bedroom? And proceeded to insist Denise be open and honest the rest of the season? She is a bully and a hypocrite.
  13. 100% Garcelle has shown the most emotional intelligence since her first season on the show. She tends to call things correctly, unlike Kyle, Erika, Dorit, Teddi, Rinna, basically almost every other BH Housewife. I'm not saying she is perfect. She is only human, but I don't want to pick apart one of the few cast members who is consistently kind and thoughtful. I applaud Garcelle for not giving in to this Erika is a victim nonsense when everyone else has. It's ironic that Dorit referred to Garcelle as passive aggressive before, because I think she can be described that way. Erika is plain aggressive. Dorit can be very hurtful with her tone and stuff she says but then plays totally innocent. I believe that Dorit isn't anything like Diana Jenkins, Danielle Staub, etc. I don't get a nasty vibe from her, but sometimes with the stuff she says, I think, is Dorit THAT ignorant? A woman of her age who is a wife, mother, business woman, "child of the world," you would really expect her to understand why she's offensive, but it's like pulling teeth to get her to apologize rather than double-down and say she's happy being in her bubble.
  14. I only recently got really into Jersey, and Teresa is one of the most entertaining Housewives in the whole franchise. I get why they paused the show when she was serving time and why she's been a Housewife for so many years.
  15. I just watched the family reunion in Italy, and Joe's not so juicy anymore. Honestly, I always thought his face was cute, "juicy" or skinny.
  16. Honestly, I'm not saying Teresa is some angel, but I see her as someone who is vulnerable to abuse and being a doormat. She lets Joe get away with a lot. She lets her girls get away with a lot. Teresa was wrong to encourage crazy Danielle to pull Margaret's hair. However, she was drunk, and I believe that she didn't think Danielle was going to be so forceful. I think other people pick up on Teresa not being the smartest, and they take advantage of it. What her brother said about her going from crazy jealous with her first boyfriends to not believing Joe is cheating unless she sees it with her own eyes, I cracked up at first but felt bad when it sounded like maybe Teresa's heart is too trusting.
  17. Same. I like Joe Gorga most of the time. He's funny and seems kindhearted. I think he's a cutie too. I totally got Melissa's point about Jackie being smarter with money. I don't think she meant to be hurtful by calling the rest of them losers either. She included herself in the group. Jennifer seems to want to be offended. 100%. I was floored everyone was so offended. Melissa did NOT randomly call the women losers. Her point was Jackie was smart with money, and her kids will benefit from that in the future more than they ever will from elaborate birthday parties.
  18. Correct, Sutton didn't make Annemarie out to be Erika or anything with the way she said don't yell at me. She probably should have said don't be so intrusive or pushy, but we're not always going to pick our words perfectly, especially when we're being grilled about a medical issue on camera. Poor choice of words (happens to the best of us), but Sutton's tone wasn't an overreaction to Annemarie's treatment of her. Sutton was really pretty gracious. Dorit on the other hand has always been extra when it comes to Garcelle. That's why despite Kyle not being nice to Dorit, a part of me is like, this is the person you allow to scream in your face and bully others off the show. Dorit has always dismissed Kyle's actions, defended them, or teamed up with her. I don't think Dorit is malicious, but she made her own bed being part of Fox Force 5. I forgot to post about this, but it was ridiculous Kyle got on to Dorit for not making a point to defend Teddi. I get that people can be OTT when it comes to Teddi. I like that Kyle defends her friend. But Dorit not chiming in on a question that wasn't directly to her after others already defended Teddi, so not a big deal. It's especially rich coming from the person who has a pattern of not defending her so-called friends. She didn't defend Vanderpump or Sutton in multiple instances when they could have used support.
  19. That was a low blow, and I hated how everyone was pushing Julia to apologize to Lisa right after they discussed that. I teared up. I have never had kids, but I can't imagine. You would think after watching everything she could see how cold she came across to Guerdy, but nope. Very disappointing.
  20. Correct. If you check Garcelle's IMDB, she stays pretty busy. Being working actress for all these years is no small feat.
  21. Kathryn was too lovely and classy for this show.
  22. Honestly, the more Annemarie talks, the worse it gets. I thought it was possible Crystal misheard or misunderstood, but now it really does seem like Annemarie wants to be a doctor. Nurses are awesome Annemarie. I feel safer with one around, and I'd be proud of being one if I were. It's a beautiful thing to take care of people. I'm a wuss and can't handle what nursing entails. You're one of the most educated Housewives, and I don't think anyone is trying to take that away. It's pretending to be something you're not so you can further weaponize your medical knowledge that is the problem.
  23. That's horrible. I get Ariana being hurt and pissed, but two wrongs do make a right. And as wrong as it was, what Raquel did wasn't criminal. Revenge porn is.
  24. I don't know if this means I'm getting old or have old-fashioned taste, but I just checked their site, and Talbot's makes some pretty dresses despite its old lady rep. I haven't been to one of their stores in a while though. Maybe you have to do a lot of digging to get to the cute stuff? IDK. My sis used to say Ann Taylor was for old people, but I think we were both in our 20s then, so maybe everything was just too businesslike. They're opening a store near me again, and I'm excited about that. Loft is also nice if you want petite clothing that is pretty.
  25. I remember feeling so horrible for the girl on the tape with R. Kelly. It's traumatizing having that out there, but then it's also traumatizing admitting it was you and fighting it. It's like, what do you do? I don't have anything compromising anywhere, but I know a lot of folks do these days. I wish the revenge porn laws were strong enough so there were less victims in the first place, and less trauma if they do have to go after someone legally.
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