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Everything posted by IntrovertGal

  1. I thought Peter was Genevieve's third husband, not fifth, so I doubt that Peter is gay. I never thought I would say this but I really enjoy the Zoila and Adrian friendship this season. When they kept talking about blood types, I just knew that it would be revealed that Tucker was not Spence's son. Rosie is still annoying but I'm intrigued by The Circle and its endgame.
  2. Sorry, Dust Bunny, I only just saw this, RL has been busy the last few weeks. I'm going in August as well. I'll be based in Edinburgh and will do several group tours from there by coach (since I don't drive). Hopefully, the weather will be nice and it won't rain all the time. ;)
  3. Wow that was bloody brilliant! So much stuff that I have wanted to see for years and a few nice surprises as well. I'm not gonna lie, I teared up when the Northerners were declaring Jon Snow the King in the North, that was epic. And to finally get confirmation of R+L=J after so many years, I'm so happy. When the camera cut away from the baby, I knew we were going to see Jon next. So much fangirl squee! I was spoiled for Cersei blowing up the sept with wildfire but it still felt good to get rid of the High Sparrow. I do feel bad for the Tyrells (especially Loras, I hated seeing him humilate himself) but I'm so glad that the Sparrows are no more. What I did not expect was Cersei becoming queen and sitting on the Iron Throne. And Jaime already being back in King's Landing to witness it and not looking too happy about it, holy crap. I really hope that when Jaime learns everything that Cersei has done (and how that contributed to Tommen's suicide) he will be the one to kill her, that he will be the valonqar from the prophesy. I loved Dany and Tyrion together in this episode. While I will miss Daario's prettiness, I guess Tyrion was right that Dany couldn't bring him to Westeros. Seeing Dany make Tyrion the Hand of the Queen was a nice surprise and also a very moving scene. Those two have great chemistry together. As do Jon and Sansa. Apparently Varys is now teleporting all over the place as well. ;) I'm glad the Dorne scene was short and that the QoT shut up the Sandsnakes pretty effectively, that was satisfying. Haha @ Littlefinger's face when everyone was calling Jon Snow the King in the North. Guess your plan is not working out that great, eh Littlefinger. The music in this finale was truly excellent, especially at the beginning of the episode in the King's Landing scenes. It was appropriately somber and almost melancholy, just very fitting. The very last shot of the episode (and the season) was absolutely gorgeous with all the ships, the armies, the dragons, the Targaryen, Martell and Greyjoy banners, etc. It was a bit predictable of D&D to end the season on another Dany / dragons scene but it sure was pretty to look at.
  4. I'm going to Scotland this summer. :) I will visit Culloden, Fort William, Edinburgh, Inverness, Doune Castle (which provides the setting for Castle Leoch in the show), etc. I'm looking forward to exploring all those Outlander-related places very much and to hearing the Scottish accent in real life. It will also be interesting to visit Scotland after Brexit.
  5. Agreed! BJR being BJR saw no other way to express his grief and rage other than through violence. Despite what Alex may think about BJR having a gentle and tender side, the sadistic evil part of BJR will always win out. That's just who he is. At least he is self-aware enough to recognise that. I just rewatched the episode and was again struck by the sheer brilliance of the scene between Claire and BJR in the pub. Both Tobias Menzies and Caitriona Balfe gave an absolutely excellent performance, so rich in subtext and history between these two characters.
  6. I enjoyed this episode a lot. After a few action-packed episodes, it was nice to get a quieter, more reflective one. I was a bit thrown at first that the Randall storyline took place in Inverness and not in Edinburgh, but in the end it did not really matter. Like others here, I was very relieved that Jamie was not a witness to Mary and BJR's wedding on the show. I always hated that in the book and thought it made no sense. Also glad that BJR was not redeemed on the show (punching your own dead brother's body, BJR, really?). I agree with Ira Behr, BJR is definitely one of the most complex characters on the show and while I may loathe the evil sadistic bastard, he is never boring and Tobias Menzies brought across the character's layers perfectly one more time. Seeing BJR truly loving his brother and being gentle with him was so jarring with what we usually see of the character. I thought Claire and BJR's conversation about Jamie and about BJR not wanting to inflict his dark urges on the woman his brother loves was highly fascinating. I also loved the scene with Column, Dougal and Jamie, all three actors really brought it in that scene. The parallels of the two pairs of brothers was nicely done and how each surviving brother reacted to the death of his brother was interesting, to say the least. Claire reiterating to Jamie that she would help him kill BJR should he survive Culloden was very intense. You could feel the whole heaviness of everything that had happened in Paris with BJR and Claire making Jamie promise not to kill BJR then coming up again in that scene and Jamie and Claire overcoming that discord and being on the same page again. Yes this episode was light on Jamie/Claire scenes, but I thought that the storylines that were presented in this episode were interesting in their own right and I loved seeing all those great actors perform and knocking it out of the park. The preview for the finale already breaks my heart. I'll make sure to have plenty of tissues and some whisky ready when watching the season finale. ;)
  7. Wow what a gorgeous episode! It may actually be one of my favourites of the season so far. As you guys have mentioned above, everyone was so in character. I didn't even mind the changes from the book, especially when it comes to the John Grey scene. Just like Hybiscus, I hated how Jamie treated Claire in the book in this scene, so I was glad that they changed it on the show and gave Claire more agency and presented Claire and Jamie as equals. You guys have already covered everything there is to say about this great episode. I just wanted to add that the scenes of Claire's PTSD and especially the conversation she had with Jamie when she told him about what happened to her in WWII (including the "dragonfly in amber" mention) were the highlights of this fantastic episode to me.
  8. Woohoo so happy about this! I was starting to get a bit nervous actually because they waited so long to announce the season 3 renewal.
  9. Wow that was an exceptionally dull episode! Sam and Gilly nearly put me to sleep, as usual. Those scenes went on way too long. The KL scenes annoyed me greatly. I'm sick and tired of the High Sparrow always winning, he is like the Ramsay of the South. I really hope that Margaery is playing the long con because otherwise that would suck so much and I would lose all respect for her. I hated how she talked about Loras in this episode. Tommen, you are so beyond stupid! Yes I know he is young but still. And enough with the Jaime/Cersei scenes already! It's just utterly upsetting and disappointing that D&D get Jaime so wrong and his redemption arc has come to a full stop. :( He still doesn't know about Cersei/Lancel, he should be disgusted with Cersei right now, not kissing her. At least he is finally off to the Riverlands, where he will hopefully meet up with Brienne again. Also, finally some forward momentum in Arya's storyline! So glad she grabbed Needle and is hopefully off to Westeros soon. The Faceless Men storyline has become beyond tedious. Yay for Uncle Benjen! I was spoiled for his return but it was still nice to see him on screen and I'm glad that after Bran has lost both Hodor and Summer (RIP), he now has a new ally in his corner. I wanted to see more of Bran's visions, those went by way too fast. Oh hello there, Black Jack Randall eh Edmure Tully! Nice that Tobias Menzies has time to do both GoT and Outlander. Also glad to get confirmation that Edmure is still alive on the show. It was awesome to see Drogon and Dany on his back again, but I agree with others above, her epic speeches are becoming a bit repetitive. And there was indeed a slightly mad glint in her eyes at the end. Boo to no Jon or Sansa! Hopefully, next week's episode will be more exciting.
  10. Totally agree re Jamie and Lallybroch, book!Jamie would not do that! After all the build-up, the Laoghaire stuff was not as bad as I feared. She still annoys me greatly though. After last week's heartbreaking episode, it was so nice to see this week's episode start with scenes of domestic bliss, although I was a bit disappointed that we didn't get to see the potato feast. Words cannot express how happy I am that they are back in Scotland. And man, those new opening credits are beyond gorgeous. So glad that the song is completely in English again and the new images are great. I certainly did not mind that shot of half-naked Highlanders in their kilts. ;) It was so nice to see Jenny and Ian again. I absolutely loved the scene of Jamie singing to his niece and Claire and Jenny's conversation about it. Lord Lovat is just as disgusting and wily on screen as he is in the book. I cannot wait to see how they adapt the Prestonpans and Edinburgh book chapters in the TV show.
  11. Okay so I just re-read the Bois de Boulogne chapter in DiA because I was curious. The Randall asking Jamie about how Claire forgave him line really was not in the book, so it was added by the show writers. In fact, there is no dialogue between Jamie and BJR in the book at all. I'm glad that the show added that line because it brought Jamie right back to his most shameful memory (in his eyes) of what happened at Wentworth. And maybe it was the sheer fury brought up by Randall's comment that allowed Jamie to get the upper hand in the duel (in the show at least). Also, in the book Jamie does call Claire's name but Claire doesn't. She tries to speak his name but cannot because she is too far gone with pain and shock.
  12. I didn't mean that Jamal should cut all ties with his family, just with Lucious. I want him to remain close with Cookie and his brothers. And yeah, it might be difficult if Jamal was on another label, but if Cookie and his brothers respect Jamal's decision, they could still make it work. I realise that this will probably not happen on the show but I wish it would because I can hardly look at Lucious after that AIDS line and I wish Jamal would not forgive his father. If Jamal survives that is.
  13. Oh man, that was truly upsetting. Even knowing what was about to happen, I was still completely tense and anxious during the last ten minutes and hoping for a different outcome. Poor Claire! Poor Jamie! Poor Fergus! :( I agree with DustBunny, the Fergus part was really well done. It was great to only see the red cloak as a hint and then the scene ended with Fergus' face. I hope the show leaves it at that, we really do not need any gruesome flashbacks. It was also nice to see some more Jamie and Fergus bonding scenes beforehand so that the ending would feel even more like a punch to the stomach. I loved that Jamie left Claire a note just like in the book. Randall asking Jamie how Claire forgave him, that was not in the books, was it? If it was, I don't remember it. I thought it was good that the writers included that line because it showed again how obsessed Randall is with Jamie. The shot of Jamie dealing Randall that castrating blow was very satisfying on so many levels. Also, in the books Claire did not call out to Jamie after the duel right? Next week's episode is gonna be so sad but I'm looking forward to the Master Raymond scene. I wonder if next week's episode will be the last episode in France, although they would have to cram a lot of stuff in it if it were.
  14. If Jamal is really dead, then I'm done with this show. He is my favourite character, plus Jussie is the only one who can really sing. Also, I'm sick and tired of the "bury your gays" trope, I've experienced it way too much on too many shows lately. And wow, I didn't think I could hate Lucious any more than I already do but after that AIDS line, I found that I could. If Jamal survives, I really want him to cut all ties with Lucious and with Empire. Any record label would be lucky to have him. I agree with you luckyroll3 about Ryan, he definitely was the best guy Jamal ever dated. I enjoyed Jamal and Derek's chemistry last week but after the way Derek treated Jamal in this episode, I think Jamal should cut all ties with him as well.
  15. Jamal's new love interest may be shady but wow the chemistry between those two is off the charts! :) So glad that they finally gave Jamal a lover with whom he has great chemistry, unlike boring Michael. Oh and I guess that photographer guy from season 1 was also pretty hot. Yeah it sucks that Derek is not out of the closet and he may have an alternative agenda, but I'm happy that the writers finally remembered that Jamal is a young gay man, after all that debacle with Sky, etc. So yeah I'm already shipping Jamal/Derek. Loved the family song, that was really good. Grandma needs to be locked up again pronto, that woman is crazy. I was actually afraid that she would stab Luscious with that knife. And I cannot stand Luscious! So good job, show, with creating the suspense and actually making me care whether Luscious lived or died. I really hope that Anika is not the one that pushed Rhonda down the stairs although they were hinting at it pretty hard in this episode. I think it would be more interesting if it was someone that we didn't suspect.
  16. Thank the Old Gods and the New! I finally managed to watch the episode and I'm so bloody relieved and happy right now. As a book reader, I never really doubted that Jon Snow would come back but all this denial from Kit, the other actors, HBO, etc. was starting to make me nervous and I'm so glad that they didn't drag it out even more. Now I would have preferred for Jon to resurrect himself and rise from his funeral pyre than for Melisandre to do it, but what the hell I'm just so pleased to have one of my favourite characters back. I loved how that whole scene was set up too, with everyone leaving the room thinking Melisandre's ritual had failed, only Ghost remaining by Jon's side. And then when Ghost lifted his head, I was on the edge of my seat and when Jon opened his eyes, I was cheering. I cannot wait to see Melisandre, Davos, Tormund and the other Wildlings' reactions. Oh and Thorne and Olly's. Btw that's one complaint I have about this episode: I really wish Wun Wun or the other Wildlings had killed Thorne and/or that little shit Olly. But maybe it will be worth it having them still be alive when they learn that Jon came back from the dead. How lucky was Carice van Houten for filming all those scenes where she had to touch naked Kit? I wouldn't have minded having that particular job. ;) While Jon's resurrection was the main thing for me in this week's episode, I thoroughly enjoyed the rest of the episode as well. Well maybe not the Ramsay feeding Walda and the baby to his hounds, because that was gruesome and I had to look away. I have an irrational fear of dogs so Walda's fate was pretty much my worst nightmare so thanks for that, writers. But I loved the flashback with Ned, Benjen and Lyanna and Wylis/Hodor and I cannot wait to see more of Bran's visions. I cannot believe that his storyline finally got interesting, I used to be so bored by his scenes. Now Tyrion the dragontamer was interesting as well and it certainly feeds those whole Tyrion Targaryen theories. I agree with those of you that said that Peter Dinklage was great in that scene. When Tyrion talked about wanting a book about dragons for his nameday and being told that dragons were extinct and crying himself to sleep, that was a really powerful performance. I could really do without all those eunuch jokes though, they are just not funny. I keep loving the Sansa and Theon scenes so I'm sad that Theon splits from Sansa already. I understand that he wants to go home although considering what just happened on Pyke, Theon's timing may not be all that great. I was not a huge fan of the Iron Islands storyline in the books but I gotta admit I did love meeting Euron and seeing Yara again. Glad Balon is gone now, good riddance. The Kingsmoot should be interesting, if D&D do not screw it up. I'm also very glad that Sansa learned from Brienne that Arya is still alive and her fond little smile when she heard that Arya is still a tomboy warmed my heart. When Sansa couldn't talk about her rape at Winterfell and Brienne seemed to understand anyway, that was also very well done by both actresses. Oh man, I'm sure I'm forgetting stuff but right now the only thought in my head is JON SNOW IS ALIVE!!! So I will keep celebrating that for the rest of the night.
  17. Wow what a marvellous episode, probably my favourite of the season so far as well. Some of the dialogue was lifted straight from the books, which I loved. Jamie's fortress speech moved me immensely, Sam's acting was very intense in that scene. So happy that Jamie and Claire finally reconnected, the distance between them was a real downer in the last few episodes. That dinner was so uncomfortable and cringe-worthy and funny all at the same time, I was highly entertained by it. Poor Mary, that rape scene was very hard to watch. Alex being all sweet and caring and telling Mary that he loved her and still resembling BJR/Tobias so much in his looks and mannerisms was a very strange contradiction to behold. I'll need to rewatch the episode, this was a very full episode indeed.
  18. I agree with most of you here re the Dorne storyline, it is absolutely astounding how much D&D managed to screw that up. And it got even worse in the season 6 premiere! I did not think that was possible after season 5. Someone needs to kill off the Sand Snakes pronto, they are beyond cartoonish at this point. Some of the dialogue also really bugged me in 6.01, not just in the Dorne storyline (although that was the worst offender) but, as some of you have mentioned, some of Tyrion's lines felt off as well. It's painfully obvious that D&D can no longer rely on GRRM's great dialogue and what they come up with pales in comparison. I was also really disappointed that we still have no answers with respect to Jon Snow's fate. Although I guess it is a good sign that they did not burn his body and maybe the last scene of the episode means that Melisandre will sacrifice herself for Jon. I'd prefer it though if Jon Snow resurrected himself thereby revealing his Targaryen heritage. Ghost's howls of grief at the beginning of the episode were really upsetting. Still, I liked the storyline at the Wall (even if seeing Jon Snow lie dead on the table was very upsetting) and I cannot wait for Tormund and the other Wildlings to show up. My favourite scenes revolved around Sansa and Theon and their escape and then Brienne and Pod swooping in and rescuing them from the Bolton men. Sansa has been through so much since season 1 so it was nice to see her finally out of harm's way (for the time being at least) and having Brienne protect her. When Brienne and Pod first showed up, I actually cheered and I was very moved by Brienne and Sansa's oath. Also, yay for Theon finally seeming to come back to his old self and even killing a Bolton lackey and saving Pod's life. I used to really hate Theon but after everything he has suffered and been put through, he really deserves something good coming his way. Sansa obviously changed her mind about Theon as well. I loved the little look she gave him before accepting Brienne, she really trusted his judgment in that moment. I continue to be let down by what the writers are doing to Jaime's character. At this point, he should be far far away from Cersei and not making vows about staying together and taking their revenge. I finally want Jaime to be out of this toxic relationship and continue his path to redemption, which D&D apparently have forgotten. Let's hope that episode 6.02 will be less about showing the viewers where every character left off at the end of last season and more about actually moving some storylines forward. But then again GoT season premieres are never the most exciting episodes so I try to remain hopeful.
  19. I couldn't agree more! I loved how Alec was all "Enough!" to Maryse as he was walking towards Magnus.
  20. The writing and, in certain instances, the acting on this show are certainly not all that great and often have flaws, but I cannot deny that this week's episode made me very happy. Malec is indeed the best thing about this show and Matt and Harry have brought the characters from the page to the screen beautifully. And not only did the unholy union not happen and Alec finally came to his senses, Jace and Alec finally made up and mended their friendship and the parabatai bond, which I loved almost as much as the Malec kiss. Plus kudos to Lydia, I did not expect her to react in such an understanding and open-minded way. Poor girl, it was really not her day, first she gets left at the altar and then she gets knocked out and the Mortal Cup is stolen from her. Yeah the "left at the altar" thing was a tad much, but I'm glad that the show decided to go forward with Malec and not wait around for the events of a few books to occur until they finally get together. Also, Alec kissing Magnus in front of a large crowd and outing himself was even better on screen. And I'm relieved that at least one of the Lightwood parents seemed to be understanding and supportive. I'm also glad that the show revealed Hodge's true colours. Very curious where they will go with this storyline in the season finale.
  21. Interview with Matthew Daddario regarding episode 1x12 "Malec" (contains spoilers): http://tvline.com/2016/03/29/shadowhunters-spoilers-malec-wedding-kiss-matthew-daddario-interview/#more-698225
  22. We'll have to agree to disagree on how the parabatai bond is portrayed on the show. I agree with you about the Clace scene though. The actors had way more chemistry in this scene than during their first kiss. Still, the scene with Kat I mentioned above made me laugh out loud because I found her acting so unconvincing.
  23. So they decided to leave in the incest storyline after all. After the ending of last week's episode, I was pretty sure that the show would do without it, but it amuses me that they left it in. I guess it was something too fundamental in the books so they couldn't change it. Simon's reaction on learning that Clary and Jace are brother and sister was very funny. Wow that whole rescuing Jocelyn at Renwick's was very anticlimactic. I guess the show's budget really is minimal if they couldn't even afford to show us a glimpse of a battle with demons. Katherine McNamara's acting when she was commanding the demons with the Mortal Cup was once again pitiful. I loved Magnus acting as Izzy's defence attorney. And his whole "I'll do you pro bono" line cracked me up. I still don't get what Alec is thinking and I'm glad that Magnus gave him some hard truths at the end. Hopefully, Alec will finally change his mind about marrying Lydia in next week's episode, this nonsense has gone on long enough. I'm also really annoyed at what the writers are doing to the parabatai bond between Alec and Jace. The parabatai bond is supposed to be much stronger than that, they are supposed to be willing to die for each other and always have each other's backs. But no, a disagreement between Alec and Jace is all it takes for them suddenly to be on opposite sides, it seems petty and pointless and makes no sense. Fix the Alec/Jace friendship now, writers! At least the Alec and Izzy relationship was a joy to watch in this week's episode.
  24. Agreed! Actually I felt like punching Alec several times while watching this episode. I hated how he treated both Magnus and Jace. Alec should really stop drinking Lydia's Kool-Aid. The Alec/Jace fight was heartbreaking, they both looked really upset at the end. I hope they make up soon. I'm glad though that Jace addressed Alec's feelings for him, at least that's out in the open now. Other than Alec's sucky behaviour, it was a pretty enjoyable episode. I enjoy Raphael and his snarky oneliners immensely, especially those about the werewolves. It was nice seeing vampires, werewolves and Shadowhunters all work together to free Meliorn.
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