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Everything posted by Neko

  1. Man, Jenelle has put on weight. I normally don't like to comment on another person's body, but it's Jenelle, and she's a huge bitch, so who cares? 😛
  2. Are you saying you were country when country wasn't cool? 😉 Anyway, I definitely prefer pop Taylor, because I think her personality is better suited to pop music, than country music. Granted, I don't know much about country music, but I think pop gives Taylor the chance to play with her image in a way country probably wouldn't. Whether or not she comes up with good ideas and songs consistently is up for debate, but I would rather take hit-or-miss pop Taylor over one-note country Taylor. That's just me.
  3. If Jenelle has any brains left in her head, she would think about how to provide for the children she claims to want so badly by getting an actual job, instead of trying to start a pathetic cosmetics line that will inevitably crash and burn. Yeah, I know with all the arrests and documented drug use, she has got to be unemployable by now, but there has to be something she can do. Scooting around DC and taking weekend business meetings to get a product going that no one will buy is a total waste of time. Swallow your pride, and pick up a WalMart application, Jenelle.
  4. Was she drunk? Not that that would be an excuse, but did she drink too much at the crab boil and tweet the dumbest thing she could possibly think of? I mean, really.
  5. None of these people really care about feminism. They just want people to kiss their asses, and cater to them.
  6. I think this description of the character of Melanie is pretty interesting. I found it on another site: Agree, or disagree, with this assessment?
  7. I know Jenelle makes much of the fact that David has never cheated, but if she thinks he won't eventually find someone else, she is more delusional that I thought. Once that roast beef labia starts hangin', Dave is outta there.
  8. Who would think to do anything remotely fun, in their position? They just had all their children taken away from them, but they're going to rent scooters and glide around DC, like they don't have a care in the world? If any normal person had their kids removed from their home by CPS, they would be 100% focused on getting their kids back, not fucking around on scooters. What the hell is this?
  9. It's not unusual for people who grew up in working class backgrounds to treat any kind of certification with the same reverence one would give a BA, or BS. I'm not knocking those from working class backgrounds- I came from one, myself- but it doesn't surprise me that Jenelle, who was raised by a single mother who worked any dead-end job she could find to feed her family, thinks any kind of certification makes her better than most of the people she knows. Well, that, and Jenelle is a total thundercunt to begin with, so no matter WHAT she did in life, she was going to act like she was better than everyone else. So, there you go.
  10. I'm just waiting for Taylor to do something awful to Katy Perry, now that they've buried the hatchet...
  11. When do the hobgoblins go back to court to try to get their kids back? What is going with this case, exactly?
  12. Thanks for the clarification. I agree, only I think Jenelle is scary in a pretty obvious way. Still, I can totally see David beating Kaiser so badly, Kaiser would be seriously injured and the cow excusing it with, "That is how he disciplines his children, those are his beliefs."
  13. All the more reason it's going to be a grand ol' time when her kids get old enough to drive, and party, and have unprotected sex with people, and have their own neglected kids, at sixteen. She will NOT handle it well. It's going to be a shitshow.
  14. I can't wait until all these kids are teenagers. I'm sure, if they are still in Jenelle's life, that they will never treat her the way she's treated Barb.
  15. That's true. Being "right" is more important than being safe.
  16. I can't get over how deep in denial Jenelle is, about everything in her life. It's scary. She says David isn't violent like her exes, yet she called 911 on him for holding her down, and cracking her collar bone. That was only a few months ago. She is going to get herself killed, because she can't/won't face the truth, about anything.
  17. The sad thing is, it doesn't even sound like she is having any fun, on this album. She sings about how drugs are making her numb, and RuPaul shows up to say the word "pussy" 500 times. The whole thing strikes me as half-assed.
  18. I wondered the same thing, since ME! also makes a "rainbow" reference. I'm probably reading WAY too much into it, though. Re-listened to reputation this morning, thanks to this thread. I liked it a lot better than I did on first listen, especially when I plugged in the Seeb remix for Delicate, and the BloodPop remix for ...Ready For It?, which I think are much better than the original versions. I actually liked End Game and I Did Something Bad, quite a bit. But, I still hate Look What You Made Me Do. That will always be a terrible song, IMO. I'm intrigued by what she might be doing with her newest album. It looks like she is going for a more lighthearted aesthetic and sound than reputation, which is probably a good move, but the first single doesn't pack much of a punch. It sounds like Blank Space, the sequel. Brendon Urie is a bigger presence than Taylor, on that song.
  19. I work with a lot of schizophrenics. I have no idea what goes on in the Evans household, but I'm not going to assume that the kids must be in danger just because Colin comes to visit, every once in a while. It could actually be a very good thing for them to get to know their uncle, and see what mental illness is really like, and how it affects people. And anyway, they are still probably ten times safer than they were on The Land. David clearly has mental health issues, and so does Jenelle, but they're both heavily armed, and in complete denial. That scares me more than anything.
  20. Listened to Miley Cyrus's new EP, She Is Coming. Did anyone else even know it existed? I thought she was done with the hip-hop thing, but apparently not.
  21. I agree. I've been trying to give Taylor a fair chance with this new album (no, really, I have!), but her sound has become repetitive. I do like the message of the song, though.
  22. People know fuck all about mental illness, which is why Jenelle thinks nothing at all is wrong with her.
  23. As much as I hate Jenelle and as much as I like to snark, I also hope she is able to pull her head out of her ass, and do better. However, as much as she likes to blame others for the mess her life has become, I don't see that happening without years of hardcore therapy, and a ton of meds.
  24. So, I'm watching Jailbirds on Netflix, and I can't get over how much the female inmates remind me of Jenelle. They all have the same story: different kids with different baby daddies, history of drug use, fighting bitches over nothing, a revolving door of "soulmates" they meet in jail, it's ALL there. My point is, she is damn lucky MTV came around, or else she would be meeting her next "soulmate" through the toilet bowl, like these bitches do. Actually, I still won't completely count that out, for her future. 😛
  25. It kind of was. You don't half-ass your current job during your final two weeks, just because you're moving onto something else. Makes you look like a dickhead.
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