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Posts posted by Uncle JUICE

  1. 16 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

    I can't stand this woman and that bowl of chicken scraps with mac and cheese just looks nasty. 

    THat picture makes me want to wretch. Not unlike the Velveeta commercial where the old woman rides a lawnmower while holding a martinit glass full of said cheese sludge. Vile. 

    8 hours ago, GaT said:

    This pizza hut commercial has me in an absolute rage. They play it multiple times a day & I do mean multiple. Sometimes it gets played, then another commercial comes on, then it plays again. I've even seen it played right after it's played. I see it played all over the place, I can't get away from it. I just saw it 7 times during a one hour show I watched, & that's not the worst. I HATE IT.

    Craig Robinson absolutely should be a huge star by now. He's better than this. So much better than this and sniffing a stranger's Gain washed drawers. 

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  2. Is there anyone her who does not get MAJOR stranger danger vibes whenever Chance is around those girls? Something about him in an Easter bunny outfit really, really made my skin crawl. I'm surprised he got a pickup truck and not a windowless van. Also, loved him having to have a realish conversation with his future father in law, for the first time, while wearing a bunny suit below the neck. Everyone on this show is an asshole, and the real entertainment is the game I've invented for debate with the wife: if you have to pick ONE, is person X stupid, evil, or gross? You can only pick one. 

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  3. On 8/18/2022 at 3:28 PM, Faceplant said:

    Farrah, influencing waxers, changing the world. Pretty sure this interaction did not happen or the waxer was smart enough to know what she needed to say to get a good tip. Those hashtags, oof. 


    So, I'm supposed to believe that someone was talking about Roe V. Wade, and all of the nuance in such a discussion, WHILE THEY WERE SMEARING HOT WAX ON THE HAIRS AROUND HER ASSHOLE? What fucking planet is this? WHO on earth would engage in this discussion at that particular moment? And I'm to believe Farah made a persuasive argument from an informed position while propped up on hands and knees with her butt cheeks pried open?

    Sorry about the double post. 

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  4. I saw a commercial yesterday where a young woman opens the commercial by proclaiming "I had 8 UTI's in one year." In my best Robin Thede: "GIRL." Please figure out your life. Wash your hands or something. Stop fucking around with boxcar hobos. SOMETHING YOU ARE DOING IS WRONG. Also, not sure I'd want to be the face of serial UTI's. Can you even tell your family you're IN a commercial if that's the commercial? Reminds me of the old "This is the face of erectile dysfunction" ads from the late 90's. I always imagined they never told those guys what the commercial was actually FOR when they were filming it, then they watched it and were all like "MY DICK TOTALLY WORKS! WHAT THE FUCK!" [calls agent]

    Also the Frank Thomas / Doug Flutie commercial for Eugenix Total T, where they always make sure to mention "And fellas...she'll like it too." I always add "by it, we mean your freshly stiffened dick" or something along those lines, much to my wife's continued dismay. :)

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    In reality if you were on a boat for six weeks would you even be interested in trying to have a relationship or just sex?  The chances of a relationship lasting a day after the last day of the charter season are slim to none so why do these people try so hard?  Do they really think they are forming a long lasting relationship?   

    YES. They are all dealing with significantly malformed images of relationships, and are probably given to over-romanticizing based on the incredible surroundings. Much like the 90-Day Other Way folks, as you seem to imply, these people would be better off just saying "You know what, I find crewmember X really attractive, she / he is into me too, so we're probably just going to fuck whenever we can while we're on the boat, and we'll see where it goes from there, Probably nowhere though." The girl on Down Under, for example, can't figure out that it's an absolute shit idea to plan to do a life in a van trip with someone you've known for six weeks or less. Same deal. Just fuck, no one's going to hate you over it, you're young, single, when will it be a better time to have those adventures? Trying to figure out how to marry vacation dick / [impolite vagina name] is a real bad idea.  

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  6. 21 hours ago, MyMaui said:

    I'm glad I am not alone in thinking that.  I think she is doing it on purpose.  I think on her WWHL appearance a while back she was trying to cover herself saying Dave got the better edit than her.  I can see why now after this.

    On 8/18/2022 at 11:22 AM, iMonrey said:

    That's what I was thinking too. And why on earth is she telling Dave she's getting back with her ex? After everything she's been through, knowing how possessive he got with her, trying to ghost him, it's like she's deliberately baiting him. What is wrong with her? 

    Exactly what my wife and I both said: WHY DOES HE NEED TO KNOW? I was completely on Team Tash when Douchey Dave went ballistic a couple of episodes ago. COmpletely inappropriate reaction (but isn't that why we watch? These are almost all invariably emotionally damaged people living in close quarters, isn't this shit inevitable?). Now, she absolutely tells him for zero reason at all, and he gets all upset about it again, except SHE's in the wrong. I do not understand why these people cannot land, and quickly, on the solution that "You know, it's probably best for us to just communicate professionally, about work stuff." 

    As far as Storm and Natalya go, I think she's just looking for someone to charm her knickers off, and it seemed to me Storm's not very charming. He's nice, he's probably sort of funny, but dude had no game at all. 

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  7. On 12/31/2021 at 1:08 PM, tennisgurl said:

    You can definitely tell this is a Mandalorian spin-off, its still got that very space western sort of vibe, dusty frontier towns with aliens and ray guns and such. It didn't grab me as much as The Mandalorian, and I have in general never been a huge Boba fan, but I always like spending time exploring the Star Wars universe, especially its outskirts. Exploring Tattooine has promise, and I really like the cast, so I will be sticking around. 

    This might be my main problem with the show right now, one episode deep. I'm going to give it time, not for Fett's sake (agree: totally overrated character whose appeal was basically non-canonical for decades, and disagree with @paigow on his clone wars arc, I didn't find it so, but YMMV), but because there are always cool little characters hanging around to discover. Anyway, back to my bolded part there: this can't be another western in space, that lane is taken. This should develop into something closer to Space Sopranos if you want to distinguish your properties. And Obi Wan / Ahsoka better be more classical samurai films. 

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  8. 3 hours ago, IvySpice said:

    In America, I'm totally down with this. "Not in my house" is ridiculous. Engaging in a stupid game where we pretend that adults don't, or shouldn't, have sex is pointless. Teach your child to make decisions around sex that are safe, consensual, kind, etc. But unless you're Amish, the morality/decorum ship sailed in the '60s.

    In a Muslim country in North Africa, it's a different story. That's a whole different set of legal and social boundaries. We don't know if Mother Hamza is going to be shamed, arrested, told she's running a brothel... Much as I would want to share a room with my fiancé, I'm not breaking those rules in Tunisia. And to then sneak around in such a lazy, sloppy way that you get caught, and on TV no less -- no. That's wrong.

    THIS is the big problem. There are plenty of people in Tunisia 'disrespecting' their parents house in a similar fashion, right now at this very second, biology is biology... they're just not doing it on TV. 

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  9. On 1/2/2022 at 11:56 PM, Frozendiva said:

    Hamza and Memphis do need to respect that the home is his mother's.

    I hear what you're saying, but this has always bugged me. Like is he disrespecting his mom's house if he jerks off in it? Or just because she didn't specifically say "Don't jerk off in my house," it's okay? And when has this ever worked for more than 24 hours, respecting someone's house as some sort of sex inhibitor? So if he goes down on her but doesn't fuck her, is he still disrespecting the house? Sorry guys, but the bad news is if your son or daughter's partner is coming over to your house and is going to sleep there, you can be sure than they're going to disrespect your house. 

    My mom tried this with me when I was eighteen, so my girlfriend and I just went out to my car in the driveway and did it. And of course my mom caught us, to which I said "I'm NOT IN THE HOUSE" and she said "animals." I was kind of a dick as a teenager, I think. 

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  10. 13 minutes ago, Welshman in Ca said:

    I don't mind a joke at my expense but I do like to understand it.

    Wasn't at your expense, I'm sorry! That meme is the idiom "right on the nose," in other words, I think you've hit the nail on the head with your "maybe he likes a gummy" theory. My wife and I are absolutely convinced he's stoned as hell when he's watching. I see you're a Welshman, but is there a UK equivalent to this idiom" "Spot on" or "Bang on" perhaps (I get most of my English idioms from Premier League broadcasts, so I don't have a wide array, but my favorite so far is "under the kosh," as well as "all hands to the [defensive / offensive] pump!"). 

    • Love 3
  11. 12 minutes ago, Mr. Miner said:

    It's probably sinking in to Heather's dumb ass that she is one and done, and we won't be seeing her on TV anymore. Who does a guy have to fuck to get an eggs benedict smoked salmon smoothie around here? 

    She can take comfort knowing there's still an entire non-TV yacht industry that I'm preeeettttttttttyyyyy sure is totally comfortable with many variations on the offending word, sadly. 

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  12. Rayna, Rayna, Rayna. Don't make me defend someone for dropping the N word, PLEASE do not make me do it. Too late.

    As @iMonrey mentioned already, you have accepted TWO apologies for this incident, both to me appear to be sincere, and you TWICE reassured Heather that "it's all good, let's move on and have fun," but any time something starts going sideways, be it your work performance or you getting aced out of a three way with those two guys and having to settle for fucking the one, it somehow becomes the one thing that's really frustrating you and you can't get over. Now, I reiterate, it's NEVER okay for white people to say it, it's just not. I accept it, and as I have admitted, when alone in the car singing along with my music, I'll sing it along, but if someone else is in the car I don't. Maybe that makes me a horrible person, whatever. But don't say "I don't remember the context" or "Context doesn't matter". It does: calling someone "that's my n****" when you're drunk is not the same as being sober and saying "Look at this n*****." Both are wrong, but they aren't the same. 

    Heather has grown on me, but this season is a fucking drag. I'm also done with those two mean girls being mad the one other laundry lady quit, you both forced the issue, I know they didn't fire her but you're still responsible. 

    • Love 24
  13. Uh, isn't there at least the HINT of bodily danger for Mike when this inevitably goes sour? Her ex got "mucho anos" in prison. That's not three. Mucho anos is at LEAST ten. And she already admitted she's dated some narcos. What's to stop XImena from getting upset, telling her ex, and him leveraging some network either in Colombia or in NY where Mike is from to REALLY put the squeeze on him financially? Some Breaking Bad shit right there. Mike needs to get the fuck out of there, stat. 

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  14. I just kinda wish they'd let these people be a little more genuine, not feel so histrionic when they're shocked or aghast or "awwwww" every fucking little thing. That's why I like Tim and Veronica, their reactions are understated enough to at least seem genuine. 

    26 minutes ago, Dirtybubble said:

    ITA!  I think Tim & Veronica are the MVP of the show but I like Molly and her beau.  I think he's got some funny comments and seems to be a straight shooter. 

    I thought Molly's friend was funnier. Tone Loc seems to be there to make faces and chew on something when he's supposed to be commenting. And absolutely WORD to Robert and Annie, I'm editing my initial list!

    FINAL ADD I promise: Hey, D+ (terrible name for a streaming service, still better than Peacock don't put the word cock in your name), I might consider $3 a month if I can ONLY watch the raw footage of TIm and Veronica reacting genuinely, because I promise it's the funniest stuff TLC has right now. 

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  15. MVPs of this show are EASILY, EASILY Tim and Veronica (LVP? Molly's boyfriend, he does not bring anything at all to the table, and Molly, in a close second, with her affected way of talking). They should cut everyone else out and just make it those two because I feel like Tim's reactions are VERY genuine most of the time. These other dopes are over actors, too invested in their own 'characters' and trying to make them 'pop.' Tim is a genuinely funny person, and the chemistry with Veronica who is essentially the Abbot to his Costello is tremendous (platonic chemistry is also chemistry). I could do without the farm folks, though I think that Russian girl is cute and has some potential, but again, they're trying REAL hard. And I WANT to find Kenny and Armando annoying, but honestly they're just adorable. Even you, Kenny, making tequila drinks for your husband. I think my all star pillow talk team looks like this.

    • Tim and Veronica
    • Loren and the Israeli husband in Florida whose name I don't care about  Robert "Get Usman On The Track" and Annie
    • Kenny and Armando

     I'm trying to put in a fourth couple but I think really that's enough, the show's only an hour and it's much more fun to watch than the regular version. 

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  16. 14 minutes ago, ethalfrida said:

    And Ella’s mom is a big downer. No wonder Ella’s self esteem is zeroed out. But I seriously do not want to know about her vibratorie stash.

    From here and ever forward, that drawer on the nightstand for women everywhere is designated the Vibratory. Or, if you're classy as fuck, the vibratoire (like a repertoire). Thank you EthalFrida. Truly, you have changed the world today. So let it be written...let it be done. 

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  17. 1 minute ago, MrBuhBye said:

    He had made some creepy comment earlier about how the mechanics of sex with a little person would be different because he can’t make out with her when she is down there.  If he was referring to fellatio you can’t make out with the person simultaneously no matter their height lol.  Maybe he was imagining her riding him because he would probably smother her doing missionary.

    Whoops, sorry, you've hit on the portion of my memory under "FOOTAGE DELETED: TOO DISTURBING," I don't remember that convo at all. Or...do I...no...no.....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! God damn it, now I remember it. 

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  18. 16 hours ago, Xena said:

    Even outside of their state - they do not want someone on their same level - they want someone at least 5-6 steps up, and they need the bargaining power of the green card to get them up there.

    EXACTLY THIS. Exactly. And they don't recognize that their brief time together will be miserable, until the other person can get free, marriage is going to be extremely painful. I'm sympathetic with those who are socially awkward, believe me, like Mike (and yo, don't hate on adult lego builders, people, that shit is therapeutic), but he's the guy who gets his hot wife here eventually and next thing you know she's out at night without you, and texting in spanish to guys you don't know...

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