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Posts posted by Uncle JUICE

  1. 5 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

    But does it have a router?

    Shouldn’t need blue pills at 51.  Maybe all the chemicals in the Marie Callender’s he is consuming include saltpeter.

    Woof, packed a lot of disturbing info into that tiny little interaction there. "Where did you get those...200...blue pills?" Of course the answer was "The internet." And of COURSE he tested them out. Had himself a pornathon, and jacked off so much he burnished the skin to a leathery shine, I bet. This is where we need a reality show to include the conversation between the producer and the camera operator in the car as they're leaving. "Dude, I would ask you what you thought the smell in there was, but how are we NOT going to talk about his Tijuana generic viagras?" "I didn't ASK if he'd tested them. He told me, then did that laugh, I swear I think my genitalia is out of commission for the next week as a result." 

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  2. 11 minutes ago, hookedontv said:


    Full disclosure: tried it once and didn't like it at all. Nope. But the guy I was with wasn't wearing a baseball hat, so maybe the warm sensation is supposed to distract from the 24/7 hat? 


    I imagine when he gets down to business, he turns it around, not only for practical purposes like being so so so close to his lover while lovemaking, but also because it's like a switch, that turns on the sex machine. Lincoln Hawk style.


    • LOL 5
  3. 22 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

         Her band and songs were interesting, but I hope she realizes that TV time doesn't equal real sales.     


    I got stuck on this scene for a second: her WHAT has Wifi? What did they asterisk out? My wife thinks it was "pussy" but...why would that have wifi? I said maybe it was "motherfucker" based on how many stars are there, but WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT? I felt like I was in a Hunter S. Thompson story, being directed by David Lynch, it was disorienting. 


    25 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

    TIL warming lube feels like cinnamon on the tongue.  Thank you Sharp pharmacist.

    Also loved this scene, as about 30 seconds into this exchange in real life, the pharmacist is going to tell him "It's lubricant, it's warming, pretty straightforward, but I'm telling you, if I catch you jerking off in the bathroom again, this time I'm pressing charges, okay? Now buy it or get out, it's like six dollars."

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  4. I don't know guys...there's something that feels the wrong kind of exploitative in watching this group, and not just because of the little person angle. The guy with the hat and the uncle, there's something wrong there. At first, I thought the hat had to be to cover up the scar left over from some brain injury, like he USED to be an engineer, but got into some sort of car-flipped-over-a-median type of accident and managed to be saved, but is on permanent disability. The lady with Usman, we're going to find out she's got some serious trauma in her backstory, right? Like, as serious as the one who did the shower thing? Because about 80 minutes into this episode she dropped her harrowing history on us, which I didn't appreciate, because now I feel bad. Look, TLC, we all KNOW these people by nature have serious emotional damage. You don't have to put it on display though, it's better when we can all pretend to each other not to know it. I'm not entirely sure I can watch this one. 

    I'm totally going to though, like I did with Kirk Cameron's Christmas movie this weekend. Thanks weed. 

    4 hours ago, Texasmom1970 said:

    Is there a universe we don’t know about where Usman is famous. 😬

    I KEPT ASKING MY WIFE THIS! Not as cleverly, just quizzically like "Did I miss where this guy had a couple of hits somewhere? Because when he moves here, he's going to drive an Uber."

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  5. 5 minutes ago, jalady said:

    Captain Lee’s comment about shitting in someone’s mother’s dinner plate is the most disgusting thing I’ve heard in a very long time.  Are we really supposed to find these crass comments from a grown man to be funny/folksy?

    That one and the nonsensical pissed on chickens line sure make me think someone's writing folksy lines for this guy. Neither of those are idioms with which I'm familiar, and they're just dumb.

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  6. 23 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:


    I'm convinced most (all?) of these couples on these shows have no common sense whatsoever.  From what we're shown, Victor and Ellie can't even go without arguing for more than an hour.  Bring a baby into that mess?  OMFG...

    I am 95% certain that Victor's whole idea was to refuse to move to America as a way to get free of Ellie, who was a nice nough lady he fucked while she was on vacation, then she started telling him about her dead husband, and he thought "Whoa, I was not trying to get into this sort of situation, now I'm stuck with her or I'm a total asshole". Kind of like if you started dating someone and a month later they're in some crippling accident, and you'd kind of feel obliged to stay with them even if you were on the verge of breaking up with them prior to the accident at least until they were out of the hospital. Instead of her saying "I understand, I guess it was fun while it lasted," she called his bluff and said she'd move to his country. Whoops!  

    3 minutes ago, sandyskyblue said:

    Agree with you, Uncle Juice, Ellie is being passive aggressive in bringing up the money she's given to Victor, I think she feels he is not expressing enough gratefulness to her so she is passive aggressively demanding that he should thank he more.

    Her 2 options are: 

    1. give him money and shut up about it

    2. do not give him money

    Very, very easy when laid out in this way :)

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  7. 24 minutes ago, Kid said:

    Amen to that!!!   At this point, they Ellie and her man are both unlikable!!!  He is USING her and was doing so while she was in the U.S and he was banging someone else and she gets PISSED because he is using her yet she CONTINUES to allow him to use her.  No sympathy here for either of them.

    I can't figure out how these benefactors don't get what a BAD look it is when they're like "Yeah, well it's MY money." If I give someone money, even if that's a 'loan', it better be money I'm prepared to never see again. Mentioning it all the time makes it gross. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    I suspect that Bini realizes he won't get permanent residency in the U.S., so he's saying he doesn't want it.     Or he finally realized that whatever happens, Ari's parents will always finance her, and he'll never have any control if Princess Ari gets ticked at him.    

    I always get on the baby mama when they are aghast that their baby daddy, normally a super chill fun dude that they decided to fuck on a vacation, turns out to be, in fact, a barely employable, barely interested scammer or something like that, but honestly, this is exactly the same problem. Bini didn't NEED to bang Ari, get her pregnant, then marry her and have to live under the thumb of her parents' financial support. He seemed like he was pretty comfortable dancing and karate kicking his way through a young single life in Addis Abbaba. BUT YOU DID get her pregnant and now you're stuck with all that other stuff.  

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  9. Guys, let's not sleep on one important detail: THAT TRANSLATOR WAS A KNOCKOUT. Honestly the most interesting thing in this snoozerbowl. 

    I'll take a couple devil's advocate positions: I know people get frustrated with Janice and what appears to be here meddling, but if your kid had come home and cried for two months (aside: what a fun visit this must have been, and it explains why they're so comfortable just saying "Fine, I'll get you an apartment in Kenya now, anything to get you out of here"), I'd think almost all of us would have a lot of direct and uncomfortable questions for the other party. Of course, the easiest answer is "Don't go back," but i also don't think they're bad enough people to decide "Let Bini sue you for custody, we have more resources, we're already in America with the baby, and the pandemic is still making everything long." I think they know they have to make the effort to keep Bini in Avi's life, and that's why they fund it.

    Kenny's kids...okay, so that wasn't a great. BUT. There's a harsh reality they deal with: Kenny's much older than Armando. He is assuredly not going to be around forever, and maybe they're worried about either making a relationship with a new adopted sibling, then having that ripped away whn Kenny dies....you know what, forget it, full stop bad job by the Kenny kids. 

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  10. 1 hour ago, aghst said:

    Is bourbon commonly consumed with food?

    As opposed to wine?



    Not even remotely common to do so. This is a boatfull of douchebags the likes of which I haven't seen since that gross software guy in season one of Med, who loved DAnny the Deckhand, and made a return a season or two later. Just major league creep chills. 

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  11. 2 hours ago, dleighg said:

    what I noticed is that she seems (like so many young women) to have plumped her lips to an excessive extent. I simply do not get the attraction.

    I noticed the same thing. I'm not sure what elective cosmetic surgery is a good idea when you're under 30, but this one seems especially bad, it's like they're now lopsided and she can't close them all the way to speak clearly. And I think she's plenty attractive, it's just I don't get why she thought that was something she should do. SHe's not alone, though, plenty of ladies are doing it. Disposable income I guess. 

    FOr clarity, i'm not talking about breast implants to alleviate a mastectomy or some sort of corrective plastic surgery, I'm talking purely elective. 

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  12. 18 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    I'm desperately hoping that the hitchhiking scene was someone from the production team, and not some random guy.  I'm really sure that it was staged.       I'm really hoping Alina realizes she's making a huge mistake, and doesn't marry Ste-Van.  

    Almost assuredly just a very confused Uber driver, I said. Also agree that there's nothing "wacky" and 'charming' about jumping in a pool for no reason other than to show how spontaneous you are. It just makes you LESS spontaneous. 

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  13. 2 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

    Was it any more staged than the Ari telling Bini's sisters the "great news!" that her ex was coming to visit and to stay with them?

    LOL, no, I erased that nonsense from my memory. The overlaid audio of the baby crying in that scene was the best part, now that I'm forced to recall it. Even the PREMISE of that scene is completely idiotic. 

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  14. 13 hours ago, TzuShih said:

    Watching the 'farewell' meeting twix Steven and his boss, I kind of felt that his boss truly IS concerned for his future.  Apparently Steven's job past has not been exemplary, and I think his boss may well be worried that Steven's 'quirkiness' may not find the same understanding from future bosses.  I felt that their parting seemed quite genuine...

    I watched this scene and hated how staged it came off. In reality that scene is a "I can mail your last check, no need to come by to get it, not a big deal, good luck" phone call. I kept imagining the boss saying "OK, well, there's your last check, so..." awkwardly every time Steven was like "Alina this, Hungary that." Just "Sounds cool man, take care" is all he'd really get. 

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  15. 11 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

    At this point, how they are portrayed, I respectfully disagree.  She seems still in shock and trauma over her hubby's passing, and I think the guy in this scenario (can't remember his name) is playing her as the vulnerable person she is. 


    I think the same thing here: this woman seems less scheme-y than Stephanie, and certainly less apt to toss around her dough. I'm actually worried that the show will become even darker now, because if we realize she's being taken advantage of, if she's got genuine emotions about it, then doesn't the production also recognize it, and still film it? That seems somehow AS sinister as whatever this guy's up to. 

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  16. 2 minutes ago, gaPeach said:

    Yes she does, doesn't she.  I think having her ex come to visit is a shitty idea but the fact that Bini apparently has not tried to get a job, spends his free time working out while his in-law's pay his bills, he deserves it.  As much as I don't like Ari, I don't blame her if she really is good friends with her ex and needs someone to come visit.  

    I just feel sorry for Jenny.  I get it she loves him but he is totally screwing with her head.  He has used every excuse not to marry her, instead of just telling her the truth that he just doesn't want to get married again.  That astromamist they went to was as convincing as Angela's Psychic.  I would guess Summitt paid him in advance to say all that crap. 

    THere's a part of this ep where Ari talks about how she's had a hard time forming friendships, it was totally aggravating. Seriously that has nothing to do with how nice Ari is (I'm not saying she is, my guess is she's a nightmare most of the time but for understandable not justifiable reasons), how tolerant Ethiopians are of other cultures and people (no idea). Ari, do you think it might be because you literally have NOTHING IN COMMON with these people from a life perspective? You have no shared experiences that would connect you with anyone there, it's an entirely different way of life. Does it look like anyone in Addis Ababa was looking for mommy and me prenatal yoga classes? It's aggravating because as usual, it's an entirely predictable problem. 

    Trying to imagine a discussion where my wife is like "Wait, let's talk to our astrologist about this major life decision" that doesn't end with my re-examining our power of attorney paperrwork. 

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  17. 5 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

    Two is, just exactly how far and firmly are you under Evilyn's thumb that, when called out, you whined that you "couldn't get it up"? What man with any pride would cop to that? I cannot even with this guy. 

    To quote Anthony Anderson, 'flava on a hunnet...sugar on zero.' Seriously, what a pair of people: she fucked someone else and clearly does not see marriage as a long term thing ("something you do for people you love" is a trip to Disney World, not a lifelong commitment), but how on earth does the detail "I couldn't get it up!" help his case in an argument? Just shut the fuck up and take your medicine, why humiliate yourself any further? It's like dignity is a foreign concept to these people. 

    The new lady with the pizza place, I feel for her. She's clearly lost and understandably so, it's just brutal knowing she's in for real heartache, not the kind that this show makes you pretend to have in your third season. They should never repeat couples, if you ask me, the new ones are always more interesting to watch. 

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  18. 7 hours ago, FrancescaFiore said:

    I died. Also, she's not wrong.


    This is most assuredly not "white people shit," like knitting is. My wife couldn't get over this nonsense: I've never heard of a culture where it's totally cool to invite your ex husband to sleep in your house. And this whole scene is bullshit. FIrst of all, are we t believe that the discussion prior to this scene was sincerely Ari and BInyam talking about (a) her ex husband coming to sleep over for an extended period during a pandemic and (b) one of them said "You know who needs to know about this? My / your sisters! That'll really help us figure this out". WHY? THen they kept saying "in our culture" like it was somehow unusual or unique. No, it isn't. This is not appropriate in every culture I know of, I mean maybe if the guy was the father of your children, and was terminally ill, and homeless, and was on his deathbed, I could see it, but my wife expressly said "I don't ever even want to meet any of your exes" as if she was already mad at me for doing something I'd never do, thanks to this show. FYI: been together 20 years and she hasn't met a single one, so it's not like it's something that was an issue. 

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  19. 16 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    I agree with your assessment except I would like to never see Deckhand Danny again, I thought he was ookie and he hated authority, complained about everyone, I was not a fan.

    I wasn't a fan, but I think if you swap him out with any other crew member right now you'd have a better show. It's not a compliment to Danny as much as it is a condemnation of the current crop. I hate all of them. Especially that toolbag with the stache who loves geese and making noises like an imbecile. Dafuq with that guy. I'm glad he exists just to shatter the stereotype that any man with a British accent is a sophisticated debonair person.  

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