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Posts posted by Uncle JUICE

  1. 21 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

    Something that gets me every time I see it but, I keep forgetting to mention. What is up with the Empire and their hatred of railings? I can't remember if it was Family Guy or Robot Chicken that did a gag about it but, I had to laugh when Fennec/Cars shot the Trooper and he fell right into space.

    I've been watching a lot of Luke reaction videos and I Flove that it's the Green Lightsaber that gets everyone.

    They actually pointed this out in one of the earlier episodes: the one where they destroy the cloning facility on NAvarro, the blue guy has to go out to shut the reactor down or drain the tubes or whatver, and right before he takes that first step he turns bac and says "There's not even a safety railing here!"

  2. 17 minutes ago, Dani said:

    This is a good point and exactly why I did not think it was going to be Luke who showed up at the end. Luke was a great reveal but he really doesn’t link into this show and the world it’s building. Ahsoka or another Jedi would behold a bridge between this show and the spin-off’s in way Luke can’t. To me that’s why using Luke was a fan service moment while Boba, Bo Katan and Ahsoka weren’t. I was thrilled to see Luke but it being him really didn’t advance the plot. 

    Ahsoka had her chance at stewardship for Grogu and passed, so it wouldn't have made a lot of sense to have her show up to rescue them, right? Bo-Katan and Ahsoka showing up as non-fan service I agree, but the rejuvenated Boba Fett has always been nothing BUT fan service, back from when comic books revived him post ROTJ. THat's not to say THIS particular SW fan wasn't happy to see him show up and earn all the respect he's been, in my view, unduly granted over the decards. I agree Luke doesn't advance the plot, more like, sadly, he puts a pin in the Grogu arc. I'll iss the little guy. You can count on it getting misty here when Mando is idly thumbing the ball he saved from the Razorcrest wreckage, but I just don't think we're going to get a lot of Grogu / Luke action going forward. I think the story is, for better or worse, about Mandalore next year.  

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  3. 15 minutes ago, Kel Varnsen said:

    Although if Clone Wars made up an all new Jedi what would stop this show from making an all new Jedi (or having a force ghosts show up). Although  I'm one who would prefer fewer connections to the movies or other shows.

    Nothing would stop this show from making up all new Jedi, but you can't have an all new Jedi just show up and carry any narrative weight the way a Luke Skywalker or, to a lesser extent, Ahsoka (technically not a Jedi, I know, nerds), has when they show up for a brief moment. You have to build to that "wow." I just don't think this show should be about Jedi, though, if that's the point of contention. A sprinkling every once in a great idea, but this is the Mandalorian. Give me Sabine Wren, not Kitt Fisto (dumb ass name). 

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  4. 4 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

    But if I just watch the last four episodes, won't I be confused? 😉  I'll try it again.  I'll try it again from the beginning, and then if that still doesn't work, I'll watch the last four. 🙂  Happy holidays to you, too!


    You might be confused by one aspect (someone is alive, not sure where you quit Clone Wars), but the story is SO good in those last four I think it'll make you want to watch the rest of the show, and get through the lamer more boring episodes (there are more than a handful). I found the stuff that developed characters that the prequels did wrong, and the stuff that had less to do with the Skywalker / Kenobi guys and more to do with the clones, Mandalorian culture, and the intricacies of Palpatine's plan is far more interesting. In fact, if you watch the last four as a standalone, it's a great Star Wars movie (includes in my view the third best lightsaber duel in the entire series), if you watch them as a culmination of the entire series, there's a ton of emotional heft to it. Still, to get that, you have to get throuhg like seven episodes of Jedis underwater rescuing a naked lobster in like season 4. 

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  5. 13 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:


    (And, although I sound like a broken record saying this over and over, I've never seen the animated shows and I don't care to; they were boring.  So I, for one, am glad that I didn't see another "random" character that I was supposed to already know but isn't popular enough for me and people like me to actually know.  IMO, it had to either be Luke or a nobody - so either we all were "in" on the guest cameo or no one was.)

    This is so true: the people complaining about it being Luke are forgetting that not everyone watched the Clone Wars or Rebels. The only other possible candidate for this role was Ezra Bridger, but again, it's a vanishingly small segment of the SW fandom that would have known. And i'm one of the people who complain that everything ties back to the same six characters, but in this case, it was well earned and it fits with the timeline. This isn't a problem if you take away the prequel trilogy, by the way. Rogue One's cameos were consistent and character building (Tarkin, Mon Mothma). RIse of Skywalker's were problematic in about a dozen ways. Here, it's impactful, not to mention nicely done with the way they revealed the green lightsaber. 

    THough I think you're wrong on the animated shows :). PLEASE WATCH THE LAST FOUR CLONE WARS EPISODES. They're better than at least six of the movies taken as a whole. I IMPLORE YOU PLEASE!!! Happy holidays. 

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  6. 4 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

    Great point!  He definitely needs a new ship...  I hope he builds a new one to look just like the Razorcrest.  Razorcrest II.  

    I originally was thinking he'd end up with Boba's somehow, but I guess Boba gets to keep his for his show.  Does Bo Katan even have a ship, or does she just use whatever she's stolen from someone the day before?

    She has a ship, it's the one that Slave 1 lands next to, with the wings pointing upwards. I believe those are Mandalorian fighter ships.

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  7. 22 minutes ago, NaughtyKitty said:

    I'm guessing they are given a list of several things to choose from for their "theme event".  Instead of a white party or a 90's party, they chose naked sushi.  I doubt they thought of this on their own.

    Hard disagree...those dudes give off major creep vibes, like a couple of degenerates from Less Than Zero. 

    • Love 9
  8. 12 minutes ago, Lassus said:

    The guests were WAY more respectful of the nude model than the last guests were to the clothed deck crew. 

    Yeah, especially when they were lining up to get phone pictures of them hovering chopsticks and a piece of sushi over that woman's groin! 

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  9. 9 hours ago, Michichick said:

    The naked sushi model....why? It’s gross and demeaning.

    I think you kind of answered your own question. The people who ask for things like that are, in fact, gross and demeaning people. 

    Max and Dax strike me as basically Patrick and Sean Bateman. 

    Worst season yet. 

    • Love 16
  10. 4 minutes ago, Llywela said:

    Wasn't Boba Fett last seen falling into a sarlacc pit on Tatooine? We saw in this episode that Mandalorian armour can protect its wearer when swallowed by such creatures, and that the weaponry in the armour can be used to escape even from the belly of the beast. The jawas got that armour from someone. It would almost be too coincidental for it to be anyone else.

    Probably going to end up being right. I think my desire to not have it be Boba Fett is akin to me NOT wanting the child in any way related to Yoda. I think this series will benefit from separation from the original trilogy entirely, there's no reason to make the galaxy such a small neighborhood. I kinda wished they'd avoided Tatooine entirely, to be honest. At least the second time. It feels too much like they're afraid to compromise familiarity for narrative purposes, when the best episodes of Clone Wars (until the last four) had no connection to any of the original trilogy characters. I want Mando to exist on its own, I think it's more interesting that way. 

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  11. On 10/30/2020 at 8:33 PM, Penman61 said:

    Thanks. I'm no Star Wars expert but I thought I remembered eleventy-billion Fetts as clones in one of the prequels, so...thanks for clarifying that at this point in the story we're flying on just one Jett. 🙂

    I don't think it's a Fett. My best guess is it's an old clone (one of the 501st who has survived). Making it Boba Fett seems like it'd be too cute by half. 

  12. 14 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

    Some Math:  

    At $14,000 for six weeks work @ 6 days/week for 16 hrs/day comes to about $25/hour.

    This came up with Mrs. Juice last night. You just know about 70% of these fools do not account for the tax on that revenue, number one, and number two, none of them seem to be the type to like save it or do anything smart with it. Prime example, Sally Sourpuss and The Introspector are planning a trip to Bali. You know they are blowing 3K easily there. I guess you do a job like that for the adventure, and, at least according to these casts we've seen, because you have a hole inside you that you're desperate to fill with bad relationships and over-medicating with alcohol. 

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  13. I can't imagine how much MORE of an asswipe Tom would be if he didn't benefit from his posh British accent. I told my wife to imagine him saying the stuff he says with the Boston guy's accent, and she was like, wow, you are right. And you know that phrase doesn't pass my wife's mouth that easy! 🙂

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  14. 14 hours ago, nytonc said:

    I think Sandy equates elegant with gaudy. The guests on this show request tacky parties, drink cases of booze and act like frat party felons. I’m surprised that some of them they can even find the table. I know most of them probably can’t spell table. 

    I would imagine the people who are really doing these superlux yacht vacations WITHOUT Bravo around have considerably different taste than the ones we get ot see. Most of these cavons are wearing a tee shirt the plugs their stupid business, they arrive wearing ostentatious clothes, they're clearly auditioning for their own spin off. Chances are most of these jerks have never been on a real no-tv superyacht vacation. 

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  15. 23 minutes ago, chessiegal said:

    I think y'all are over thinking the tile store commercial. One - they have 5 stores. Second, they're not close to one another, thus, one of the 5 stores is most likely near you.

    OK, so knowing that, one of these six women was like "Let's meet at Wayne tile!" and no one was like (a) Fuck that, it's a tile store, I have better things to do or (b) more importanlty, "Which one?" And no one before leaving to go to their store said in the group chat featured in the commercial "Hey, just to clarfiy, which store are we going to, my gps says there's six stores and they're all quite a ways from each other and if I have to drive more than 15 minutes, see answer "a"."

    OF COURSE I'm overthinking it. I've been quarantined for six months! It's the same reason I hate that leafgaurd gutter system convention and its bizarre looking emcee! 

    51 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

    I think so too. When we moved our office I was put in charge of selecting the paint, floor coverings , window treatments, etc. You wouldn't have five people doing it. For one thing they have other things they need to be doing. I don't know what the commercial is trying to say. "Our customers are idiots" is all I get.

    Word, how long would your job have taken if you needed buy in from six people on window treatments? Would it EVER be done? Frig that!

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