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Everything posted by mamadrama

  1. Gross alert: Paul and Karine should not be allowed on Tic Toc. Over the weekend they made one that almost made me lose my lunch...It started out with Karine on the toilet (it didn't show her face). She reaches down with her finger and when she brings it back up, it has what looks like blood on it. She then walks through the house, bloody finger extended, until she gets to Paul who looks like he's sitting in a bed. She makes a cross on his forehead with the bloody finger. She did a similar one using a red lipstick. Seriously, what IS this shit? ETA Paul is in the baby's crib...
  2. My husband hadn't seen an episode in 5 years or so. Walked into the room the other night and said, "Last time I saw this all the wives were fighting and they were trying to find a new house..." It's like the comics in the Sunday paper or an episode of All My Children. Back when I was 12 the cast celebrated their 4th of July picnic for 5 months.
  3. Geoffrey and his righteous indignation can just go sit his ass down. She lied to you about talking to other Americans. Before you throw those bricks at the glass walls, would you care to tell Varya what you've been keeping from her?* You can't get mad about dishonesty when you're also keeping shit to yourself-shit that might make someone not want to enter into a relationship with you. *This is not a spoiler. He's spoken of his previous brushes with the law in other episodes.
  4. I don't think the women are in a romantic relationship, but that has nothing to with them supposedly being bi. There have been many fake couples on this show.
  5. Knowing what we know of the situation, I find it difficult to read comments that are praising him and villifying her.
  6. Varya needs to take this moment and run to a friend's house until Geoffrey returns to the US. I'm sorry that he saw where she lives and now knows how to get there. Go, Varya, go! She's lucky she had a camera crew following her around during all this. I can't believe we got someone on here who makes Angela look good (and Angela looks terrible). Lisa, Lisa, Lisa. WTF wants to watch a young "celebrity" frolicking with his grandmother in a much video? She's beyond delusional. I still don't buy the women as being a couple. Erika may be gay, and Stephanie may even be bi, but I don't think they're "together." I see this as something created to get them both on the show. That's why Stephanie is already laying down the groundwork for no sex. Looking at Ash literally makes my eyes water. I don't see anything wrong with Big Ed asking for a STD test. What I DO have a problem with is the way he presented it and his refusal to get one there himself. Why should she trust HIM?
  7. In the Peace Corps we actually hooked people up with phones and internet connections.
  8. Hey, as long as I don't have to either. Damn it! Battery dying...Oh no, how will I finish the snark on Rainbow Brite now?
  9. I think they're cute, too, but I don't buy (bi) a romance between them. I'm just seeing a good friendship. Damn it. Now I'm in the mood to watch KISSING JESSICA STEIN.
  10. We should hook up on Skype and do a live watch with all of us phoning in.
  11. This is rich. He'll lie to her about wanting a vasectomy but SHE is the one he doesn't trust?
  12. So I just learned how to pronounce "tagalog". Turns out my pronunciation of "TAG-uh-log" all this time was wrong.
  13. So the germaphobe will go into a random storefront in the Philippines and get a mani/pedi but he won't pee into a cup? He is using this test as ammunition to make Rose talk about her past.
  14. She thought he was a nice guy who just happened to be sitting down. Turned out he was a jerk in a wheelchair.
  15. Oh, I am totally with you on wanting to have the test done. They really don't know each other well and they don't know each other's pasts. A lot of that information would normally come up in conversation as they spend time together, but this is a different kind of "relationship." What I am offended by is the way he's presenting it to her and his refusal to take the test himself.
  16. I don't want to call it "racist" but it's definitely prejudiced. Someone in the episode thread made the good point about how it's just been the American men asking the impoverished women to do this. I feel embarrassed for Rose. I am totally on his side for wanting a test. Where he loses me is not agreeing to take one himself. Whatever her past may be, the way he's presenting it makes it sound like she was a prostitute. Even then I wouldn't care if she was-he should STILL be willing to do whatever he asks of her, though.
  17. I don't know any of you people but you're still my buddies...
  18. You'll never ask her another question about her past? I call bullshit.
  19. Just now, when Ed and Rosemarie appeared... My kid: Why is he so nervous? Is he worried about having this conversation with his daughter because he knows the girlfriend is so young? Me: Dude, that IS the girlfriend...
  20. Oddly enough, I think Ash and Avery may be the only "real" couple on this season. I wouldn't have called that in the beginning.
  21. My 13 yo son just walked into the room and saw Ash's eyes and said, "What the f...frick?!" And then... Ash: I don't usually drink alcohol. My son: Because you save your money for the cocaine?
  22. Fell out of an ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.
  23. The "most disrespectful Nigerian" she's ever met? So, like, out of all 3 of them? I HATE the accent Lisa takes on when she's talking to the locals. She sounds like she's a non-English speaker trying to speak English.
  24. Usman's friends' reactions and Dr. Fauci's facepalm in the same week? Screw you COVID-19, Christmas is early this year!
  25. They ARE small next to his...That green shirt might be 3 sizes too long, but unfortunately it showed me way more of his mobs than I wanted to see.
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