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Everything posted by shouldbedancing

  1. whoa sweet little Tayler! who knew she had it in her
  2. I love how the medical assistant doesn't care. she's seen so many big babies.
  3. They cheaped out with the two connections. That's bad on a good traveling day. But Southwest doesn't have great cross country options. I'm surprised they didn't offer a wheelchair but then again, they probably didn't have one big enough for him.
  4. My attention wandered a lot with this one. The flashbacks seemed more disjointed. I don't know. I wish they would explain the CEO guy some more. Like, why he is the way that he is. Mariana does need to humble herself a bit but I can understand it's hard. She's always been way too eager and headstrong. I wish they focused on the topic of imposter syndrome more. The episode felt eh.
  5. AJ gets hangry! You gotta keep those types well fed.
  6. Haha, I know that the Bachelor needs to get rid of women every week but Colton is a little TOO good at that part. Oh and Katie, I literally never saw you before. We're at the point of the show where two black girls in the group would disrupt the space-time continuum so you knew you had to go.
  7. This sex talk with grown ass people is weird. I thought MAFS loved these fast-ass babies. I wonder what made them bring this up and possibly discourage getting pregnant right away.
  8. I'm behind in the ep but I'm wondering if she has some sort of physical condition where she can't feel full. She really shovels that food down, it's more disturbing than usual.
  9. The montage at the end was funny. "I eat lots of weird things when I travel. I love eating. Wait... I don't feel so good. -barf-"
  10. Whitney knew she should have told Heather. There was no mistakes or mystery there. Whitney can't see two feet in front of her face. I don't agree that Whitney needed to kick Buddy out on Heather's account. But for once, her parents had meaningful things to say. She's not responsible for Buddy's behavior. And Buddy is milking it because he's making all his passive-aggressive "woe is me" comments. They're playing off each other. They really deserve each other. Poor Todd. #FreeTodd
  11. Welp. This is the first time the show got any tears out of me. Poor kid.
  12. I don't get Kate. I would be turned allllllllll the way off after what Luke said and did. I would be done. But it still seems like she's simpering for a chance between them. And she's so calm. Is she okay?
  13. why are the commercials for dr pimple popper so graphic these days
  14. What was this Sam catfish lady trying to get out of this?
  15. Although, someone needs to buy this kid some new clothes.
  16. Hurray, Garrett is welding! That's in demand. I'm happy for him.
  17. I know that she's not in danger of starving, but 600 cals a day seems a little too extreme.
  18. Whitney... it's not up to you. YOU are not poor Whitney, trying to control everyone's life. You want to save them all but at the same time act so ignorant... "Heather told me not to tell her about Buddy so I'm not going to tell her he's living here!" Does that make ANY sort of sense? You think you're the best friend in the world but then you fail in the most basic way. I really think Heather needs professional help if she's still this hung up on Buddy. I mean he's not smart, he's not attractive, he's not rich, in fact he's barely employed and he's a known drug addict. Maybe he was amazing in bed? I don't know. I sure hope that's all scripted and Heather is going all out for her children's college funds. Todd was going in on Whitney about that RV. I usually laugh a lot, I love how Todd snarks on her but at the same time it felt sort of cheap. Whitney... RV... it's too easy. They could just fly to the cities. It's a 3 city tour. Flights and hotels so Whitney won't get stuck in the toilet. The RV sales guy was really chipper and just smiled away as his clients were a whole trainwreck. When I saw them close up on the RV business's name at the end of the scene, I could understand why. It was hilarious that the boat man just sent them out on a boat and stood there to see if they would drown silently as Whitney was thrashing and wailing. He earned his paycheck!
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