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bitchin camaro

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  1. Kara Saun must have seen that Auf coming. She had her purse packed and ready to go on the runway.
  2. To be fair, neither am I.
  3. I was hopping mad after watching this episode. Well played, producers - you got me. After sleeping on it, it’s really neither here nor there if you’re not the winner or the loser. Safe is safe. Anna’s was dreadful and she knew it but Hester’s was so much worse that all the drama was clearly manufactured as it wasn’t ever going to matter anyway. I loved Brittany’s look. It was different and cute and really hit the challenge brief. I’m glad she recovered and landed what sounds like the perfect gig for her with Peloton. the judges really don’t care for Rami this season. His look wasn’t the best but it wasn’t bottom three bad, imo. I’m about over Fabio. “My draping is awesome. Everyone else’s draping is lazy.” Rami was draping when you were still in diapers - get over yourself. Fucking Hester. Everything about them would be better in a dark room, so at least Elaine was right on that point. That runway outfit was offensively tacky. It looked like something a frat boy at Panama City Spring Break would wear to the strip club. Way to honor your non-binary model by putting a spotlight on their crotch. Hester of all people should be more sensitive to that. Thank sweet baby Jesus she’s gone. I hope the dust up at the end was exaggerated by the editing. Korto was right that it was some bullshit but that’s on the judges, not Anna. Even Anna knew it was bullshit that she was in the top. Her talking head fashion is incredible - I haven’t cared for her designs but the girl has great personal style.
  4. Hester's makeup through the episode looked like the evolution of a nasty case of conjunctivitis, ala Bob Costas at the Sochi Olympics. Somehow, I didn't hate the look that they made, although I think it was more Fabio's doing - I think a different fabric (tiny checks maybe?) would have worked better, but I thought the silhouette worked even though it wasn't anything that hasn't been done before. I am shocked that the judges liked Kara Saun and Laurence's look. The cape was fine but the dress reminded me of Madonna's Like a Virgin wedding dress at the VMA's from 30 years ago. (Hold up, that was FORTY years ago - jeez I'm getting old!) Even if the design didn't look like an Old West can-can girl, that fabric looked like it came from a Party City Ice Capades costume. Hideous. I was a bit surprised that Anna and Brittany didn't work better together. Maybe they're too alike to mesh well. Drab fabric, boring design, just uninspired all around and I think it was more Anna's (un)doing than Brittany's. It certainly wasn't better than Kayne and Viktor's look - theirs wasn't good either, but at least it wasn't boring. And for Nina to say "but Kayne IS a costume designer" - so what? Kara Saun is a costume designer too and y'all practically drooled over her tacky-ass getup. Shame to see Viktor go - this wasn't his best week but he absolutely was not the worst performance in this challenge. I call shenanigans. Korto and Prajje really knocked it out of the park. I loved everything about it, especially that headpiece. Prajje was clearly the supporting member of the team this week, but I think he's done interesting stuff all season so far and is a force to be reckoned with going forward. Someone upthread mentioned that the dress looked like a skating costume - I totally see the resemblance to something Katarina Witt wore, but I still loved it. Rami is my hands down favorite this season. His draping is still impeccable and I thought their dress did actually look like something a powerful, glamourous woman would wear. I guess it's not "young and fresh" but most things royal aren't. Things don't have to be wacky to be modern-looking, and clothes that women over 30 would wear aren't inherently unfashionable. Grrrr.
  5. Rami in no way deserved to be on the bottom. Hester’s was more half-assed than Milas and Anna’s didn’t look like fashion or like toys - awful. I adore Laurence but her look was pretty bad. Not as bad as Hester’s but of the bottom three, I’d have sent her home. Also, Kaynes human centipede panda thing turned out better than it seemed like it would, but still bizarre.
  6. Prajje’s original look was completely y salvageable so going with an ombré-ish effect was close enough for me. I think Bishme’s would have looked better if it was a few inches longer. As it was, it cut the model square in half and made her look like a box. Hester is still insufferable. I guess being insufferable in a different way is slightly better. Very slightly. Nora went from mohawk to soccer mom, eh? I’d have booted Kara Saun instead of her but it was clear she wasn’t long for the competition anyway. so glad PR is back!
  7. I’ll miss Sara and I hope she makes it back. Sucks she didn’t stick to her guns on leaving the lamb to cook a bit more. Amar can gtfo and stay gone. I think it’ll be Buddha again. Dude is a machine.
  8. As soon as Nicole said "pasta" I knew she was a goner. Also, I suspect that as soon as Buddha found out they would be in London, he came up with "United Kitchen" as his restaurant name. (and possibly the whole concept too.) Dude could write a dissertation on how this show works. I thought the tomato tea looked a little odd being served in the same kind of glass as the wine, a tiny teacup might have fit the theme better but I would love to be able to taste that - and I don't even like tomatoes.
  9. I thought it was an interesting parallel to the kid wandering into the Boston QZ at the beginning. Tests positive, here’s some medicine to make you feel better and when you wake up you can have all the toys you want. Knowing he’s never going to wake up but it is the humane thing to do. I’m sure they fed Ellie a similar line of bullshit. Hell, maybe FEDRA yanked that kids brain for tests too before tossing the body into a pit. (Just throwing stuff at the walls here, but what are the odds that a little kid can get bit enough to be infected but not get shredded to bits? And live long enough to wander into the zone without turning shroomy? I should probably lay off the wine for the night…)
  10. As soon as he said he used to be a teacher, I knew. And I bet he got fired for messing with kids. I'm not suggesting that male teachers are generally creepy, but the way he said it gave me the willies. The kind of dude who goes from being a teacher to being a preacher has a hard-on for power and authority and uses whatever is the currently socially acceptable position where he can put himself in proximity to people he can control.
  11. I figure that if they can have the Canadian Rockies located ten miles west of Boston, they can put the Paramus Mall in the middle of town. Even my husband was like "Esprit? How freaking old IS this mall?" 😂
  12. It was very moving and sweet, and yet I turned to my husband at that point and said "nope, you could just go ahead and shoot me because I don't want to sit around for two days waiting to turn into a walking mushroom." I love the what-would-you-do questions that come up in this show and watching how the characters respond, but my answer is still "die in the first wave, no way I'm trying to survive in this hellscape." I really appreciated that they showed the infected guy "waking up" instead of him just popping out to attack - we all knew it was coming and that made the whole episode really nerve-wracking, but it was nice to have at least a little bit of warning. Holy cats, those girls were loud - I can't believe it didn't attract every zombie in the northeast.
  13. Interesting. I wonder if it was a conscious decision to "blame" a country that doesn't have a giant native wheat industry - avoiding a situation like when Oprah got sued for saying she'd never eat beef again. Yeah, I know this is a fictional story but I've got to admit, it's made me not be too keen on adding mushrooms to anything I eat. (I am such a dork!)
  14. Did you miss the part where it’s the apocalypse and she’d be dead if the fireflies hadn’t scooped her up and put her with what was the best/only option at the time?
  15. Well, at least this episode gave me the opportunity to explain the diva cup to my husband. I think that disturbed him more than grandma zombies.
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