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The Solution

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Everything posted by The Solution

  1. I shouldn't watch this when I'm stoned. I swear I've seen it before. Not the first time this has happened.
  2. Granted, I haven't seen this show since the 90s, but when exactly did it become so abysmal? On what planet is this show funny? Hasn't Kate McKinnon been on this show since 1983? I know she's sixty if she's a day.
  3. I was hoping Lee Anne would win. Mapo Tofu is one of my favorite Chinese dishes. I was also hoping that Malarkey would go down in flames. What a douchetool. I did think all 3 of the top finalists were awesome and was glad to see Gregory win.
  4. On the bright side, I've found someone I hate more than Joe and Mika.
  5. Is it wrong that when Mika announced the "Democrats are Blowing Impeachment" commentary, I said "So? You're blowing Joe."?
  6. She's right. He kinda was impeached for stupidity.
  7. Just an observation, but Joe seemed to be off his meds this morning. I only watch 10 - 15 minutes daily, but still.
  8. Has anyone read any part of My Struggle by Karl Ove Knausgaard? I just started it.
  9. Even I am no longer amused by the chucklefuckery of these two. I am positive that both of them were reading from cue cards at 7 am. You could see their eyes following the cards.
  10. At least I'm not the only horrible person who had this thought in his head during the whole first ep.
  11. They might be the only people watching MJ too.
  12. I thought he was kidding and loved that he totally forgot Mika's name. Steve Kornacki's face was a thing of beauty.
  13. Not to mention the fact that Senator Schumer offered his condolences to Joe and Mika. At which point I reached for the remote and went click.
  14. Not to mention the fact that she led into the reading of that statement by calling it "baller."
  15. I would give good money to know the offender's number so I could call repeatedly until they are cancelled.
  16. I thought I was the only one who was hearing this! It happens all the time. I keep checking my phone and kitchen appliances to see what went off.
  17. When she read his tweet and auto-corrected "With who?" to "With whom?", I fell in love with her all over again.
  18. I see the street-fighting slattern is back with no shame this morning.
  19. I was really really hoping that Scotty's heist would work and that he would take all of these people out as part of it. That's it. Show's over. Happy ending.
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