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Everything posted by balmz

  1. True although the kid dying anyway is kinda more potent and sad, that they went through all that and it was for nothing, with the other two endings the father at least knows the kid is alive and is possibly fine with that as long as their child is ok but this negates any bit of hope
  2. Same I could not serve on the jury, there’s too much history with me and my family with health issues, also I am aware that the victim was “just doing their job “ but that mentally aka just following orders has been used too often to try to justify or excuse atrocities against my people and even my family, its a very dangerous mentality to have I do wonder if the whole killing thing was supposed to be a literal version of the saying you would die or kill for your family if the writers did want to have the killer face some form of conquensce , they could do after the trial, the kid takes a turn for the worse suddenly and dies making the father’s actions all for nothing
  3. this basically sums up how stabler handled questioning/interrogating people especially in later seasons
  4. With jack and the judge in zero, maybe it was jack was scared of his own morality and the judges state was an unpleasant what if that jack may face one day
  5. i liked it too though i am curious about the son's vile motive, i think there's more then just not being able to spend time with the dad
  6. you have to remember, just because he had the possibly of parole does not mean he will ever get it, the guy responsible for the jonestown massacre Marylin manson or something despite the massive death toll he caused, did have the possibilty of parole but he never once got it or was seriously considered. he even just left a note at one parole hearing because he knew he would never get it renunciation claim is interesting and without getting into politics, with all the stupidity that has been happening since the mothership first went off the air, maybe it might have worked and the da just wanted to avoid any possible way he might walk, they decided to split the difference, hopefully a jury would never buy the claim
  7. Maybe something like this happened once he left the show in season 3 and that's why he changed so much
  8. https://old.reddit.com/r/Degrassi/comments/12ignpp/the_directors_and_camerapeople_sure_seemed_to/ a reddit thread did address the sexualition
  9. here's a question based off a reddit thread about stuckey in svu who were the least interesting or effective villians, like perps you didn't like not just because of what they did but they were really wrong for the show and felt out of place or something was missing and it just dragged the episode down
  10. i had a take on why degrassi in later seasons largely failed and was hoping for feedback the show is supposed to show people from all walks of life, not just pretty white boy #9000 or white musician #5000. along with the changed intro in season 6-7, 13 and beyond along with following the characters to post high school plots or college when if anything the main character and setting is degrassi itself(the building), the show needs to show more then just white musicians or bands or white romance plot #3000 in a row, it needs alternative characters like toby, liberty to a degree, terri, campbell, wesley, connor, ellie to a degree think about it, seasons 1-4 and to a degree season 5 are considered the best of tng, the show had the most alternative characters in that time period. Alternative characters generally played a major role in some of the most iconic episodes (terri with rick, toby with helping save emma in the pilot, tss, rock this town) when season 6 came, along with the college plots and the different intro which was widely disliked, most of the alternative characters were gone or removed, terri was long gone, toby was taken out of the intro and not a main and when jt died, it also really lost the dynamic he brought with liberty and toby, with toby also being removed and having a reduced role there was less chance to showcase alternative characters like him and the plots and interactions that were fairly unique to him and his type note in season 8-9 when they did return to the regular intro, it is still generally not considered to be a high point of the show, toby was gone, they were still doing college plots, liberty basically had no one to play off on(emma and manny didn't work), the new characters they did bring on as a main didn't workout for the most part until much later(sav, connor, kc, blue, ,riley, zane, fiona, declan, jenna, alli), the rich characters of declan and fiona were considered to be too out of place in the show and more fitting in gossip girl season 10 is generally considered to be a vast improvement over seasons 6-9 and did introduce new alternative ones(eli, wesley as a main, bianca, adam, additionally characters from earlier seasons finally got alot of love and attention since the college plots were gone and were best developed there, wesley had good interactions with connor and dave and drew to a degree, bianca offered a different outlook, eli was fairly different, adam showed a very new and different archetype, the characters added from season 7 on also got real development and interaction( sav, anya, holly j) season 11 introduced imogen who was different also and also hannah and mo to a degree season 12 did drop the nerdy characters like wesley, hannah, kc to a degree but more then made up for it with campbell who was super unique and also added tori, both were poc and campbell was fairly unique as a poc on the show(dylan everett was partly indigenous and his character archetype was very different and his plots were mostly really different and some of the darkest in the series, easily able to stand among tss) season 13 and 14 changed the intro which was very unpopular , they also started doing college plots again with eli and bianca which were disliked, also had plots like paris that were not at degrassi which is the main point of the show and didn't really have enough alternative characters which were different enough or developed enough, it also removed the nerdy characters from the show completely, winston didn't count really as he didn’t really do nerdy things or offer a different walk of life(and with andre’s vile rl behaviour in season 14, he lost alot of fans) and hunter was too different from most nerds or didn't fit any usual alt archetype, they then also went pretty much right away with a cliche and boring path of making him evil next class still lacked the proper intro and also still lacked alternative characters who were different enough and developed enough, it did stop with the college plots but it still is considered a low point to the point kevin smith said no one watched it Yael, vijay and baaz technically did count but with all the evil stuff they did(sending rape and death threats and swatting maya and zig which could have gotten them killed), any likability was lost forever and it took away from being an alternative character( there are certain lines you don’t cross or do if you want to be a likeable character and sending rape threats is one of them) also yael's nonbinary plot loses appeal or value with the vile behavior earlier, it was a waste of a potentially good plot to give it to yael when it could have gone to someone more likable and hadn’t done such vile things The show trying to ignore what they did and not even really addressing it is similar to 13 reasons why trying to redeem a rapist. That got alot of critics and anger from people and the fanbase of the show. Really vile characters like the gamer club, rick, derek in later seasons, luke and dean are simply not appropriate choices to have as a main character since the show would not want viewers who identify with those archetypes, vile characters like them are best suited as guest or plot characters, note how dean and rick were not mains or recurring but are considered iconic Saad, rasha and goldi also count in theory as alternative characters but they weren’t given enough development in practice so you see the show needs the following to work at its best *different characters like toby, terri, wesley, connor, campbell and the different plots they bring to either balance out darker plots, add their own unique dark plots or introduce ones that don't work with other characters and to showcase all different walks of life and to showcase the interactions that are unique to the alternative characters, not just generic white girl or boy 500# as mains *no college plots or long plotlines away from the school which is arguably the true main character of the show, not emma or joey or spinner, degrassi the building itself * a proper intro that shows the characters at the school doing things that showcase who they are. And if this is not proof enough, notice how season 6, generally considered to be the start of the decline of the show if the season 4 kevin smith episodes and season 5 are not considered to be the start of the decline, season 6 no longer has characters like terri, hazel and toby as mains or in the opening credits which were changed from the classic one?
  11. if i were the lady, i would take the rich bitch to the cleaners like this one argument though i saw once said the one sister was a hypocrite and they hated her more then the driver, she didn't do a good job of caring for her brother if he was homeless, mentally ill and got killed and now she cares? mixed on that take
  12. well we can always hope the guy's sister sued her for his death, if nothing else if she's rich, maybe she would just pay a settlement to her or something to hush it up
  13. not bad, i have the feeling if law and order were to be first made now instead of the 90s, it would have an intro like this
  14. hmm what was the context of line where cragen says he had a kid? the only thing i can think of that might make sense was if he after marge died adopted a kid but they died or something happened, though at least the kid wasn't a screenhog with personal plots and a very performative and fake attempt at being socially forward in the series
  15. unless he adopted a kid or something and the kid died, that's the only thing that would make sense
  16. this sums up the whole thing with MH
  17. brings an interesting alternative character interpretation for claire, does she not consider the killing of a cop to be among the most serious of crimes? how does she view the detectives she works with then and their lives, also what would she be fine with the death penalty for or consider the most serious of crimes to be? serial killers or child killers and rapists? also how would serena view these cases :P also if she was alive, how would she see the killing of cops with the various blm protests and anti police movements in the past decade? agreed with curtis being rightly chewed out for attacking the suspect, one thing i have noted in other shows and even in confession on the mothership and seems to be a trend in media in general, when a cop gets killed and the police investigate, almost always it means the gloves come off with anyone who is in the path of the cops, often times on other shows, the captain is more lenient with police being aggressive also maybe with the flirting, it was their way of foreshadowing curtis cheating in the episode aftershock
  18. this sums up rohmbot
  19. which actors or characters make you say that?
  20. made a post about that the other day
  21. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CdrdFkRj-Y6/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link huh did't know michael mortarity wrote for the simpsons
  22. maybe his hormones were acting up for some reason and that's why he bought it
  23. here's a question i saw from reddit once, what are the weirdest but not necessarily bad episodes in the series? the one that was a reference to jon and kate plus 8 is one for me, very odd but i liked it, partly because at the time my family loved the show, different but in a good way imo, i know people can object when it's too different, aftershock is the best example
  24. what a vile lady, part of me thinks mccoy should have let the feds handle it, speaking of which, can't remember at the moment, was there ever any cases where they did willingly give the case to feds to handle because the state level couldn't get a win? i know there were cases where it was taken out of their hands much to their annoyance
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