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Everything posted by kia112

  1. Just think. Last 4th of July we had all of the younger set at Rick's party. Rick and Maya were together while Caroline and Rafael were scheming on that web series (blech) to break them apart. Hope had just met Wyatt and was waiting for Liam to show up at the party while he was trying to figure out why Steffy wanted a divorce. Thomas and Oliver were roommates and Oliver was getting sloppy drunk and couldn't get his 'Murica speech out (which cracked me up). Marcus and Dayzee were...around. I liked that vibe. More people were around.
  2. I finally watched it today. I thought it was cute. Farkle was annoying, but stragely, I cracked up when he jumped on Cory's back. That little brother might need to go, too. Did they ever even say his name? Rowan Blanchard's speech impediment is the cutest thing. Also, she is the cutest thing. I think she won me over when Maya asked to see her face as she was walking past her parents and it was so Ben Savage. I love that Cory is still Cory.
  3. I know it's the same night. My question was asking why he didn't turn on the light. When he was explaining the accident to Hope, he didn't say anything about his power not working. He was on the laptop -- I assume the wifi was operating just fine.
  4. I was getting ready to ask why Liam was still walking around in the dark today.
  5. But see, I never saw anyone saying Caroline was not in excellent mental health when she thought it was perfectly acceptable to try to get Maya sent to jail or continued to scheme non-stop when Rick left her and was in a happily committed relationship with Maya. Pathetic, yes. Thirsty, yes. But never crazy or nuts. She was off doing everything but her job, too, and no one threatened to fire her. And Carter? She's never wanted Carter on his own merits. He's always just been there, hanging around. When she had problems with Rick, he'd try to step in and convince her that she should be with him, but then she'd make up with Rick and then he'd hang back making hurt faces whenever he saw them making out like she was cheating on him or something.
  6. I fail to see Maya going nuts; it just looks like she's being bitter and vindictive now. But she's not welding weapons in a dark warehouse or anything.
  7. Oliver doesn't know that she made that recording. Plus...I mean...a lot of people could have done a lot of things differently. Maya could have done that, Oliver could have not started trying to angle Aly toward taking Maya's job, Maya could have not let her personal problems affect her job (and she was only made aware that it was affecting her job last week), Oliver could have not started dating Aly just to have an in with a Forrester. Thinking about it, it was only a few weeks before he started hanging out with Aly that he was kissing Maya in the hallway, telling her the exact things he's now telling Aly. My point is that it's not like Oliver was minding his business and she just decided to pull that out of nowhere. I think it's pretty clear that her telling was direct reaction to what she heard him saying.
  8. Incidentally, I don't disagree with anything Oliver said about why Aly should be the spokesmodel over Maya, nor do I disagree that Maya needs to adjust her attitude (I do disagree about Carter -- if she doesn't love him, she doesn't love him, no matter his pedigree; it is what it is: a rebound she was biding her time with because she thought Rick was doing the same). I also don't think that "the truth" is meant to get back to Aly -- that's why she brought it to Rick and Caroline and not to Aly directly. I just think, re: Oliver, that when you start trying to talk someone into taking someone else's job (even if the person losing their job isn't your primary goal), you put your ass out there for retaliation. I don't think he's insecure in his job -- Maya said that he just bought a car that he was hesitant to get before because he wasn't feeling that great about his job security.
  9. Of course he was. He was trying to talk his girl into going for a position that was already filled. As exemplified by the fact that Aly said, "I don't want Maya to lose her job." It's not like there was an open casting call for the position. That's like saying that Ridge didn't want to fire Oliver, he just wanted another photographer to do everything Oliver did and he wanted Oliver to stop showing up at FC.
  10. Why do Quinn and Wyatt think that Deacon has any kind of influence in Hope's life? In all the time they've known her, she hasn't mentioned him once. Then he pops up and everyone starts pouring out their hearts. Another example of why Quinn and Wyatt get on my nerves: no firsthand knowledge of any of Hope's part, but positive they know how her future should go. Yeah, I would have brought out that recording on Oliver too after hearing him trying to get me fired. Eff that.
  11. For someone who was about to get thrown out on his ass for little to no reason, Oliver has no problem throwing someone else under the bus. It would be one thing to stay neutral, but he's actively trying to get Maya fired.
  12. Well well well. Looks like I was correct with my Rick/Maya thing, which pleases me to no end because I never pick up on stuff that's telegraphed. Now, the actual execution of this story? WTF? I get why Maya's still pissed. I would be too. Like she said, Caroline was horrible to her and did nothing but scheme as soon as Rick gave her the heave-ho, and now they're married. And Carter is a big hunk of nothing to me. Yes, he's attractive, but he's also a stalker and she never really wanted him. Her bad for agreeing to marry him, but I get that he was nothing but a consolation prize who was at least loyal to her when Rick was not. Now, all of the sudden, she's mad because she can't get her hands on that Forrester cash? She was never portrayed to be a gold digger before. And yes, all of the sudden. They could have just as easily explained this as seeing how fast life can pass you by (with this whole Ridge thing) and realizing that she's been burying her feelings, but they just had her start with this bitchface out of nowhere. I've never been a person who thought that men should never put their hands on women and Quinn is a perfect example why. That kook needs to be shoved out on her ass every time she comes barging into Liam's house. And he for real needs to get a restraining order; she stabbed him in the throat. I like Quinn's presence on the show, but I cannot, for the life of me, understand why anyone is putting up with her shenanigans.
  13. To me, that was supposed to indicate how intertwined their lives are, even when they're not together. Hope wanted Liam to be there. She's had no problem telling him to leave in other situations. And if I recall, Hope was all up in Steffy's business when she told Liam she was pregnant. She and Liam weren't technically back together at that point, either. Guess I'm a psychopath.
  14. What happened? I also don't see that (yet). Did you hear what Brooke said? "I just knew that when the coast guard said that they were giving up that you were still out there. I knew that you had to come back to me, to RJ....and to Katie...and the rest of us." I wouldn't be smizing either if I heard that.
  15. I don't see that at all. I don't think Katie would emote like Brooke does (because she's not Brooke, and everyone keeps telling her that), but I think that she would try to comfort her sister as best she could. Honestly, why should Katie give two shits about Bill except for the fact that he's her son's father? He cheated on her with her sister and then tricked her thinking that their relationship was reconciled only so he could get control of company. And we're only coming up on a year since the shit hit the fan. Katie can't win. I saw that people were saying that what Katie did was way worse than what Brooke did because Brooke has had a 25+ relationship with Ridge and Katie had only been with Bill for 4 years. So in a fictional scenario where Bill went missing, Katie is now supposed to act like Brooke did with the person that she had a 25+ year relationship with? Fuck Bill.
  16. Brooke was precious today. Ridge's speech was dumb and it was really awkward how at the end, he went in to kiss Katie and then immediately pulled back to hug her instead.
  17. I wonder if...I mean, Ridge is still looking like he doesn't know what's going on, who's who or what day it is. But he's talking like he remembers everyone. I wonder if he's just faking it to keep everyone happy. I have a feeling something's about to come up with Rick and Maya. The way they've framed some shots looks suspicious, plus they're in a promo clip for that location sweepstakes. Which...I mean...I'm just mad about the way their relationship ended, so I wouldn't mind revisiting them. I know it's just me, though, so I'll sit at my table for one.
  18. Or...she could have just called them. Sent a mass text. No need to make everyone drive into the office, especially when later on that night, they all drove over to...someone else's house to plan a party.
  19. I like how everyone kept asking him what he remembered, but never actually let him answer. Caroline called Maya "Myra" again. That was funny. Yeah, all Katie had to do was recite their magic poem and they were back to making out.
  20. I really wasn't expecting the LA R&B Divas show up, but I thought that it was super cute. Michel'le came in there looking like she was looking for someone to murder. I have a prime candidate: Mo's wig/weave. My God. Kill it. Chante still wearing those dresses with no back and no front; her church gear. Meelah needs to stop with trying to "re-invent" herself. She's been gone for so long that no one would even know who she was unless she was with two other girls sining "Steelo." I'm liking this season way more than the other ATL seasons - there's so much more singing. I like the "drama" as much as anyone, but the draw of this is the fact that they're singers! Loved Monifah. I've always loved her when she gets to sang. Meelah. Meh. She was cool with 702 but I wouldn't get any of her stuff. Syleena...no. The outfit, the voice, everything. I really like her and I love her singing the hook on "All Falls Down" but...no. She brought the house down, apparently. Keke's a beast, as usual. That wig needs to go. I like Meelah and LaTavia's blonde much better. Speaking of LaTavia...keep up with those voice lessons because she sounded like me! At least she finally did something.
  21. Didn't Deacon also karate kick Whip in the face? Those always simultaneously embarrassed and delighted me. I know that SK has some martial arts training, but I loved how B&B never felt the need to explain why/how this trash dude from the desert was going all Ryu on people with the roundhouse kicks to the face.
  22. Those were definitely not the clothes we was wearing. Brooke did say that he was out of sorts, but I also couldn't figure out why they didn't take that dude to the hospital.
  23. Brooke's had more time to process it, I think. Wasn't she the same way a few days ago, running out of the room, saying that she couldn't stay and was going to look for him herself?
  24. I liked Liam's and Wyatt's coversation today. Liam is...dumb and ultimately a nerd, but he always means well, which I can take better than someone who is always openly plotting, which is why I've always liked him better than Wyatt. My problem with Wyatt and Quinn is that they walked into this extremely dysfuctional family dynamic and started talking like they knew what was going on. They had no first hand knowledge of everything that happened between Liam and Hope and Steffy, but they just kept being habitual line steppers. That would be like me walking into the Jackson family and trying to insert some semblance of reality into their lives. It might work for a second, but it's always going to revert back to the foolishness that they thrive in. Anyway, I do like how Liam was like, "Look, sorry for you. Even though you entered my life and moved into my home with no intentions of getting to know me as your brother, but instead used it to your advantage to sabatoge my relationship with my fiance, I still want you to be my brother." That would never be me. Even if all of that stuff didn't happen, Wyatt is still a straight up asshole, brother or no brother.
  25. Oh, yeah. That's right. Well, did the story not carry over from 2004?
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