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Everything posted by kia112

  1. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. And with this, I'm done with this show. Let's not even deal with the fact that I burst out laughing at the "You're Myron" (which I know wasn't the intended result), but there is no way this show could handle anything of this nature with sensitivity. Also, this is bullshit. These writers are morons.
  2. Ha! I will give them props when due: October - January was fire. Then it promptly went to hell during February and now we're back to "No."
  3. If that happened, the self in my mind's eye would throw her TV out of the window. You mean to tell me that Maya just happened to glance on the schedule at Dayzee's to see that Rick was volunteering that day (a fact unbeknownst to him since he never went there and Eric signed him up last minute) and convinced that manager dude to ask her to sing once he got there because she knew that her voice was that of a Siren, luring any man who heard it within her clutches? Because that's literally all that happened for Rick to become completely infatuated with her. He saw her, heard her sing and it was done. And please don't mistake me, KerleyQ, I'm not raging at you because this is exactly some shit that these writers would do. I've lost all faith in them.
  4. But we saw what happened when Caroline tried to trap Maya in porn: she immediately figured out what was happening, looked incredulous and scandalized and bounced. It would be one thing if we only saw Caroline's set up and then, later, Maya talking to Rick about how she would never do something like that, but we never saw the meeting that transpired. And that's the whole problem with this set up. Caroline, later by extension Bill, moved mountains to find any dirt on Maya when Rick started sniffing around her and eventually made moves to leave Caroline for her. They used the only thing they could find and it still didn't work. Whatever secret they come up with will, 100% guaranteed, not make any sense. Just like she basically hasn't made any sense since this turn. They tried to reconcile it with her saying something like "When I was nice, people walked all over me. Now I'm taking back my power" but it's still just leaving gaps all over the place. Which is why I can't even say that she's opportunistic because if she was, she would have stayed her ass with Rick in the first place because he still wanted her even though he cheated with Caroline. I guess I'm just supposed to forget her entire story arc in 2013 (except for Rodeo Drive, of course) for this to make sense.
  5. Glad you're planning on talking to your nephew for the first time since at least October. GTFOH, Katie. http://youtu.be/mdgeDPeaNUA
  6. I never had a problem with Maya at the HFTF meetings, at least. Like I said before, they seemed to have this whole young, collaborative vibe where no one was above anyone else and each section they represented was a vital part of the operation. No one was handing out orders, but everyone worked together. Maya would say stuff like, "On my last spokesmodel tour, this is the feedback I got..." blah blah blah. When it started moving into board meetings, I kind of narrowed my eyes, but at least they set up a precedent for her being at meetings in the first place. With Carter, it's like they just need to make sure LSV gets his contractually agreed upon episodes. "Oliver says the light is leaving."
  7. Exactly. He has no purpose. This is Nicole/Maya crap is clearly the result of the writers scrambling after LG's accident. Earlier spoilers indicated that Maya was into trying to get to know her sister and was even excited about setting her up with a guy. And though their first meeting was a little frosty, it thawed up pretty quickly with Nicole seeing that Maya felt like a fish out of water with Rick. There was a subtleness present in those first scenes that read as awkwardness between them, not menace. I know that many people assumed that Nicole had a secret about Maya when she first showed up (I didn't), but even if she did, it definitely wasn't this crap playing out now. Nicole scoffed at the idea of being a fashion designer, and wanted to be known for her talent in the field of computer science. She wanted to get away from her parents, same as Maya, and they commiserated a bit in that shared experience. She seemed like she was a hacker kind of "bad girl," not the blackmail kind. This set up is ridiculous, because, again, I could give a crap about the secret. Pro-tip: please make the flesh colored panels of a peek-a-boo dress match the actual flesh of the person wearing it.
  8. This episode reminded me of NewsRadio, starting with the goatee. Then, I was thinking that the guy that played Jake's dad could have been played by Phil Hartman.
  9. Whatever this dumb-ass secret is, I offiically don't care. I've only got one more week left with this show.
  10. But Rick invited Nicole to live with them because of her connection to Maya. If I was a guest in someone's house and they asked me to leave for a couple of hours, then I'd leave for a couple of hours. But that's not really what I was picking up on. "Rick likes me. Maybe Rick wants me to be a part of your celebration." Nicole's talking like Rick would have invited her to stay there if he just saw her on the street one day. Like, regardless of his relationship with Maya, she has a right to be there. Like I said before, it's tricky talking about "rights" and homes, but as it stands, Eric told Rick that he could make the main house his home. Rick wants his girlfriend to live with him. Because he thinks it will be good for his girlfriend in the long run, he extended an invitation for her sister to stay with them as long as she needed. At no point has Rick shown any interest in her outside of being Maya's sister.
  11. Did Maya and Nicole kill their parents and form a murder pact or something? I'm trying to figure out how Nicole rationalizes that she has as much of a "right" to live with Rick as his girlfriend. The phrasing of that was weird.
  12. Stacy can go kick rocks. I don't know that Chante has really said anything disparaging about Kenny. She's obviously angry with him and wants nothing to do with him, but I don't remember her airing dirty laundry. But because Kenny is nice to Stacy in social situations, he's automatically the good guy? And why is she telling Chante that they don't have authentic friendships? I mean, they don't, but what does that have to do with anything/what business of hers is that? Especially using her example. Chante was right. The table was huge and they were in the very front. Were they supposed to yell to each other? Brave seems like a nice woman, but she really is pointless. I loved the reactions to the guy who took off his shirt uninvited. She made such a big deal out of Music Choice, but aren't they just the company that plays music in the 800s channels through your cable? They don't even play videos, do they? I guess any get is a good get. I loved that Michel'le immediately called Stacy out on inserting herself in a situation that had nothing to do with her. At all. Michel'le is right: Mo is not a mute. Far from it. She either needs to accept her apology or don't accept it, but don't say "OK" but still sit there fuming while Michel'le thinks that everything is fine. I can handle Chrisette's extraness and snobbery and condescension if it's directed towards Stacy. She definitely made me laugh tonight when Stacy tried to say that there wasn't a confrontation going on and Chrisette, voice dripping with disdain, said, "Obviously there is." And Stacy was still flapping her gums (to no one) when Michel'le decided to leave her own birthday party. Talking about people can't act like it's all kumbaya when there are issues. Shut. Up. That dance music was a good look for Michel'le.
  13. The "Lola" song was the first one that I wanted to buy from the show. Love it. That scene with Jennifer Hudson getting between Andre's legs and putting her head on his was super weird. I wouldn't want to pray with anyone who did that to me, and I am a Christian. Really liked one of Hakeem's poses. I think he was saluting in profile. Super cute.
  14. Yesterday's deleted scene http://youtu.be/v4Yw8I7jlVk Today's deleted scene http://youtu.be/8ftiy9xTdjs
  15. Today's slow clap goes to Ivy. I loved everything she said to everyone. The only thing I questioned is why she actually thought any of that would make a difference. Not that I think she shouldn't have said anything, but her saying she was going to speak to him "cousin to cousin"? They never had that cousin/familial type relationship. "Go ahead. Call my daddy." Oh, Jacob Young. You make me laugh. Based on today's outfits and a tweet that AP (Aly) posted, this episode was shot 2/5. For everyone doing a countdown to the return of LG. While I'm not rejoicing over the reason LG is gone, I don't mind a break from Caroline.
  16. Who wouldn't? Why was she walking around with tiny shorts and a tank top in a house where she knew no one? I don't have a problem with her wearing them in general (I know it's what I wear to bed in the summer), but it just seemed suspicious in that scenario. Especially knocking on Rick and Maya's door when she knew Maya was in the shower.
  17. Oh, so Deacon finally admitted that he's an alcoholic. Hmm. The best thing Maya did today was humming in the shower. Karla Mosley has such a gorgeous voice. Even her non-verbal vocalizations were compelling.
  18. We saw how she behaved when she thought Eric was going to somehow "revoc" the irrevocable. She was still ready to stay with him. For how long, who knows.
  19. I forgot to mention that I enjoyed Brooke's "background check" comment to Wyatt yesterday. http://youtu.be/mmq77fWvmCc http://youtu.be/pl4ia-QVt3c
  20. I think it gets a little tedious when you try to talk about rights to homes. No one has a right to anyone else's home unless it's stipulation in a will or something. Rick didn't have a right to it when he moved in and Aly has no rights to it now. It's Eric's. If dummy Eric wants to give Rick his home, then it's Rick's. Karla talked about that a couple of days ago. They had the shirt on backwards in the first scene.
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