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Everything posted by kia112

  1. Mo's edges continue to be tragic. That trust building thing was bull. Chante and Chrisette are clearly threatened by each other, but they're not admitting it. We'll see... Those two new ones look so pointless. Maybe they're just cannon fodder so we can all be on the same page as far as liking our original(ish) divas.
  2. I thought that too until I remembered that Caroline was the one listening at the door and then just decided to insert herself into the conversation. Granted, it kind of concerned her, but it's not like Donna and Pam sought her out to tell her their thoughts. I assume this is the bonus scene, since I fast forwarded through most of Deacon and Quinn. http://youtu.be/Ca0AEHr73gc
  3. I think we should scrap the episode threads since the replies are so low. I'll post in whatever thread people start, though.
  4. I kind of wish that it meant that Rick knew what was happening, simply because Liam and Wyatt sounded really dumb today. Liam, especially. "First, I'll take your stock. Then with Steffy and Thomas's, we'll be on our way. What...huh? Oh, yeah, Steffy did explicitly say that she's not on board, but I'm still going to depend on her stock. Then Eric and Ridge are majority (?) stockholders, but I'm just going to bring up that point with no resolution. Finally, with Wyatt on the inside, we'll finally have a start to taking over the company, somehow. I don't know how businesses work, but this takeover seems doable." However, I do like seeing Liam and Wyatt working toward common brotherly goals.
  5. He didn't pretend to be a waiter, like, he didn't go up to Maya and say, "Hi, I'm Rick the waiter" to test her or anything. Eric made Rick go down to Dayzee's to volunteer, so that's how he met Maya. He was volunteering as a waiter, she sang a song, he was immediately enchanted by her and went up to introduce himself, but when she assumed that waiting tables at Dayzee was his job and not just some rando thing he was doing, he didn't correct her. She was actually very generous with what money she had, giving him bigger tips than he deserved because "we all need help sometimes." How did Rick and Caroline break up. Hmm. Well, like everyone's said, Rick didn't tell Maya anything about Caroline and vice versa. Maya, thinking that Dayzee was a friend, told her all about this Rick guy that she really liked and was getting to know and Dayzee freaked out, telling her to leave him alone and that he had a girlfriend who was better suited for him. She even told Maya that in order to stay at the apartment, she had to stay away from Rick. Maya was kind of miffed about that (I think that this was after she ran away from Rick after she found out that he lied to her about being a Forrester). Then one day, Caroline was talking to Dayzee about how distant Rick had become and Dayzee spilled the beans about Maya. Then Caroline went down to Dayzee's and absolutely berated Maya in front of everyone, calling her trash, telling her to leave Rick alone, blah blah blah. That pissed Maya off and she went to Rick, asking why he was even with Caroline, saying something like, "Life can be a bitch sometimes, why would you want to spend your time dating one?" then they kissed and they definitely began the grounds of building a relationship while Rick was still with Caroline. After a bit, Maya finally asked him what they were doing and told him that he needed to make a choice and he chose her. To be a little fairer to Caroline, Eric made Rick go down there (like, already put him on the schedule) and Rick, figuring Caroline would be game, just told her he had a surprise for her at lunch. She assumed that it was a new sushi place and he didn't correct her. When they got down there, she was put out, as it wasn't what she was expecting. She also went full brat and didn't just suck it up to do some volunteer work.As always, Clarence is hilarious when it comes to this stuff. http://youtu.be/8qhwaQx3OFM
  6. I would think that the second half of this clip was cute (and very Raya 1.0) if they weren't just yukking it up about Rick's target practice and still in that bed. These two annoyed me greatly today. http://youtu.be/E0jni1dH7KQ
  7. She not only bedded him, but plied an already drunk Rick with more alcohol. Back to the original question, Rick didn't break up with Maya because of the kissing, he cheated on her because of it. He changed his tune on the kissing the day after, when he woke up with Caroline and saw all the missed calls from Maya, realizing that he fucked up. He was real quick to go, "Let's just start over," but this was before he knew that Maya had already gotten an earful from Caroline. Maya's the one that broke up with him.
  8. Oh, yeah. Felt bad for Aly, disgusted by Rick, but still found JY hilarious.
  9. Yes, JY really did make me laugh. Glad he can have fun with the parade of buses his character is being thrown under.
  10. Well, guess I only need one more episode to change my opinion to "Rick needs to go down!" Everything left a bad taste my mouth today. First of all, I didn't need to see Rick sweating it out between the sheets. God knows what kind of new bacterial strain is festering in that fluid soaked bed. Gave me the willies just thinking about it. If I'm Aly and Ivy, I'm like, "Fuck that dude." Doing your job is one thing, but ain't nobody got time to be treated like Cinderella in your own home. Somebody needed to pop Maya in the mouth with her stupid giggling and draping herself all over Rick. I did laugh when Rick cracked up telling Aly that he would think better with some ice cream in his stomach, only because of the way JY said it. Caroline and Ridge are still gross. Also didn't need to see his sweat beads and his naked leg. Liam and Steffy were moronic.
  11. , but anything's possible. I believe that actor renewed their contract last year and it may have been a multi year deal. And I've seen that casting call for at least 4 months.
  12. My point was that for me to get on board with this development, there had to be more stuff that happened, not that they necessarily change the direction that they were going (though, like I said, I do think that there's a big chance all of this could have been avoided if he did get support). I get the feeling that I'm supposed to be like, "Yeah, Rick needs to go down!" when I'm thinking, "Rick needs some therapy. And an entirely new family." If I'd seen anyone talk to Rick the way the did Caroline or if Eric had that great talk with Rick they way he did with Ridge, I could go, "Dang, Rick. Your family tried to help you out, but you just kept stewing in your rage and listening to Maya." I can't say that. But I can go, "Welp, Steffy, you're the dummy that got engaged to "Uncle" Rick right after your mother broke off her engagement to him. Everyone tried to warn you that he was using you, but you ignored them. Go kick rocks." I also think that Maya would have just crept up, Gollum style, and started going in on Rick to make sure that he still was still "on track" if anyone actually went to see Rick. I was just pointing out that I saw no reason why Maya would be a deterrent to attempting to talk to Rick. I also understand that this is a part of soap opera writing. I mean, Rick was no where to be found when Hope had a miscarriage.
  13. It was bad. Real bad. I understand that this is the Rick we have, but, as we do with all characters, we discuss the actions/inactions/decisions that led them to be who they are today. Whenever I talk about the lack of support from Rick's family, I'm generally talking about post-reveal/pre-scheming, but the responses I get are why people shouldn't support Rick now. I get why they don't support him now, but, for this viewer, if the show wanted to get me on board completely with this whole demonization of Rick thing, then they skipped a few steps, and family support is a big one. In addition, I have no reason to think that Maya wouldn't "allow" any of Rick's family to talk to him. Caroline? No. Ridge? No. Hope? Aly? Donna? Ivy? Katie? I really can't see her going, "No, Hope. You can't talk to Rick" and even if she did, would Hope even pay attention to her? Plus, there's the fact that supporting Rick/talking to him doesn't automatically equate convincing him to attempt reconciliation with Caroline.
  14. I get that people want to continue to speak to this version of villain Rick that is on the screen right now, but I still contend that we probably wouldn't have this Rick if his family stepped up earlier. There were no schemes at the beginning of this: there was only a man acting out in his hurt. His wife and brother got the brunt of it, and Carter got some residual, but nothing he did, IMO, was so off putting to his immediate family members that it would have stopped them from reaching out, but they didn't. He flaunted an affair. Okay...? I think that when most people engage in destructive behavior, that clues their family in to the fact that they need some kind of help. Brother's keeper and all that jazz. So now Ridge paints. :-| Pointless Amber and Usher flashback. I am glad that they apparently couldn't reair that horrific duet of "Slow Jam" that they performed, though.
  15. I think that his family had plenty of time to be supportive. In the month between the reveal and the beginning of the con, his sister, his cousin, his aunts, and his niece never came to talk to him. Correct me if I'm remembering incorrectly. Compare that to the way the family behaved when Aly was having serious issues. They reacted with kindness and empathy. Firmness, but kindness. She acted out, but they didn't just wash their hands of her. The closest Rick got to any kind of support was Eric giving him the CEO position with a "Whoopsie, my bad" talk. You don't have the chance to accept or reject something that's never offered.
  16. I think it's easier to admit to making a mistake when you have a support system. I should say, it's easier for me. I can't speak for other people, but that's what I relate to in Rick. If my entire family showed zero concern for me in a situation that hurt me deeply, I'd probably double down on a coping mechanism, too.
  17. The problem (for me) is that people are always saying, "But look what Rick did! It's so much worse." Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but someone else's worse behavior doesn't negate your bad behavior.
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