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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. I found the original link from SpoilerTV, which then linked directly to the TVLine article. By habit, I link to SpoilerTV by default, but this time I guess I just went straight for the article link but forgot to remove the SpoilerTV part. This is where I originally found the article, but then it's just another embedded link. I was trying to save people some clicks. Bad me. I'll remove the SpoilerTV part. *grin*
  2. I know a link to a TVLine article about the new series regular has been previously posted, however this link from TVLine has a little extra about the new regular. Hmmm.....
  3. Damn, humans suck, don't they?? The moment an apocalypse hits, we've got assholes burning dead bodies and dictators running wild. Not that I expect anything better from humanity but still... Honestly - very entertaining and interesting. Problem is that I have to reaquaint myself with some of the characters and their names. Loved Lt Granderson standing her ground and going against her mother - c'mon, that takes guts and is a very hard thing to do. The dude with the long hair, talking to the kid about what happened - I like him. This episode was a good exposure to how - let's face it, say's me the cynic - how a lot of humanity would react to a situation like this. The conveyor belts hauling the bodies in the power plant - very powerful I have to say. Overall, well done. Though seriously?? You kill off Titus Welliver?? So wrong, just so wrong. Same with Alfre Woodard - damn, they could have really milked the story of her being in control of Baltimore, and how to deal with fighting to get that control. It seemed fast and easy, but at the same time, non-military I bet gets complacent very quickly, so it's not surprising. Still - so glad this show is back!
  4. Yeah, didn't even know he was on that show (again, because I never watched it). And fixed my spelling mistake on his name, because that is just wrong (and I hate spelling mistakes). *grin*. Thanks, editorgrrl!! Nesmith was/is awesome, but I always preferred Peter Tork on the show. The hair and dimple, you see.
  5. I haven't even seen a full episode of the show yet ( but just possibly spotted it on PBS and set it up to tape...) but anyway, Aidan Turner from an English show called Poldark. Just gorgeous. Haven't seen GoT either, but Kit Harrington too. And both of them have a very similar look: both have the longish dark curly hair and scruff that look amazing on them. Like editorgrrl, I definitely have a type.
  6. Just a reminder guys - tonight's season 2 premiere is actually two episodes back to back, starting at 9:00 pm!! Yes!
  7. YEAH!!!! Man, this is getting better and better already!
  8. Smart lady. If she bought during the early X-Files filming days, if she ever sells she's going to make a shit-load of cash. Vancouver real estate is ridiculously overpriced right now. I believe it's the most expensive in Canada, followed closely by Toronto. A standard detached home (bungalow) now averages $1.2 million if not more. I know she doesn't need the money, but if she sold now, well, she would make a good profit. Vancouver is lovely though. Wish I could live there. Anyone sad that DD isn't renting a room at her place? *grin*
  9. Underlined the truth. It would totally lose credibility with me, to be honest. I get trying to appeal to the Millenials or something, but there are so many more talented kids out there they could cast. Honestly, I expect better from Chris Carter and company. I mean, look what Gilligan has done with Breaking Bad. These people are working with actors that are excellent, and on shows that are critically acclaimed. Stunt casting just doesn't fit at all. For the record, I didn't think the casting of Xzhibit was bad at all - thought he was decent. Yeah, that's what I thought. Info like this is usually released as a mistake or if someone steals a script of something. CC is going to stay true to form and control what is released to the public at all times.
  10. SpoilerTV - Extant Advance Preview - Change Scenario A couple paragraphs on the first episode and an idea and bit of an overview on what's changed and what's going to happen on the show. Beware Spoilers, of course!
  11. Wow - that call sheet is awesome (I love those little filming details). And yeah, poor GA for having to wake up earlier for the hair and makeup but I guess that's normal. Am I reading that right that she has a place in Vancouver while DD lives in a hotel for now? Under remarks, it looks like they are both getting a ride to the set from where they are actually living. Hannibal films in Vancouver too, right? Oh, and, um....I think that friend's dad is going to be in a lot of shit. Some productions have very very strict rules about any filming material getting into the hands of the public. CC was known to be very secretive. Not saying that the dad wasn't allowed to tweet this, but I don't know. It's already giving some stuff away that maybe CC is co are trying to keep under wraps for now - unless of course this is CC using deliberately using social media to his marketing advantage.
  12. HalcyonDays

    NHL Thread

    Really?? Man, I did NOT know that. Ha! I love these little stats! Probably when a team hasn't won at home for over 77 years. I love statistics like that, because for the fans, to be actually there, to experience it at home, surrounding by thousands of people so enthusiatic and excited - both in the stadium, and on the streets....must be unbelievable. I mean, in other sports, certain teams have had many chances. But for hockey fans in Chicago, the last time it happened was 77 years ago, and that becomes special for those fans. As someone who lives in Toronto, if the Toronto Maple Leafs ever won a cup, this city would bloody well implode (once it got over it's initial shock at the team actually winning!)
  13. I bolded what I wanted to respond to, because I absolutely agree with you. I don't want to see a long drawn out drama and and soap opera and yadda relationship/whine yadda. I want the action like you do. That's why if they go there - simply for opening initial drama and required tension - I can see it being an "issue" yet resolved very quickly, then they can move to the nitty-gritty - i.e. the meat and potatoes (small potatoes?) of the show, aka alien conspiracy, government shadowy figures, etc, etc. Basically the relationship woes would happen off-screen, and a quick voice-over or conversation gets the viewers up to date on what happens, then it's resolved quickly and we move onto the good stuff. Six episodes doesn't give them much time to do this. Well, it does, if the show is intended to be a soap opera. But they need to devote time to reintroducing the characters (and there are many), setting the current world, the status of M & S, the FBI, Skinner, CSM, the government shadowy figures, the alien colonization attempts, William, hell - Earth in general. Then they have to introduce their overriding plot and storyline that will obviously run throughout the six episodes, with clues dropped here and there, that lead to revelation upon revelation, twist upon turn, then to the inevitable climax and ultimate resolution. There is not any extra time to waste on Real Housewives relationship drama or whatever. And I could not care less about that, just as I could not care less about William....
  14. Simply. Because everyone has their breaking point. Some cannot take much and cave early, some are much more resilient and strong and can deal with it. Scully is the latter, but everyone has their breaking point. The stress and pressure and everything that Scully has gone through is an almost overwheming and at times, insurmountable weight on her shoulders, that many others could not bear under normal circumstances. Scully can - even under abnormal circumstaces -but even she has her breaking point. Scully is not superhuman. It is possible that - if the synopsis is true - that she finally reached her absolute breaking point. Again, simple. We saw in IWTB that Mulder was a bit of a broken man. He long ago reached his breaking point. He is trying to piece together himself and his sanity and his life, etc, etc. He lost a lot already, but at least he had Scully with him, but even she seemed to know he was broken. It would be very hard for him to now try to fix Scully too, when he is struggling with his own self. I'm just throwing speculations out here on what could happen and how I see things, assuming the synopsis is true. I am most likely wrong. But M & S are human and are subject to human weakness, and with everything that both of them have gone through in 9 seasons of the show, and two movies...they are bound to reach their breaking point. They are going to crack and break at some point. They are not infallible. They are not superheros. At some point, "something's got to give." And that's very positive. Honestly. If they are married and together, awesome. CC is good at deflection. Either or, I am groovy with it. I just want my classic M&S back.
  15. Heh. Yeah he did and can you blame him. And I liked his "scratchy beard". Have faith, AntiBeeSpray. If this leak is actually true (which as you said, it probably isn't because CC is the king of deflection and being saavy at hiding any filming or plot truth) it will be such a small part of the overall story and connected plot of the series that it will have no lasting impact. At all. It will just be a small part of the first episode, and be resolved very quickly. It it just a way to use a typical trope to set the background, introduce some tension and have the dramatic reunion of M&S before they realize how good they are together and how good they work together in their special and unique way. Give it a chance, wait for the actual synopses/previews/etc. I know for sure, it's gonna be good!!!! *grin*
  16. There was smut in IWTB?? What the hell movie was I watching then? What the hell were you watching, AntiBeeSpray??? *grin* Alien Colonization - that's okay, I can live with it. In fact, I actually suspect this will be a feature in the series - i.e. Mulder and Scully figure out how to STOP the colonization once and for all. And that's awesome. William? - Meh. Maybe he pops up in one episode, then dies as a sacrifice to save his parents and the future of humanity - a la many TV tropes - but that's okay because everyone gets closure (M, S, the viewer and no more William to waste time on. Yeah I know, I'm cold.) Estrangement - again, eh, whatever but realistic. I don't have a problem with it because I totally understand why both of them could become estranged. In fact I expect it especially from Scully, considering everything. I mean, throughout the first few seasons, I was always surprised that Scully didn't kick Mulder to the curb - and this was BEFORE they got intimate. And honestly, which one of you would ever stick around for as long as she did, for someone as crazy/intense/obsessed and sometimes selfish as Mulder was, while enduring so much danger in your own life? Very few (which really makes Scully extraordinary). At some point, one will crack - or at least need a break. So this is fine. Because this is how I believe it will unfold. The first ten minutes of the first episode will briefly re-introduce the X-Files world, the major characters (M, S, Skinner, the FBI, et all). Then some brief mention of the estrangement. Then M & S are brought together to work on something, then they deal with their issues. Maybe throughout this episode or the second one, there are references to why, hints at why they broke up, then they reconcile and are stronger and move devoted and in love than ever. That's it. Issue resolved, and M&S go back to being an amazing couple and solving X-Files and saving the world. Remember, this show is about alien invasions, government conspiracy, government coverups, shady men in black (FBI or otherwise) and strange and unusual cases (usually murder) that are hard to solve. It's not a romance, it's not a drama, it's not a soap opera. Any "estrangement" will be dealt with and resolved very quickly.
  17. HalcyonDays

    NHL Thread

    Congrats to the Blackhawks. Since my other team (Montreal Canadiens) were knocked out, I was rooting for the 'Hawks, cause I like Corey Crawford. Both teams played excellent, but Chicago was just that little bit better. Great game. Also thrilled that they were able to win on home ice (since 1938!!) for the fans. Must have been amazing. So Chicago is a possible "dynasty" now too. Three Cups in Six years - wow! Got a kick out of the fact that the Stanley Cup wasn't even in the building due to flooding and they had to wait for it to "arrive". You'd think they'd be there at the start of the game just to be sure. Anyway, great game and congrats Chicago!
  18. Aw man...this is terrible. Danzig Moon - he came in fifth at this year's Kentucky Derby - broke his leg running a race at Woodbine Race Track (here in Toronto) and had to put down. So sad and poor baby. Another Link. I've never really managed to get a good answer to this - maybe someone here can provide it - why does no one try to rehabilitate these horses, instead simply killing them. It breaks my heart. I am sure money is the major reason, which angers me to no end. But I read somewhere that when a horse breaks their leg, because of how light and thin the bones are, the bone will shatter and irreparably bend and becomes hard to heal and causes other complications. Anyone have a better explanation? Again, poor baby....Here is Woodbine's own news release. Nice and coldly written, Woodbine. *shakeshead*
  19. Rereading the first sentence, I think they are estranged from each other. I'll reword it to try to show how I read it. Estranged (from each other), Mulder and Scully - who are former FBI agents - are reunited when their former boss Skinner asks both of them for help on an unusual case.
  20. I guess I am in the minority because that Reddit synopsis actually sounds decent. It also reminds me a lot of the actual series where time and time again Mulder gets evidence that could make him second guess the whole alien abduction consiracy. Not surprised M & S are estranged because it happens in relationships. There is a lot of strain on both of them. The "forced to confront personal decisions" could be a William thing but it could also be something simple as regretting the path each have taken in life. Scully especially, where she gave up a normal FBI career to work on the X-Files, and in turn gave up a normal career and a normal life. Both are bound to look back at their lives and have regrets.
  21. Yeah, that's not looking good. The move to Monday really killed it. The first season - which aired on Sunday 9:00 pm once The Walking Dead was over - was much better in ratings, but this season, Mad Men took it's place instead after WD, hence the Monday move. Now that Mad Men is over, AMC should consider putting it back on Sunday. If it's renewed. But it's chances look better than Halt and Catch Fire. HaCF was a 0.1 demo with 0.49 million viewers. The S2 finale for Turn was a 0.3 demo, with 0.93 million viewers, so you never know. *crossfingers*
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