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Everything posted by queenjen

  1. Brandi was pissed not because Cary was taking credit for Brandi making a decision, but because Cary was doing SOMETHING at that moment that Brandi could sense was disingenuous. Brandi knew what happened at the time and she knew when Cary brought it up that she was using this incident in some way to slither out of something else. And she was. She had the Jolly Pink Giant going all badger on her again. What began as an off hand comment 'I TOTALLY have your back, grrrrrrrl!!', and then recount of what got left in Brandi's bag of tricks, ended up with Cary needing receipts and basically needing Brandi to kind of lie for her to get them. That's what I saw. She put Brandi in an uncomfortable position where she could have ended up with the wrath of Kam again and possibly falling out with Cary also. Not cool, Cary.
  2. The look on D'Andra's face when Cary was doing the ostentatious 'I've got to get my GRRRL into a raincoat, it's a KELLY and this is a BIRKIN'. D'Andra didn't do a double take, but she did an eyebrow lift and lip purse that just read 'are you SHITTN' me?!'. Priceless. Like Cary's bag, no doubt. Sparkle Cam giving business advice to all of us and LeeAnn over her 'unique' and 'adventurous' product? Take a seat, ma'am. We'll all be happy to eat our words in 2 years, but I can't see either product taking off. Thank you Brandy Redmond for not putting us through another SL a la Dorit/Sonja/Kyle 'howife develops fashion line'. So happy that we were unaware and now just seeing the product getting sold. That's all I need. Unless it's anything Sheree does. Or a toaster oven. Those fails were funny, but Dorit's whole Beverly Beach swimwear atrocity is still too recent. And they are getting sued. Again.
  3. That wasn't well written: I had doubts that Jackie would cosign Simone and Cecil bringing their kids into it, if they are indeed faking matrimonial discord. Dr Jackie is a damn saint. I can even put up with Fitni because I know she's coming from the heart with her concern for everyone's health. Hmmm, maybe they had to give her Fitni to go along with any fakery on the others behalf
  4. Love your work, Z, i've been watching the same thing and i think they're tap dancing for a cheque. I saw a blind item where a lot of the commenters believed it was Simone and Cecil. The reunion was just too dramatic. They're body language is so comfortable and familiar and I could really see them doing this. I've seen rumours also that Quad hasn't been in the same bedroom as her husband since very early in their marriage, and I can see that too. The reason I bring Quad and Greg up is that I don't think the rest of the cast would stand it was just Simone and Cecil that were all for show. But possibly they see it as a necessary drama guarantee should things be slow. That cheque has gotta help, why go without it if you don't have to? I do love Dr Jackie and I'd be extremely bummed if she is revealed as a massive fake also. My only doubt comes from whether Jackie would agree to their kids going along with it, because we've seen Simone discussing it with both her sons.
  5. I may have missed something, but I do remember CONEtessa's dad as having some chronic illness (maybe not SA tho?)?? Chron's?? Something It was Crohns and substance abuse. This is from last season (I think) and what she said last episode. While she was talking to her husband. i got the impression that her mother raised her and that her father was mostly gone with SA. She was crying when she talked to hubby about it. i applaud her for recognising that her Dad was/is sick, with the SA: this is the reality, but a lot of people don't get it and as a doctor, Contessa knows addiction is an illness and she kept the emphasis on Dad being a sick man. Cos I think Scott (?) would have supported her if she never wanted to see him again for the abandonment issues his wife has had to come to terms with. And he now has protate cancer also which he doesn't seem to want to get treated. Possibly because we learned Contessa's mother had 5 or 6 rounds of chemo and both father and daughter looked like they agreed it was hard on her.
  6. Oh preach! Key to some of the happiest marriages and the reason a lot of divorces happen when someone retires. So Vicki in the bandages at the end of the mid season trailer...that's a 'wattles begone' surgery? Cos in this week's episode of Married to Medicine, I noticed Dr Heavenly pulling at her own wattles while she was getting spiritual/anger management coaching. So obviously I was then on 'wattle alert' during her THs. Thinking about Heavenly and Vicki, I concluded that maybe wattles are more likely to be an occupational hazard if there's quite a percentage of your life spent screaming like a snake bit banshee. That would cover both Heavenly and Vicki. Did anyone else think that Vicki's odd visit to the Sommelier was a shady attempt to get out of serving Aldi wine at her event? i don't think the establishment she and Tamra visited looked like it would be featuring the grapes of Aldi on its shelves.
  7. Vicki (and Tamra and quite a few of the others) are incredibly ignorant and culturally insensitive. This is connected to why they continue to make complete asses of themselves on overseas trips too: they exist inside the OC bubble. Such a condescending, self involved assumption to make about someone who doesn't do exactly as you do. Not even going to start on the list of Vickster's (CSC! Perfect) transgressions against not just her god, but all the gods and humanity. This fun bus is headed nowhere more interesting than Disney World.
  8. All i do is cook at home and i'd hate a cooking party. So who likes cooking parties? People that don't eat? Oh. Right. I get it.
  9. God I miss that show! Thanks for the Oliva love @KungFuBunny. I still do the themesong in my head! Yep, looks like Gina is representing from that area. Those kids are monsters, so this is probably how Gina would like to look if she ever went anywhere not kid related
  10. I truly believe that there is not room on this series for both Mariah and Quad. Personally, I don't care for either of them, but i care less about Mariah. I was annoyed with Quad for just laying down and letting Mariah walk back in AGAIN. i think that's why in the first 8 minutes of this episode, what was a fight between Quad and everyone, and we were left last episode with it looking like Quad was going to eject herself, instead we had a pivot where Heavenly takes a shot at Mariah that dates back to the Toya fight. Something about Toya trusting Mariah again after that physical fight starting because of some rubbish Mariah had made up? I need to go back and look at it, didn't get all of it. My point is, I dont think ANY of these women like Mariah or want her back on the show. And part of their pissiness with Quad comes from this place. I'm so glad they played Simone's "THIS little girl thinks she's BETTER than you .. and you.. and her.." speech, because it will continue to give me life. I'm not through the entire episode yet, Heavenly is still doing thuuuurpy with Dr K. I'm also living for his big easel reveal this episode. He's so cheesy, but if Heavenly is taking anything meaningful from this, good on him, whatever works. why did contessa's Dad need an earpiece thingy? She alluded to him having substance abuse issuse all the way through her childhood. I'd be betting that's why he was asleep for 4 hours at the airport, although it's possible he just passed out with fatigue, given the cancer and the coeliacs. I gave it side eye though, especially as he is not willing to do treatment for the cancer.
  11. Who's she gonna call, David Beador? Cos that'd be unexpected. She's probably just going to call her husband, i'm betting.
  12. Has anyone else seen this floating around? They are from a facebook group I browse. Although the claims to veracity on the 2nd page are still a long way from rock solid ie. 'i heard it from my...'. Rumours have been going around for a while and if they have an arrangement, good for them. He's no spring chicken, Tom. Maybe it's just easier for him not to divorce Erika.
  13. I forgot about this: I LOVED the nail bracelet. I looked up the Nail Bracelet and they start at close to 10k Australian and rapidly jump to basically as much as you want to pay. Mr Queenjen offered to bend a nail around my wrist, which would work, but I think if I feel I still like the style THAT much in a month or so, I'd get someone to copy it. In silver. Or just metal. They are indeed a status symbol
  14. I'm not sure where I am on this, but others are saying that this season is boring and who'd a thunk it would take Asa leaving for this to happen. I think it's the calm before the storm, something will happen. Mike will be busted for being a dog again, that's guaranteed but it's not exactly new. I'm pretty much out on the Destiney seeks her father SL, though his multiple passports and polylingual abilities were intriguing, I immediately thought 'spy'. But I do take to making shit up in my own mind when things get slow.
  15. I did some really basic arithmetic in my head when Dee was going off on D'Andra one episode and concluded that Dee's company/product only took off when Dee was in her 50s. Correct me if I'm wrong. So this is the age D'Andra is now and I think her mother resents her because when SHE was D'Andra's age, she'd taken this product to market and took it all the way to the bank, goshdarnit, plus brought up an ungrateful trial of a daughter! Did ah say UNGRATEFUL?! I agree with @RHJunkie, she doesn't seem to be aware of how good she's got it given the product she's taking is already recognised and she's not really starting from scratch at all. If Dee could take 'Simmons' back plus the 'D' in 'D'Andra', I'm sure she would. Then there's the whole 'my STEP father set me up for life'. Wow. Momma Dee might have some resentment about that too: that this man who isn't even her daughter's bio father left her with that swag.Dee seems like that kinda woman.
  16. D'Andra works for the family company, which is Deeeeeee SIMmons, who seems to be famous all over Texas. During her time with the company it seems as though D'Andra developed a product or product line called 'Late night, good morning' or something like that, she said it a couple of times this episode. Her mother has told her that she can take her company/line out on her own, but that's all she will be doing if she leaves the Deathstar. No one has much sympathy for rich girl/trust fund baby D'Andra, but I get that she has been brought up this way and she is genuinely terrified about striking out on her own and worried that she has left it too late. I suspect Dee, the mother, has kept her on a very short leash and possibly there is quite a toxic relationship between them 'you'll NEVER stand on your own feet' and worse. LeeAnne was pretty foul to D'Andra, like 'welcome to the real world, bitch'. Made me think that LeeAnne must REALLY hate all these charity world mavens she spends her life toadying for.
  17. I think Stephanie has anxiety issues. She seemed terrified talking to Travis about the prospect of his going away for a month. i recognise the fear in her eyes. "When have i ever been a leader?" was very sad and we have heard it from her before. I didn't want to give Kameron any oxygen, but on the rewatch, I realised the whole "The Simple Life" thing got lost in the wash. Are you serious, Kam? I genuinely believe her idea of the 'simple life' comes straight from watching Nicole and Paris on their show. Also, what's the deal with being a 'Westcott Woman'? It sounds like scouts are sent to colleges by the Westcott family to recruit potential candidates to become a 'Westcott Woman'. A Westcott Woman does charity. A Westcott Woman improves the bloodline. A Westcott Woman is BOOKED UP A YEAR IN ADVANCE. For what?????????? Sparkle Dog hasn't actually happened yet, and Kam is already telling us that she doesn't have time to be a mommy or spend time at home with her family, so wtf is she actually doing all day? Gardening? Do the Westcott Woman garden? Or is she 'at events'. I had a vision in my head of Kam as a kind of Westcott family escort, getting booked out to sit next to rich people 'at events' so they'll donate to whatever Westcott charity she's being pimped out for. It's the only way I can make 'booked out a year in advance' work for me when it doesn't involve looking after her kids or being at home or Sparkle Dog. If she's that busy being a Westcott Woman, then she isn't going to have time for dog food.
  18. This is because the panty liner on her underwear is exhausted. (Also her weave). The future is less bleak... Absolutely. I love the things I learn watching this guff. Married to Medicine recently: Heavenly, on her 'spiritual journey' was told that 'Truth without Compassion is Brutality' and that's what Cary is serving. Truth without Compassion. ( I love capitalising nouns, I feel like a gun meme maker)
  19. Ermagerd. maybe this is why Stephanie and Brandi fell out last season? Bryan and Travis colluding over extramarital resort/casono trips?
  20. oh hell yes. Not sorry at all. My mind went there immediately for same reasons as yours. Also, this could explain why Brandi has been kind of extra salty this season and maybe also some of her body image issues: getting the full body lift that she then believed affected her ability to carry a child. It would just be The End if Bryan played away from home AND impregnated elsewhere. Bryan and Travis sometimes give me TRav and JD tease. I know that's a TERRIBLE thing to say about anyone, but there is definitely a boys club vibe with that pair. Bryan was an absolute ASS on Season 1 too. And Travis buying the house with the pool in the living room, I can just see him and Bryan fist bumping and going 'brah'! Idiotic. Still living in college. Imma say it again. Bravo. Get it together. This demographic DOES NOT want to be watching screaming road rats. There's been too much, the audience is sick of it.
  21. Anyone else feel like Travis and Brian meet up on their 'business trips' and hit the golf resorts, slots and yachts?
  22. Sounds like Living Spaces (?) all over again, the company where Jeff was sacked a few seasons ago. Unfortunately, these deals may not be suitable for Jeff. He's been talking since pre Monroe's arrival about dialing back to 'boutique' jobs where the pay off is higher and the time spent away from the house is lower. This kind of deal, the owners are going to want a relationship with and handholding by the man himself, Jeff Lewis. I pity Gage for not realising this and setting Jeff up with this company. They are not paying for Meghan to style and design, they are going to want Jeff. I worry for Gage sometimes, I really do. I don't even want to visualise what Jeff and Gage splitting would look like.
  23. No surprise there re Reza. At first I assumed he was just on the bandwagon Destiney had created with looking for her father, but after last week and his hiding huge expenditures (500k and 15 k respectively), I really felt he was showing his lack of interest in having children. They need to start though, it took Jeff and Gage 5 years from go to Monroe.
  24. You didn't because she didn't. I was watching carefully because I doubted it would come. Kelly was still partly loaded for bear. Especially when Emily said Kelly can't say those kind of things to anyone: Kell immediately fires back 'you can't say you're going to kill someone either'. I give credit to Emily for laughing it off with a 'touche' instead of reigniting the whole damn thing and squeezing 6 more episodes out of wanting an apology. because THAT's a SL we've never been exposed to on a housewives franchise! So thankyou Emily.
  25. This is Vicki. She is queen of the misquoted, 2 years out of date catch phrase. Remember when she said 'bye BYE Felicia' a couple of seasons ago? Like 5 years after the 'bye Felicia' reference was in any way relevant? She loves latching on to something she thinks is young and hip, but she mangles it every time. 'it's so 2 months ago' is Vicki's way of saying 'get over it, it's done. Move on'. Vicki has the instincts of a gutter rat, she knows she's not giving what she needs to deliver. Steve and his family are never going to suit her. The poor dumbed down birthday party at Not Andales is a case in point. It was so staid. Vicki with her sombrero on mugging for the camera was just sad. We need Vicki whooping it up on the bar at Andales or on the boat in the lake from many years past. Steve is keeping her on a short leash, hence the comments to Tamra and on camera about needing a matchmaker herself. And seeing her surprised by Bill? Reminded me of Tom Schwartz being surprised by the triplets: Bill could have been Burt!
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