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  1. I can't remember the exact quote, but the guy who was announcing the snake show said something like, "If you get bit and get treatment within 15 minutes (or something like that) you'll live. Wait an hour and you'll die." Here's an article on cobra bites in Thailand: https://thailandsnakes.com/king-cobra-bite/
  2. I had just read an interview with Peachy on Tuesday where he was raving about S48 and said that we would be "crying within the first couple of minutes". And I was. When I saw that incredibly complex and unique immunity challenge, well, I just choked up. I mean, wow. Having them crawl through that mud bath first thing? And then the audience not being able to tell apart the new players we'd just met? Brilliant. Plus the sand bags, the knots, climbing the incline while still wet? So inventive and groundbreaking. But truly the coup de grace? The PUZZLE!!! OMG! How did they make three totally brand new puzzles with completely new pieces look exactly like the ones used in the last, um, 47 seasons except so different that the players struggled to figure them out? Wow, those producers are really on top of their game. I can't wait to see what challenges they come up with for the rest of the season. But I've got my box of tissues ready, just in case.
  3. Fixed that for you LOL
  4. I'll admit that it took me a few seasons to come around, but this New Era? Whoaaaaa. The incredible gameplay, all the strategy, the tension over who would be voted out? Dang. My muscles were sore by the end from clenching in anticipation. And the challenge? Unbelievable. I mean, who comes up with these things? Players had to climb up and over OBSTACLES (and there were no stairs or ladders, BTW) and jump in the deep, deep ocean (with shoes on, no less), swim over, then walk across a tiny, tiny beam of wood, slick with water, then untie 3,749 knots to retrieve a key. But wait, that's not all. Then they had to swim over the deep ocean AGAIN and somehow get themselves up onto a big wooden platform. But then imagine how the players must have been crushed to find out they weren't done yet. They opened a bag to find out they had to SOLVE A PUZZLE. There must have been over 500 pieces in each one. And the pieces were all different! Frankly, I just about pooped my pants from stress by this point as I watched each team struggle. But finally we had a winner. I was exhausted, as I know each of the brilliant, competitive players were. In the end, my mind boggles with thinking about the production folks who could design such a unique, intricate challenge. I don't know that they'll ever be able to top this one, but even if they can't, it will go down in the annals of reality show complexity. An Emmy would not be too much reward for these brilliant producers. As for me, I will be trembling with excitement over what unique, nerve-wracking, never-seen-before challenge they've come up with next episode. Bring on The New Era!!
  5. Ahh, ok. Kinda makes sense. Although his pants must be getting really funky by now. Or maybe he closed the office door if he changed those.
  6. I'm probably missing something obvious but what was the point of Voight changing shirts all the time? (Other than showing off the Beghe's bod, of course.) I'm guessing it had something to due with the trauma but I can't remember that far back to the last season's finale.
  7. A potential catastrophe looms when a near-fatal dish is served. Interior challenges come to a head as Aesha's team remains in disarray. After the storm, the crew manages to fix the leak in the uninhabitable cabin. Airs 8.26.24
  8. Well, I mean they can't just leave all that thrilling footage of Sandflea's engagement just lying around, right?
  9. Well, at least I won't have to call the show Upton PD any more.
  10. I had to laugh out loud when Dr Marcel glanced at the abused girl's cleavage and thought to use breast implants to stabilize that heart during surgery.
  11. It's because the sun reflects off white sand beaches like the ones in Grenada and you don't really feel how much sun you're getting. It's happened to me several times in the Grenadines. The darker teak decks on the yachts don't have the same effect. Of course, the smart thing to do is to always apply plenty of sunscreen before you go outside in the Caribbean.
  12. Late to the party but, I mean, why don't they just rename this show Upton PD ?
  13. The hits just keep on coming for Chance. Perhaps he should change his name to NoChance. Oh well, third time's a charm. https://starcasm.net/life-after-lockup-chance-pitt-arrested-felony-auto-theft/
  14. An entire episode without a puzzle or obstacle course? See, Probst? Survivor can still be interesting without the cliche challenges of the “new era”.
  15. I've now finished both seasons and one thing bugs the crap out of me. It's a small thing and I haven't read this entire thread to see if it's been answered, but - What the hell is the correct pronunciation? I've heard: Mur-dah Mur-daw Mur-dock Also heard Alex and Alec I think I heard Alex himself say Mur-dah while testifying but the sound wan't great on my TV and neither is my hearing. But I was surprised to hear so many variations from people who actually live in that area.
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