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Everything posted by grommit2

  1. Hi Prarie... I agree with you. Velshi is clear, thorough, articulate, knowledgeable...all the things you want in your on-camera talent. I miss Rachel. I listened to her as far back as her Air America radio show, a worthy opponent to the EIB (Excellence in Broadcasting) shows featuring the late Rush Limbaugh. But...on we go.
  2. Actually, it was a report from a Boston-area sports talk show. Ooh. The claim was that Tom actually wanted to go to Miami because he had some buds there. Yes, the no-trade would prevent trading him away, unless he actually wanted it. The claim on the other side was that Tampa wanted Miami's two first-round picks in exchange for TB12. Oh boy...stuff to ponder.
  3. Wait! Latest rumor is that Tom Brady wants to go to Miami...and Bruce Arians is willing to accommodate that, if he gets those two first-round draft packs. Is this even remotely possible?
  4. Hmm...Malcolm Butler is back with the Patriots. Oh? I thought he was shunned a few years back. Held out of the Super Bowl, after having played just about every snap in the playoffs. Curious!
  5. I still need a scorecard to identify the robots. But, one of the coolest things is to see a 250 pound robot get blasted into the air, pieces flying off...oh yeah!
  6. Ok Merylinkid..the other factoid I was looking for was the actual number. And it appears the NFL set the salary cap number at $208.2 million per team. I am aware that calculating the actual team number can get complex with restructured contracts, voidable years, injury status, revenue growth anticipation, etc.
  7. OK football experts. I see these contracts going by (4 years @ $50M/year, etc. Wow. There must be a max. If yes, what is that number? Do all teams get to spend the same amount? What, exactly, is the "salary cap"? Thanks!
  8. Chuck Todd, eh? I noticed that they have a segment where he goes to a board and draws circles around key points...all while there is upbeat, intrusive music. Not sure why they do that. The music just adds noise to the segment. Oh well.
  9. Wait! This just in...Tom Brady has signed a 50 year contract at $1Million a year. Or is that a 1 year contract for $50Million. Ahh...who cares? It would only matter if he rejoined the Patriots. with Gronk.
  10. Hi RealHouseWife...even better: Pride, Prejudice, and Zombies. A classic movie!
  11. grommit2

    MLB Thread

    Hi RCC...I found the Korean Baseball shows (early AM here on the East Coast) to be just what to watch while getting up in the morning. The announcers were really knowledgeable. But the best part was the home team that seated large stuffed teddy bears in the stands. Very cool. Hi Theatremouse...I look forward to the time that a batter gets annoyed at the robot...and clobbers it with a bat. Wham!
  12. grommit2

    MLB Thread

    Hi Cleo...someone has to tell me why professional baseball players cannot figure out how to "hit it where they ain't". Nope. They insist on trying to hit rockets into the defensive shift.
  13. Hi Blackwing...interesting...I actually read most of these. The Road was worthwhile (both the book and movie). WWZ was super (again, both the book and movie) Station 11 was excellent I found The Stand to be just a bit way too long, thus could not appreciate the story line. I will try the others...Thanks
  14. Are there any suggestions for something in the post-apocalyptic genre? Contemporary events has me pining for some PA fiction.
  15. A few observations: The office set up, with each analyst sitting at a desk with several monitors: is this what a fund management office actually looks like? No one with a pen and paper jotting down notes? Certainly does not look like the office scenes in other investment/money companies. The writers have really amped up their use of sports and entertainment analogies. I wonder if there is a betting pool to see which writer can get the most references into the script. Gasp! IMDB's info on Billions still has Damian Lewis listed. And the synopsis references Bobby Axelrod. But no references to Corey Stoll/Prince. Eh? Gasp#2: Wags was kicked out of the Eagles "garage band"...that is a real gut punch.
  16. grommit2

    S06.E03: STD

    The Olympics in New York City? Eh? The first decision seems to be to build a really big stadium, in Manhattan, perhaps on the waterfront. Ok. Makes sense...especially since the nearest football stadium is over in Jersey. But, tell me where there is enough space for a stadium, plus parking...in any of the 5 boroughs. Hmm...maybe Staten Island. Decision #2...build athlete housing in NYC. Then turn it into apartments and condos for residents. Cool. But, again, tell me where you can find the space for thousands of units.
  17. Just finished another Jack Reacher novel. Better Off Dead. I found other Lee Child/Reacher books far more entertaining. This one just seemed to drag along. The short sentence technique often works for describing critical moments, but this one used the technique to describe everything...making it quite slow. Oh well.
  18. Nice try going with two 125lb bots. But it really does not seem to work when you have to confront a 250lb bot. Oh well.
  19. Hi LuckyLyn...agreed. That was an exceptional book. Well worth the time. Enjoy!
  20. These are amazing machines. 250 pounds and they go flying around the battle box, shedding parts, catching fire. This is great entertainment!
  21. grommit2

    MLB Thread

    I would vote for Tim Lincecum, the San Francisco Giants right-hander. Most distinctive pitching motion since the windup was invented (or since Luis Tiant pitched for the Sox) But...Lincecum did not get enough votes to stay on the ballot. Oh well.
  22. JJ Walker, Joe Namath...interesting choices to be the product spokespersons. The little bit I recall from Advertising 101 says you choose a spokesperson your target audience recognizes, and finds credible. Hmm...I'm guessing Tom Hanks was not available. 🤑
  23. Ooh...smashing, bashing. Pieces flying all over. Fire! More smashing and bashing. Ahh...this is REALLY cool!
  24. Here's a question for you: Did anyone ever try to publish a real version of "Descent"? This was the (fictional) novel written by the fictional Noah Solloway in the TV series "The Affair".
  25. OK all you serious readers. Getting a bit frazzled by contemporary issues (covid, politics, international affairs)? Try the series of poetry and photos by Francesco Marciuliano (no relation, honest): You Need More Sleep I Could Pee on This I Could Pee on This Too Very quick reads. 100+ pages, half-size. Cute, clever...just what is needed during these fun times.
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