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Everything posted by 7isBlue

  1. Yes! Three weirdos, one RV! Plaintiff would never look up when spoken to. He kept looking down and shuffling his damn papers. I’m hoping that someone in authority heard the plaintiff clearly threaten the defendants. He said something like, “You two are going to get it. I can’t wait.” Creep.
  2. Ugh. Super-tacky-tack white hummer limo. 🤮
  3. Ugh. I hope she’s not on for long. It looks like Mahkuul has a breakdown early on. Maybe that’s the end of them. Mursell seems kind but what is it with these men who are willing to move to new countries but don’t have the balls to stand up to their families. In Mursell’s case, the concern may be justified, as I’m not a fan of Anna’s, either. I feel bad for her kids. I have a problem with the parents who claim their kids are #1, then proceed to put their own needs ahead of their children.
  4. Agreed! She asks intelligent questions, and actually listens and follows up! I like that she’s “present” and not just waiting for people to stop talking, like Shaun on 90DF. I have a feeling that horrible McKayla saw herself on tv and is trying to redeem herself, now. But I see from the preview that her M.O. hasn’t changed: When anyone says something she doesn’t like, she walks out. What an ass.
  5. From the looks of the preview for the Tell All, I think H2 might be announcing that she’s pregnant. I feel sorry for both of these babies.
  6. I just FFWD through them. I find them both revolting 🤮
  7. She looks like the gummy girl who went to Spain (forgot her name).
  8. I’m still a bit behind, but have to say that I LOVED watching Akinyi’s face as Maria was talking about getting money from Caesar. She looked worried, like she was an illusionist watching another illusionist reveal secrets. Akinyi understands the scamming game.
  9. Me, too, please! Maybe you can post in the Couples thread? Thank you, Greekmom!
  10. That must be some psych interview, if Darcey, Angela, Nicole, and Danielle “passed” it!
  11. It is! I love that commercial! My favorite is the last line about protecting your home “from mayhem, like me-owww. “ 😂😂😂
  12. I find his story line boring so I haven’t really paid too much attention to his scenes. However, the scene with dreamboat Jeremy caught my attention (natch). Something about the way Caesar was talking seemed very phony, like a bad actor barely remembering his lines. I’m dying to see him search for Maria in Ukraine 😂
  13. That is interesting. Honestly, Jenny was such a zero on the TellNothing that I didn’t notice her hair. I was just going by what the original poster of this photo said originally. I wouldn’t put shenanigans of any sort beyond them.
  14. I think this photo is a couple of years old, from the time she visited India the first time and stayed with his family.
  15. That chick was a piece of work. I enjoyed watching her get all tripped up with the timeline of her phony sob story. Not only did she try to exploit grandma’s death to get out of paying, but in the hallterview she accused the plaintiff of being a slum lord! I believe the plaintiff when he says that the damage they complained about was actually caused by the defendants. Argh.
  16. I’m new to this show, but from the episodes I’ve seen so far this season: McKayla is an asshole. If she were my daughter, I’d probably resent the boy who got her pregnant. However, after the SECOND pregnancy it’s time to see things for what they are and not join in the immature, manipulative games this little girl is playing. Caelan needs a lawyer stat. I feel bad for him and his family. Chloe looked pretty in that pink prom dress, and I understand that prom is a big deal. She is due for a huge dose of reality, though. For starters, she’s so ignorant about addiction. I remember her dismissing Max when he was talking about needing to continue therapy. I’m not sure if it’s because he hasn’t been honest with her, or if she’s just in strong denial about his drug use. I really like Max’s dad. He carries the weight of the world, but he hasn’t given up on his son. Max is very fortunate to have a father like him. I think Tyra has a good attitude and is the most well-adjusted of the group, with good goals and realistic expectations. I hope Alex stands up for her when it comes to his mom and grandmother. I see that he doesn’t like confrontation but it would go a long way if he could them all in a room to discuss their issues. I cant believe Hailey didn’t know that childbirth is painful. I thought these kids googled everything! These kids (and most of their parents, TBH) frustrate the hell out of me, but I can’t not watch.
  17. That was like a dorm room. I would have chosen that gorgeous apartment with the roommate for the same rent! I’m pretty surprised Vienna lady decided to leave her dogs behind. I’m not half as “obsessed” with my dog, but he’s so attached to me that I know I couldn’t leave him.
  18. Dwight Schrute https://images.app.goo.gl/pQofJVQRSEzkaEMB9
  19. What was Laszlo doing on Spirit? I would never stop scream-laughing!
  20. Ronald: “I’m taking my recovery very seriously.” Puleeez. He’s doing the active listening thing and just telling everyone what they want to hear. My heart breaks for Tiffany’s mom and sister. I think he’s got some serious psychological issues, maybe bipolar. I sense a simmering rage and it makes me scared for Daniel.
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