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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. I spotted Frankie in an iPod commercial last night. That is all. Carry on.
  2. Yeah, it's just non-stop narcissism and greed.
  3. I think the Spokane woman has mental problems. She's functional but easily confused when she runs into a bureaucracy. The officer pretended to be trying to help her, but really he was egging her on.
  4. I see Sheree's still bouncin' them checks. Kenya, visual cues (a closet full of brand new clothes with tags prominently displayed, the wedding dress) and a script that repeatedly uses the word "husband" don't substantiate that you are really married. Nice try. Maybe you should get a job as a set designer. Why would she be selling her dream house? She will lose money. Wading through all the drama, I believe Gregg was simply having a cardiac catherization to see if he had any blocked vessels. One walks out and goes home afterward. My family member had small heart attacks, small strokes and bypass surgery and there was less drama. They sent him home after the heart attacks and strokes, and he went home two days after the bypass.
  5. The little one can dance. I also have the impression that Sam has money, enough to live well in L.A. I'm craving her huge bedroom and guest house. The look on Frankie's face when she intuited that the phone call was to announce that dad wasn't coming - old beyond her tender years. I never lived in nor do I now live in an all-female family. But I really relate to Sam's little family community. As one ages, and long-time friends and family move away or pass, it's really important to have a small close-knit unit of friends who get you,.
  6. Does anyone recall whether Kentaro will receive any money from the JCP sales? I seem to remember that there was litigation about PR designers not receiving money from certain sales of merchandise they designed.
  7. Glad for Kentaro's win. His clothes were beautiful and NYFW-worthy. HATED that production showed his father's fall. What a shitty thing to do. They could have easily re-shot a short insert of him repeating his walk onto the stage, using cutaways to cover the editing "jumps." I didn't mind Brandon's weeping; it was understandable and I'll take honest emotions over fake tears and quavery voices any day. I appreciate that he has a strong personal aesthetic, and that there's a market for it, but a view of this particular collection all at once didn't show any variety. The details were hard to see. I hate the fawning over the model in the swimsuit. Very self-congratulatory, with thirsty hangers-on like Yolanda Foster jamming themselves into the moment. Hated Ayana's prairie dresses and thought her fabric choices were too muted for a runway. Perhaps they were beautiful and luxurious up close. I loved her slim-fitting pants outfit and the wedding dress was divine.
  8. I think underneath Kyle's charismatic facade, there beats the heart of a psycho. Maybe psycho-lite. Something off about him. Why don't they let Bruno work the interior and make him and Matt happy? Although...I suspect Bruno is a bit of a misogynist and would clash horribly with Kate as his boss. Speaking of Kate, she's like a cat lazily toying with a mouse (Jen). She can do it blindfolded, with one hand behind her back, etc. Jen's just too stupid to realize it. Can you imagine Jen as a Realtor? "These forms are HARD. Do I have to stay at this open house all day? Can't someone else go meet with the stager? I'm so tired and I have to do my hair." Love seeing Mrs. Captain and the photos of them when they were courting.
  9. She's histrionic. I wonder if the Dubious Duebers are trying to parlay this show into their own reality show, or selling products like that Beverly Hills plastic surgeon and his wife do. I haven't watched RHoBH in a very long time, but I see similarities between the two couples. I think the Duebers have a long game that goes beyond the thrill of being on TV. Problem is, they've discovered they can't stand each other.
  10. Why is Brandi so anxious to be besties with Stephanie again? Stephanie dumped her after season 2, threw shade at Brandi's marriage on a blog, and then during season 2 blamed Brandi's problems for her own failure to take care of her special needs child. ("I was so busy helping Brandi with her marital problems that I didn't notice that my son cannot read." Stephanie's middle name is Passive-Aggresive. Does Brandi miss the friendship that much? Are they (former) secret lovers? Does Brandi need Stephanie for a storyline? Does Brandi need a paycheck and therefore a storyline? Is it because Brandi's husband wants the friendship repaired? I don't get it. I agree that Mark may have threatened Bravo and Brandi with legal action. However, given Richard Simmons' failure to prove that being labeled transgender by the National Enquirer was harmful, I wonder how that complaint would fly in court.
  11. Agreed. I really struggled with this with my own elderly dog. My neighbor does give his dog Adequan shots (more powerful than oral Cosequin tablets) and acupuncture, has a special ramp for him, and has no steps in his home.
  12. The K9s get used hard. They crawl or leap over jagged fences and slam around on the ground. They strain their joints on hard pavement. My neighbor has a retired K9 who can barely walk. As much as I love seeing the dogs, it makes me sad how they are treated. They really are disposable, despite their handlers' love for them. I was surprised at how loving Flex was, because not all of them are that way. About Mastrianni and Lawrence: the very first time we saw them, back at the start of season 1, they were on scene and Mastrianna was kind of overexcited, running around and yelling orders. Lawrence was in the foreground and the camera caught him rolling his eyes a bit. I guess all partners get on each other's nerves sometimes.
  13. Sheree's using her abuse story to make money. Foul. Cynthia's advertising for her next wallet. I still don't believe Kenya is legally married. There have been other celebrities who had a ceremony and claimed they were married, when they were not. Bottom-feeder celebrities have lavish weddings knowing they will probably divorce quickly afterward. (I always thought Cynthia and Peter did the marriage thing solely for publicity purposes.) ETA: how much do you think People paid Kenya for the wedding photos? Kenya's claims that her "husband" is publicity-shy (a restaurateur who is publicity-shy, really?) are an effort to deflect the fact that he agreed to be a fake husband, but with a minimum of exposure. Meanwhile, Kenya has turned into Miss Haversham, dragging her dirty wedding dress around her cold mansion. They are all so pathetic, with the exception of Kandi. I don't care for her much but she has made something of herself. NeNe is quite delusional - I think her financial house of cards is going to hit very hard when the gigs stop coming - but she's more interesting than these idiots.
  14. I loved seeing different scenery and the great Nigel Havers ("Chariots of Fire). It's a trope but true that when you remove some urban kids from their normal environment (spending money, social media, bratty friends), and someone new gives them lots of individual attention, they lean in. But the forgotten aunt and Sam's harsh treatment of her mother broke my heart. In my family we have people with Alzheimers and mental illness, so it makes me sad to see these people mistreated. Phil shuffling behind Sam, trying to keep up and figure out what was going on, was sad. Of course Sam has her reasons. I mean, the opening song every week is John Lennon wailing about his mother.
  15. Kameron's comments about zip codes were meant to call Brandi low-class. It isn't really about where their properties are now; Kameron is saying that Brandi is insecure about her class status as compared to Kameron's. In other words, Kameron is saying she is in a higher class than Brandi and that Brandi is insecure about it and treats Kameron accordingly. As far as I can tell, Kameron is nothing more than a pretty woman who married a wealthy man and spends lots of money. That has nothing to do with class. She's not in a rarified layer of society - she one of millions of Americans who make lots of money. She's quite common. Stephanie is my least favorite. She's very stealthy as she plays the status-climbing and RHOD game. Her supposedly docile sweet veneer is all an act, and Brandi has her number. I can't climb on the D'Andra love train. She treated her stepson horribly, and I suspect she plays at being a corporate titan. A family member has dined out on her abused-wife/PTSD diagnosis for decades. She was understandably gratified when a therapist first took her seriously and gave her a diagnosis. But she has not done any work to improve her own behavior, which is atrocious like LeeAnne's, and she blames her lousy behavior on her diagnosis. LeeAnne is doing the same thing.
  16. There are lots of modest women who adhere to religious restrictions about clothing, hair and makeup. Think Duggars and all the folks who follow their tenets. In the mid-Atlantic I see Amish and Mennonite women who dress modestly. In the conservative American south there are women who don't cut their hair or wear makeup, and they wear longish skirts and dresses that are covered at the neck. Ironically, some of the people in these examples will discriminate against Ayana because she's Muslim. I think Kentaro may win. His clothes are more beautiful than Brandon's. PR may be afraid to award to a Muslim woman who wears a hajib, given the currently nasty political rhetoric all over the media.
  17. I've had that injury (banged an elbow and chipped it, nerves pinched and traumatized, pain and numbness). So did a kid in my family. Neither one of us yelled and carried on as loudly as Drama Queen Nico did. "BRING THE BOAT TO ME RIGHT NOW." I'm pretty sure Nico is a very pampered, spoiled son of a doting mama.
  18. You may be right BubbeTV. Quite a mixed message there, awarding a big prize to modesty fashion while praising the use of the curvy models and all their skin ("show those legs!" "look at that booty").
  19. Kudos to production for giving us relatively sane contestants, once the insufferable twins were gone, and no nasty fighting. I enjoyed this season more than many of the previous ones. And even if I don't like certain aesthetics, we have real designers in the competition. I suspect Tim is suffering from a malaise. Several seasons ago I noticed shaky hands and now he has fallen a couple times. He has said that he lives alone and I hope someone is looking out for him. That said, he hasn't lost The Tim Gunn Thinker Pose, in which he shoots his cuffs, folds his arms, brings his hand to his lips, and frowns. It signals that the thunder is coming. "Can I just be blunt...." Kenya's looks reminded me of church ladies. On Easter Sunday when they wear their very best outfits. Plus she has little confidence and defaults to victimization as part of her campaign to win. It was time for her to go. I think she was very angry upon learning that she was going home. She showed that tight-faced anger a previous time when she thought she was going home. I don't think she was trying not to cry; I think she was furious. Kentaro, the piano and the dead cat were hilarious, like an SNL skit or a Christopher Guest movie. He is one of my favorite PR contestants ever. ETA: I liked what I could see of his collection during the home visit. I think the black net pouf on his white dress was an effort to be cohesive; there were black net and pleats in other looks the judges didn't see. I also like Brandon very much, but I could never wear his stuff. I think he's playing a very strategic game. Apparently the girlfriend is a bit bossy. Margarita should thank her lucky stars that Tim warned her away from the 70s crochet-and-gold-rings motif. I can't get behind Ayana's modesty fashion because I don't like the political and religious message behind it. Too many men down through the years telling women to cover their bodies. The timing of the virtual Heidi appearance was very odd. I bet there's a story there.
  20. Everywhere you look, it's clown boobs and behinds on these women, with healthy doses of nose jobs and blinding white teeth. Ugh. NeNe was weirdly hyper in all of her scenes. Must be the latest IRS tax lien. Cynthia, please give up borrowing Peter for a story line. It's boring and he ain't gonna cooperate unless someone pays him. I suspect that Kenya had a fake wedding ceremony. Did anyone go look up a marriage license? Kandi seemed very tense. I think she's over-extended in her efforts to make more money. ETA: I think that under Cynthia's pleasant exterior there is a spoiled narcissist. I have the impression that despite her modeling career, the bulk of her income has historically been from men.
  21. Oh great, Leverette next week. Ugh. I wonder if he's from KY - he has a very strong accent. Flex does appear hyper, but I think it's partially due to how Leverette delays rewarding him while Leverette is narrating what Flex is doing. Leverette repeats himself and delays the reward, and poor Flex is jammed uncomfortably into those hot small spaces, thinking "I found it. Give me the DAMN KONG." Also, I assume the cops are putting their K9s back into air-conditioned cars in the summer. Last night we saw SIX cops detain ONE guy around a car. Waste of valuable resources. Surely overkill in this particular case - maybe for the cameras?
  22. Last night (which I'm watching now): the MAGNUM moment. How I laughed.
  23. My mother was tiny but when she reached out to poke us for wiggling and giggling in church, we swore her arm grew two feet. There was also the Death Glare. No words were necessary. I guess this show is trying for pitch-black humor. I don't like it and am disappointed (again). Plus, the incongruity of a young girl wearing Jean Harlow to a Bar Mitzvah. There were some lovely moments - Sam's speech, reminding us that girls were once forbidden from this rite of passage, and letting everyone know how much they are loved.
  24. Below Deck is scraping the bottom of the trashy guest barrel. Reality TV once again proves that money doesn't buy you class. It buys you gold diggers with bolt-on boobs. Jen absolutely was sexually harassed. However, she probably signed away her rights to do anything about it, short of a violent crime happening (see Bachelor in Paradise). There is zero chemistry between EJ and Baker. They and Bri/Nico are scripted; Bri/Nico are enjoying the script a little more than EJ and Baker. Matt seems oddly robotic as he bumps around his kitchen. Still, I'll take him over Ben and the other nasty, thirsty chefs. Kate and Lee are wearily going through the motions for that Bravo paycheck.
  25. I heard the anvils clanking for Ruby and thought "please no." She will be missed. I hope the series is renewed. The reporter's storyline is weak for me, maybe because the other characters are so colorful. The singer in the black and white face was supposed to be from the band ? and the Mysterians; the song was "96 Tears." I felt like they were trying to say that Abby discovered the band - she said "I saw them at a party." But their song was a hit in the mid-60s. Maggie G and Dominique Fishback (Darlene) are outstanding. All the tough guys in leather jackets, running around opening massage parlors and counting money, and with their thick accents and corny expressions, are a bit of a cliche.
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