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Everything posted by Lisa418722

  1. When Abby had trouble getting Chad's ring on and he told her to shove it on, my first thought was that she shouldn't have a problem with that.... I also heard that KM rewrote the wedding vows and I wonder what the writers thought about her doing that.
  2. Kim and Shane were my first Days supercouple and I remember loving the two of them. Kim telling Shane what Uncle Eric had done to her, then the whole England trip. After that Steve and Kayla (and yes, 30 years later the magic between MBE and SN still fascinates me). I remember hating Jack after he raped Kayla and then when they put him with Jenn, I slowly started thinking he deserved happiness too. Even the more minor couples like Mike/Robin and Mike/April (I always wish Michael T Weiss would return) and Roman/Diana and Roman/Isabella (I miss DH as Roman). That's just a few, but the ones that I really remember. There are no couples that pull me in on today's show (even though I do like Gabi and JJ). When I started rewatching last summer I kept reading about Chabby on another board and how they are Days new Steve/Kayla, so I was looking forward to watching them. I like Billy Flynn, but Chabby just does not do it for me (and I have tried, believe me, I tried). Ken Corday and today's writers just don't get it. In the 1980's there was love and adventure. Now it seems like it's all lust and sex, no romance. Caroline's visions that let her know when everyone is in danger except for when Kayla was kidnapped by SWMNBN. Heck, they can't even pay their light bill.
  3. Maybe it will be the new Abby because we know it's not KM's version.
  4. Abby, you were just informed that Ben has escaped. Please move your face into a worried expression or upset or whatever. Your face did not change expressions when JJ told you that. You are way too young for a frozen Botox face.
  5. I did feel sorry for Brandon at the point, he just walked in the door and there's Michael(a)'s family rearranging his living room. When I get home, I want a chance to get from work to home frame of mind. That being said, I can also feel sorry for him because I doubt he can go to the bathroom without Michaela following him. Honestly that chair did not look comfortable enough for two people to sit in at the same time. I'm glad Zack is doing something on his own. The whole family was there cheering him on and making it about him. I was trying to look, but I was wondering did any women graduate from the same training program? If so, I just wonder what he thought about working with women. Chad - I'm not fundie in any way, but I would love to find a guy like him. He loves Erin and Carson so much. He did such a great job on that hutch. They are so close to Knoxville and I'm sure with all the people that live in the area because of UT would buy furniture like that.
  6. I don't think Jo was ever really upset with Jack except at the 50th Birthday because she knew Jack brought Earl because he thought he would hurt Steve and didn't realize what it would do to Jo and Adrienne (since he had no idea who Earl really was and what Duke looked like). After the rape, but before Steve and Kayla were married (and before finding out how evil Harper really was), she always seemed to make excuses for Jack as to why he acted the way he did. I always wondered if Duke had raped her and that's why she seemed to gloss over it. Steve went back and forth between being open to having a relationship with Jack and hating him for how Jack treated Steve and Kayla. Kayla didn't want anything to do with Jack understandably. I remember one time Jo invited Steve, Kayla and Jack to dinner one night and when Kayla found out Jack was going to be there, she worked late instead of going. When Jack found out that Kayla wasn't going to be there, he decided not to attend and Steve went to his office and told him he needed to be there for his mother. It wasn't until Kayla was pregnant with Stephanie that she became friendlier with Jack (I can't say friends, but definitely things changed between them). Jack made a comment during that time that what was the last three years for if Steve and Kayla weren't going to be together (or something like that) and the fact that baby was going to be his niece or nephew. By the time Steve "died" Jack and Kayla and Steve were working on their relationship. Then after the death, Jack did apologize to Kayla for the rape; the first time he admitted to her what he did and how it affected the relationship between the three of them. Jack and Adrienne never really had much of a relationship. But he did realize how much he messed things up by inviting Earl to the birthday dinner. Then after Jack killed Harper, Adrienne was the one person who told him she knew what he was going through. What a family - two of the siblings killed their father. I miss my Johnson family dynamic.
  7. I understand it's probably the way Chase feels, but heaven help him if this is the way Jonathon McClendon feels. I hope he's smarter than that.
  8. Count me in on this one. I've missed Ben too. I'm still upset that RSW wasn't pre-nominated for an Emmy.
  9. There was more emotion in their scenes today than I have seen all week in all the other scenes combined. You can tell MBE and SN really trust each other and they are so raw and true in their characters. Plus, I wish the two of them could show some of the other actors on the show, "this is how you cry. This is how you rip your character's guts out (in a good way). This is how you show emotion."
  10. That was the way a rape storyline needed to be handled. Jack and Kayla never forgot what happened even years later. I don't mind the idea of a teenage rape storyline because it happens so often in the real world. I just don't think the writers can handle making this a decent story.
  11. Agree. They are too young and the actors, IMO are still too inexperienced in their parts. They are getting better, but not good enough for a storyline like this. However, my biggest complaint is that I don't think the writers know how to write a decent rape storyline, especially one with teenagers.
  12. How Kate Mansi is listed in the pre-nominations and Robert Scott Wilson is not is a travesty. This just shows how political the nominations really are.
  13. Unfortunately all the YouTube scenes are disappearing, but S&K have always been my favorite, especially S&K 1.0. Right now, Steve and Kayla are my favorite couple on this show (minus the Ava crap).
  14. When I started rewatching this summer, I fell in love in Billy Flynn and Chad. That feeling is gone, I now can longer watch scenes that he is in because it's all about Abifail. I miss hypnotized Chad - he was so interesting.
  15. Jack's biological father was a wife beater who raped his daughter who murdered him; his adoptive father was a serial killer. Jack killed Harper on Steve and Kayla's wedding day because Harper was going to kill Steve. Abby's family background isn't that great either.
  16. Thank you! I know the supercouples of 2010's (any of them, not just Chabby) are not anywhere near the supercouples of the 1980's. Then you had longing for each other and waiting, moving slowly and getting to know each other. I do not see any longing or waiting with Chabby. They had sex and then Abby went home to Ben and had sex with him. Sorry to all the Chabby fans, but I did not see any love and romance. I saw sex. But I don't even see chemistry between them. I did see chemistry between Chad and Serena on the night she was killed. I read the interview with MBE, SN, BF and KM. One thing that stood out for me was MBE said "I know I would hear Kate/Rob and Billy rehearsing scenes in their room, and Stephen and I would be working in our rooms. For all of us, there was no phoning it in." I was shocked.... KM actually rehearsed with Rob and Billy??? WOW!!
  17. I can see BF leaving the show and trying out for primetime shows or even movies. As far as KM goes, I don't see her leaving DOOL long term. She might leave, but would be back quickly when she doesn't have people thinking she's the best thing to grace our TV screens.
  18. I love their scenes together, you can tell how much the two of them trust each other and it's not "acting." I was an occasional viewer until hearing SN was returning and then I started watching again. They leave, I leave :-)
  19. Bravo - I love this post. After Ben went crazy I really wanted the baby to be his because of the possible stories that could reverberate through the years (even though I wasn't watching at the time, Mike being Bill's son rather than Mickey's comes to mind). But I don't think the writers could be creative enough to come up with anything more than a month or two in the future and storylines other than the "drama that Thomas is really Chad's son rather than Ben's." Who cares!?!?!??! At least maybe Abby will start acting like a concerned mother since finding out the kid is her "true love's" baby. I think I'm glad next week I'll be at work when DOOL comes on so I can DVR it rather than watching it live.
  20. I was an occasional viewer of DOOL until this summer when all the vets started coming back. I never really had any feelings about KM one way or the other. I did see the episode with Sami finding out about the affair and how Missy Reeves carried the scenes, but honestly didn't think much about it at the time because I had never really seen KM (and I wasn't really on any DOOL boards at the time either). Watching since this summer made me realize how weak KM is as an actress and that must have been the reason why MR was carrying the scenes that should have been a showcase episode for KM. When I found out she had been on DOOL since 2011 I was shocked. Of course, most actors, especially when they are young, aren't top caliber in the beginning, but you can see that they start to grow. I don't know if it's the writers, the directors or KM (personally, I think mainly KM, but also a combination of all three), but I see her staying stagnant or moving backwards, rather than improving. Even when she's in a scene with a stronger actor (I especially see it in scenes with MBE), it feels like the other person has to carry 98% of the scene. I want to like Abby because she is Jack and Jennifer's kid. But Abby feels like a one-note character. It's all about the man, whether it's EJ, Ben, Chad (or whoever else). Everything has to be about her. She's happy if Chad is falling all over her; she's sad if he's telling her no. Otherwise, I see no emotions from KM even in scenes that should be packed with emotions (like the scenes with Ben in the cabin).
  21. OK, rather than talk about how horrible KM is "acting" as a "mother," I just have to say I loved the very few Steve and Kayla scenes today. Steve DVR'ing the game and not wanting to go the party in case someone talked about it. Then Kayla sitting on the couch watching the game while Steve was getting ready, made me laugh because things like that is what really happens. Personally I wish KM would be relegated to 5-10 minutes of scenes a couple of times a week and we could get 30 minutes of Steve and Kayla scenes three or four times a week.
  22. I missed the first part of DOOL today, but when I saw Abifail at Marlena's place, I just wanted Marlena to tell her, "You used to work at the hospital (does she still have that job??). There's this little thing called HIPAA so I can't tell you anything." What does KM have on the writers and execs backstage that we don't know about???
  23. From your words to the writers blank pages. I don't care who the actor is, if we see them four out of five days a week (and five days a week a lot of times) I'm going to get tired of them, I want to see other storylines, not just the one the writers are pushing. I'm enjoying the Basic Black storyline, but I feel like I get it one day a week (looks like more this coming week) versus Abby and her drama four or five days a week. Maybe if KM was a stronger actress and I felt like she was pulling me into how Abby is feeling, I would feel different. My mom watched DOOL with me over Christmas and without me saying anything, she asked "is that a baby that girl is holding?" When I told her the baby was Abby's kid, "She acts like she doesn't care about it." I've always been a huge MBE/Kayla fan, but until SN returned, I had trouble with her because it was all about Abby all the time. I jokingly told a friend no wonder Joe left the boarding school to find Steve (before James Lastovic started). Kayla spent more time with and was closer to Abby than her own son.
  24. I have to disagree because Steve and Kayla were in love before he broke up with her and she married Jack. Then when Kayla found out why Steve broke up with her, yes, they had an affair. Abby and EJ did not have an earlier relationship, they were not in love. They were horny and in lust. I think that's the big difference.
  25. Applause! Applause!!! I was reamed on another board earlier this summer (before SN's return) when I said it seemed MBE could only be in scenes with Abby rather than her blood nieces and nephews. I was told that Abby and Kayla consider themselves close family and no one on the Brady side really needs to have a relationship with Kayla. Then the stuff started happening with Caroline and Kayla was in scenes with her own family rather than her rapist's family. I sometimes wonder if the writers felt they had to play up the relationship between Abby and Kayla because KM is such a weak actress, she has to be in scenes with someone who can carry it. This made me LOL. True, so true.
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