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Everything posted by Tazmania

  1. Definitely more us than them. She is the only one who had trended multiple times in S5
  2. That's because the actress playing Helena has moved onto better things, like Underground, where she plays an abolitionist.
  3. Btw ... how easy it is to get a job with SCPD and that too directly as a detective without any background checks and stuff. I don't really know how police recruitment works if you have previously worked in the force but I do know that under cover work is very different from regular detective stuff and they are not that easy to switch from one to another.
  4. While Suzy got a lot of hate in absentia from Thea (you go girl) I find nuBC to be even more annoying than Suzy Snoozefest. Like she is the best bo staff fighter already coz she went undercover with a street gang (who the fuck goes undercover for street gangs yo?) and she was making faces that were either turned on or orgasmic ... and it was not just with Diggle or Oliver, she was turned on talking to everything and everyone, Felicity, Curtis, the computers and the wall .... like WTF!
  5. Arrow writers are particularly tone deaf, aren't they? People want OTA, they think giving them n00bs is a great idea. Wild dong is the most disliked of the n00bs, let's make an esp episode all about him, complete with flashbacks and his own sad story. Arrow writers are also the idiots who forget what and how they have written the characters. They say that Wild dong is the only one who uses the guns, I am wondering what does Diggle use when out in the field? A ping pong bat? He has mentioned his glock far too many times and we have seen him using all kinds of firearms. These people make me wanna bang my head against the wall
  6. Hahahaha ... now that you have pointed it out, yes. How I miss the good old days ....
  7. It also means that Felicity knew real Laurel better than Oliver which is not really surprising because the show has told us many times that Felicity is very astute while Oliver is more self absorbed in general and never really paid much attention to Laurel in particular ...
  8. If it is good enough for the reviewer to discuss, it is good enough for me to discuss at the forum ... I didn't know that policing other people's comments have become a norm here now ... I think I have every right to be worked up about whatever I want.
  9. While I appreciate your comment about honoring the fallen hero, I don't think most of the Arrow writers are smart enough to have even watched The West Wing ... Most writers would be in high school when the show aired and I dont think any of them are smart enough to make the choice to watch it as an adult. They probably watch OC, Smallville, and Gossip Girl for inspiration for Arrow. PS: For a show that is not seem to be doing well this season, the bitterness thread is not all that popular ... LOL
  10. I totally agree with you but I am also willing to bet my ass that you have paid more attention to this dialogue than the writers who wrote this episode. The audience have always been more logical and smarter than the creators and writers of this show ...
  11. I think everyone here is assuming and speculating .... its not like EBR is on anyone's speed dial and they can ask her if she likes this storyline or that ... Both speculations, whether she likes the storyline or not or whether she is done with the show or not are equally valid or invalid (whatever your point of view may be) ... neither opinion carries more weight than the other ... it is just a matter of perspective ...
  12. Tbh, there is nothing adult about Oliver never apologizing to Felicity about BMD and then being a total idiot about everything after that. In addition, Stephen Amell is playing S5 Oliver as a not so bright man who looks tired/lethargic all the time. I have no idea for this particular acting choice.
  13. Another thing I would like to know, how come a street smart rough around the edges guy got so good at media handling? Can we ask Wild Dong to tutor all the CW actors and Chico on how to operate social media?
  14. I will never get over the fact that they had a guy with magical rags who can absorb a nuclear blast in the team but he has been taking orders from a guy who fights with bow and arrows .... this just proves that Guggie & co are about as dumb as Oliver ...
  15. Oh god, is there anything remotely fresh or original in this show anymore? If spotting the rehash of storylines on Arrow was a drinking game, we would all be attending AA meetings by now. #smh
  16. What was anvil-y except for Tina's name being Dinah ...
  17. And boy, I think Dinah killed more people in one episode than Oliver Queen did in 15 episodes of S1
  18. Has Stephen Amell forgot how to act or what? I mean he was never Al Pacino but he looked totally wooden and bored out of his mind. He just phoned in his lines and the director was least bothered to get him to do better.
  19. Also because his wife was married to her first husband before that. She wrote a whole blog about how she had a divorce party to celebrate her being single again and Colin came to that party and they ended up making out and the dating ...
  20. I laughed out loud at that. Real journalists would probably be crying
  21. Errr .... Felicity has always saved the day ... since S1. She was NEVER the damsel ... even when she got caught, she was either the bait (against Slade and Dollmaker) or she got caught while actually doing the ground work (Count Vertigo) but she was never just the damsel ... I quite liked this episode of LOT. My one complaint was that I really wanted a Kara/Felicity interaction ... they would have looked as cute as two golden retriever puppies but sadly, its a tv show and we can't have everything we want.
  22. I think the writers are trying to forget dumb Willy and baby mama ever existed (no one except for Stephen Amell liked that story line), until they can conveniently resurrect them for another stupid plot point some time in future. Maybe, by putting Felicity with all the dead holograms, they are saying that Felicity will be the one who dies this season ... I mean they kill/write off at least one regular character every season, right? Colin Donnell in S1, Manu Bannett and Susanna Thompson in S2, Sara Lance and Roy Harper in S3, Laurel Lance in S4. Considering that pattern, chances are, that we may end up losing Felicity Smoak in S5. They did say that they are ending one chapter in S5 and starting another next season. Who knows!!!
  23. I legit died laughing at failure of Laurel as alien. I have actual tears in my eyes
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