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Everything posted by TV-Lurker

  1. Michael had a beer in his hands (Corona) when he greeted Kellyn at Ponderosa.
  2. Benson gets a call in the hospital that Noah's "Child Abuse" case has been closed and she tells Rollins it is a "Happy Ending at least" minutes after she learned her just had an "amateur gonadectomy".
  3. Never realized what nutjobs Scientologists were. When I was young and naive, I thought Scientology was actually something to do with Science. I am slightly put off by Remini's blouse when she does her confessionals in the big room. It looks like Jerry Seinfeld's puffy shirt.
  4. Yesterday one of the contestants was handicapped (in a wheelchair) and they had the Race-Game in the Rotation as one of the games. I always thought if they had a physical-type game, that they would not have any handicapped (or really elderly folks) as potential contestants.
  5. Every week, I have to turn on the closed captioning to figure out what the boyfriends name is. "Chale"? I am trying to like it. I doubt if it lasts long.
  6. Why did the kid's testimony take Barba totally by surprised. He should have been prepped by Barba (or his assistant).
  7. There are some tricks that help remember the "Number of Days" competition. Assuming that they entered the house on a Wednesday Evictions and HOH competitions generally happen on Thursdays. (Days 9, 16, 23, 30 etc) Nominations, Road Kills happened on Fridays. (Days 10, 17, 24, 31 etc VETO Competition happened on Saturdays, (Days 11, 18, 25, 32 etc) VETO meetings happen on Mondays (Days 13, 20, 27, 34) Obviously would not help for special days like the day of the Carnival (Jesse) happened. What I would like to know if there was a previously evicted houseguest who was out of the house for a considerable amount of time(like Glenn) would they tailor the challenge so it would not put him at a competitive disadvantage?
  8. If Victor suspected (HA!) that he was being back-doored, could he have nominated himself to assure that he was playing the Veto?
  9. No comments about the Phallic Rockets? And the mysterious white stuff that they called bird excrement?
  10. Don't the early boots get some money for showing up at the finale? like $10K?
  11. Who invited Cousin It to the reunion?
  12. I wonder if they planned on two Pot challenges to be aired on 4/20?
  13. Vanessa Rousso made the final table in a poker tournament in Michigan. It is streaming on Twitch, find the link here, if anyone is interested in seeing her play poker. https://twitter.com/DavidBloomberg/status/668784956114620416
  14. The DNA database has the DNA of a subway turn-style jumper but it does not have the DNA of someone arrested for aggravated assault?
  15. Were the Script and the Location/Time Stamps Transition Cards out of sync? The script kept referencing that Lane was 10-12 weeks pregnant and they were doing work in East Harlem in July when they think she got pregnant. Yet the Date Stamps on the Transition Cards were saying Sept 8th and Sept 10th. Ten to 12 week would put the conception date in June. Whoever played the father looked like he could play Mark Cuban in a biopic.
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