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Everything posted by Tikichick

  1. I never knew that. I assumed it was some kind of push by "fans"? for one of them to break free and she seemed the obvious?/favorite?/likely one?.
  2. I'd imagine that on balance it's been determined that convicted felons' rights to privacy aren't superior to taxpayers' rights to information about how the government spends their tax dollars. The same access to information doesn't stretch to stepping over HIPAA protections. Those remain in place, felons or not.
  3. IDK that JE's standards necessarily pointed to him being soft in the ordinary sense. IMO it points to an individual with extreme need for control -- the very same compulsion I'd imagine will be a supreme struggle for one Josh Duggar. It would also explain why GM wouldn't find the same challenge in the same way -- although I'd imagine having grown up as wealthy and privileged as she has it will challenge her nonetheless.
  4. Freedom of Information Act -- aka a FOIA request.
  5. I hope not. But her children are the biggest reason I hope she's got good outlets for her emotions and truly supportive and helpful sounding boards available. Her parents stacked the deck against her and led her into disaster that she hasn't been able to extricate herself from yet. Her children deserve better.
  6. IMO Josh's predatory nature will chafe horribly in a system where he has virtually zero control of anything about his life. Predators thrive on manipulation, control and deceit of anyone and anything they can possibly bend to their will. It's very difficult to nurture those needs in a system where almost everything is under control of others and there is no shortage of others supremely skilled in manipulation and deceit around every corner.
  7. People often feel rage without flying off the handle and attacking others. Rage is a stage of grief and it's to be expected she's been experiencing something like a death, particularly since he was convicted and it's clear they won't be resuming their normal married life anytime soon. It is sad (and harmful) if she's fighting letting her feelings out. Not to say that she should merely stomp around and blast anyone in her sight, but she should have a safe outlet to let things out and a (non judgmental) sounding board if she needs it. It's also in the best interest of her children if her emotional needs are legitimately addressed. They cannot rely on dad, probably never have been able to. It would be nice if mom could be as healthily functional as possible.
  8. I can see Anna reaching the point where she is filled with rage many times. She's probably been there already, and will be there again and again over the years. I wouldn't discount her feeling bitter and cheated since she followed what her parents taught her and married the man they approved and things have still gone sideways. I think who and what she's angry about will probably ebb and flow according to whatever she's struggling with emotionally and mentally at a given time, particularly if she's facing blame and scorn from those around her on any kind of a regular basis. Will she ever get to the point where it causes her to question or even step back from many of the so-called "faith led" life practices she's lived her whole life and raised her children in? Maybe. A lot is going to be dependent on what her support system allows her to do, because dependent she is and it's unlikely that's going to change anytime soon, if ever. It's not that she's necessarily unwilling to work hard, but with half a dozen kids, no real education and no career or even job history with skills likely to enable her to earn a living wage to support them all she's largely consigned to an economically dependent future.
  9. Strangely enough I could actually see Austin having the capability to have a decent conversation with Anna's kids, especially with the oldest ones. No idea why but I have a hunch he might just be able to give them a reasonable explanation that is both truthful and doesn't venture into details in such a way to scar them with the enormity of the facts. As horrible as I find some of his beliefs I still find it encouraging how openly affectionate he is with his children, which isn't a given in their circles. Somehow I feel he'd have it in himself to have the compassion to offer up some explanations he may see Anna's kids need, while having the sense and compassion not to bludgeon them with horrible information. Maybe he has enough other outlets to share his repugnant side and can summon up all the molecules of his decency when really needed?
  10. It's even sadder when you consider that those are simply the limited options they felt it acceptable to express some interest in within their very small confines. Those all might have been careers they may have been drawn to in an alternate upbringing, or simply hobbies they like to enjoy while pursuing other career avenues.
  11. I was kind of surprised by Joy's voice. It sounded strangely different to me. At least it wasn't some sickening pretense of keep sweet, so that's a positive.
  12. We live in the age of the information super highway. It's no longer the two-lane roads of newspapers and radio, or even the nightly network news. More and more I find myself thinking, I know that name but I have no idea who that is. Someone reminds me or I google and I find myself thinking -- how in the heck could I have forgotten X? I think it's been a while since the Duggars have been in the mainstream collective conscious for most people and they've simply slipped off the radar for quite a few. I think a reminder of the big family that popped up on Good Morning America every year with another baby or two would be enough for many to remember them. Unsure if they would or wouldn't be aware of the scandals.
  13. It's the Duggar way. Watched the pros do it and became a professional herself.
  14. That's makes any possible SM deals with clothing companies unlikely.
  15. From your lips . . . Although I do realize that Josh will likely be pulling out all the stops to keep his hooks in her once he realizes his post incarceration lifestyle will probably get the most resources with Anna and the kids as opposed to the meagre support likely to be forthcoming for a solo living setup. For the children's sake I hope like hell enough anvils fall on her head to make her understand her priority should be her children's wellbeing. I've actually wondered if in fact among the family JB & M haven't conceded Josh's guilt as well, but simply were unable to voice it in the public statement that was issued.
  16. It's not uncommon for teens, especially teen boys, to go through a phase where they seek out porn, or even just want to see boobs. It's not automatically a given that they are on their way to a life of victimizing others. Statistically speaking in regards to criminal and abusive behavior, or simply something that would send JB & M scrambling to halt and disguise? I agree it's likely some of the offspring have aspects JB & M never want known to outsiders, but I don't know if it's necessarily true that it's statistically likely any others are prone to be predators. I agree their are likely to be many other instances of less than pious and upright moments the family hopes never become public knowledge. I wouldn't be at all surprised that some of the things they worked hardest to keep quiet and curb the behaviors are "infractions" that would have 99.9% of society wondering what the fuss is about.
  17. My thoughts exactly. Our oldest daughter when through a phase where she threw fits in the car seat and even managed to unbuckle herself once while I was driving. That awful time would have probably only been prolonged if we had attempted boneheaded moves like these fools. I was so glad when she passed through that phase and I didn't feel like I was gearing up for battle every time we got in the car -- and then was on red alert after the time she managed to break out of the seat altogether. Such a relief when that passed.
  18. Yep, women really were better off when they were simply chattel. The good old days. Not.
  19. I'm hoping (positive) change will come sooner rather than later for that entire generation, Anna's kids included. That's the reason I'm so happy when any sliver of light seems to be penetrating in the Dillard household. It's not about Jill and Derrick, it's about the potential of two young boys living better lives. Israel attending school and the noticeable drop in stress in that household can only be good things for the boys IMO. As much as Jessa sets my teeth on edge and I'm repeatedly appalled by Anna's terrible priorities when it comes to homelife and her children, those are two households I would be very happy to see some truly positive changes for the children happening ASAP. We know Jessa's need their brains and imaginations stimulated, and probably some healthy meals and maybe better hygiene routines wouldn't be a bad idea either. Anna's brood can dial down the focus on appearance, wear some comfy clothes and get some opportunities for some wide ranging fun with zero stress, while some happy, fun and responsible adults step in to watch the tiny ones and do what they can to entertain and share educational material with the older ones. Those kids deserve to live in the most worry free home possible because I don't doubt they've been through the wringer.
  20. I don't buy for a minute that Ben wrote this, just doesn't hit as coming from Ben's voice. It does however strike awfully close as coming from Sayings of Spurgeon IMO.
  21. Personally I've always looked at much of what Derrick spewed previously in regards to leaving the show as part of lashing out like the proverbial woman scorned due to his painful disillusionment about his relationship with JB. I actually suspect it meant something very deep to Derrick and he was absolutely thrown for a complete loop when it was destroyed. Having an opinion about why he might have lashed out is different from seeing him as a victim, thinking it redeems his horrible viewpoints or being his fan. Mostly because he's a parent of two young and impressionable kids I hold out hope that Derrick has grown up and away from some of the hideous comments he's made about various things.
  22. Just read the piece in another thread referencing JB impersonating the Judge/raising an objection and being called out by the Judge and told in no uncertain terms he has no right to do that. It's actually very common during intense cross examination for witnesses to attempt to raise an objection, some do it multiple times before a halt is called and the Judge or one of the attorneys explains that objections come from the attorneys and must be according to court rules and rules of evidence. Judges generally explain this fairly patiently, even with very difficult witnesses who are seriously evading questioning and prolonging proceedings. This Judge must have been seriously donezo with JB. I would have paid good money to watch that giant donkey's maw clap shut in shock.
  23. His world has always been as big as he's cared to make it. I suspect in order to preserve his fragile ego he now will live a much smaller existence more in line that he had consigned his children to.
  24. Theoretically that applies to Josh and Anna too. I can't imagine anybody finding Josh supportive -- even before the endless scandals broke. Unless Anna wises up I'd imagine they'll remain MARRIED.FOR.LIFE because Josh will in many senses likely be dependent upon the ability to live with her and the children in order to have a place to live in the future. I highly doubt Josh will be repentant, helpful or supportive of her nonetheless.
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