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Everything posted by Mariareads

  1. I re-watched the Dubai episodes. Bravo re-ran them and my DVR picked them up. I have to say I watch BH for the glitz! The Dubai trip was amazing and I did enjoy that season. Last season was a sleeper. This season has me wondering who Rhinna will latch on to since Eileen is gone. I'm guessing she will be stirring the pot even more to make things messy for others.
  2. How boring was this episode? Yawn fest. I might be jumping off this bus soon. As for Peter getting a spin-off I have to say that I find him super boring and predictable. Never understood what Cynthia saw in him enough to marry him. At this point I watch the HW's shows but have not tune into the other Bravo shows. I'm just not that interested in them. Sorry, Peter. I'll take a pass. They brought NeNe back because they really don't have much to work with otherwise it seems.
  3. No question Ramona was wrong. She was drunk AND nuts. Lethal combo. But as far as B goes, I have to be honest and say that she is not a woman I feel much empathy for. Bethenny has yelled, acted out, insulted just about all the other women (and some men as well). This business of "I'm going home" when someone lets her have it doesn't work. Seems that the one with the most bravado can't take what she dishes out. Did she have a hard time growing up? Maybe so. Does that give her a pass for her behavior? No freaking way. Many of us have had a hard time and many of us have NOT been as successful financially even though we are satisfied with the work we do and the home life we lead. She is wealthy, can do whatever she wants. She can give her daughter whatever her heart desires. She has multiple homes. She says she is in love. So why the HELL is she so miserable? I think what I see is a haughtiness that is not a good look. If I had a successful business that generated as much money as B has, I would be so freaking happy that I could give my kid whatever she needs, that I had the freedom to choose whatever I wanted to do without having to worry or stress over it. It's enough already. Get a different therapist. Take some meds and work on yourself. Ramona is nuts but Bethenny, at her core, just isn't a nice person. The money has made her a real bitch. And this is coming from someone who used to enjoy her sarcastic humor.
  4. What a completely boring season of RHONYC. AWFUL. All BF is doing is promoting her next show. To be honest, I won't be watching. I think her 15 minutes are up with me. Not interested. The Luann marriage story is enough already. Carol is a bore. Ramona is embarrassing as a 60 year old chasing penis all over the place and ruining her face with whatever she is doing to it. This Tinsley person is looking like a whore. Bring back Ladies of London. At least it was interesting.
  5. I have not been able to stand him for at least the last 2 years. He's making bucks while these women make fools of themselves and he loves every minute. He's so typical of the industry. Cares about money and his 15 minutes of HW fame. And it will be 15 minutes because the tide will turn and HW's "reality" shows will be a thing of the past. I just don't like him. I never watch WWHL anymore. It sucks.
  6. What the heck did Cynthia ever see in Peter? He was so freaking loaded on the reunion it was embarrassing. The man is a mess. She is so much better off without that $$ burning freak for a husband. Phaedra and Porsha are so low and dirty that now it's becoming a side show. They need to go. Atlanta is just about unwatchable at this point. Phaedra has so many personalities I don't know which one is the real her. Most likely the criminal face. As for Porsha-who else is as dumb anywhere in HW's land? This season was a boring mess. Sad because it used to be a favorite of mine.
  7. Interesting. Interesting to me because I view the RH's franchises as my generation's version of soap operas! I used to watch Days of Our Lives when I was in my 20's. Had my babies & had no time for daytime TV with twins in the house! So, years go by and I happen to land on RHOC. Hooked. I don't watch all of the franchises but a fair amount. It's MY soap opera equivalent. With my kids grown I still don't have much time for daytime TV and I am not looking for more things to watch. There is so much on netflix and amazon as well as cable. I have my fill of premium, good series and shows but RH's is strictly mindless watching for me. I enjoy it and can laugh about it all. I see right through so much of the "drama" and can even tell what is dropped to be a place holder for someone's story line for the season. With 2 soap opera actresses on the Beverly Hills and Kyle, LVP, Erika and Kim it really is, to me, actresses going through set up situations with their own words and opinions. Erika may not have had a past as an actress but she's certainly drawing on her Erika Jayne persona in much the same way as an actress would. I find that this season Rinna has been the most repugnant to me. That tear rolling down her face at the bunny fiasco was totally soap opera blubbering. That skinny bitch has a heart of stone. While there were many "characters" to feel dodgy about, none of them come close to all the mean spirited and nasty comments/lies/accusations & fights that Rinna brought to the gatherings this season. And there you have the "villain" of a "soap opera". And it works. Love to hate her. Just my 2 cents.
  8. Lisa Rinna is the worst. She intentionally spreads gossip, lies about things (I don't remember!) and then acts the hurt party. Sorry. I thought the bunny return was the right thing to do to that nasty Rinna. There was nothing but nasty coming out of her mouth with very bad intent the entire season. As for Erika, I used to like her but this season not so much. PK is gross, but the pantygate issue went on and on and on. Was that Erika's storyline? She's 45. That freaking dress she had on at the reunion was so damned short it was just past her whatever. Not a classy look for someone who walks around as if she is so regal. Nope-the bunny was everything. I may not be a Kim fan but hell, I would not give a single thing that Rinna gave to me for my grandchild anywhere near the kid. I predict Rinna will have a new face next season. It looks all pouchy and saggy. Guess all those vitamins and no eating aren't a panacea for actually being in your 50's. The wig, the overdone eyes ( all of them, by the way, looked ridiculous with the glitter eyeshadow) and the evil intent and lies were over the top-evert for Rinna. Eden is at times innocent and other times creepy as heck. Serious issues there. LVP has become older than her years w/ her sex jokes and her wardrobe was dreadful all season. She does stir the pot and then giggles over it. Eileen was Eileen. She adds nothing but serves as back up to Rinna's crazy. Kyle came off as sane and happy in her life but she did encourage the panty gift and got some kicks out of it No innocent parties here. Oddly by the end of the 2nd reunion I kind of didn't mind Dorit . That is not an endorsement for liking her! And I am completely off Andy. He loves this garbage at reunions and makes his bucks encouraging them all to make fools of themselves. But I'll watch again because some HW's shows are my guilty, mindless pleasure. And I come away thinking with all that money they are still assholes.
  9. Until the reunion this is my take: Has no one noticed how bad lisaR looks this season? Gaunt/flaps of skin on the face when the camera angle is just so, ridiculously thin. It's not cool. She looks almost sick. The lips seem large and the face seems caved in. Did she stop the fillers? The hair. Which day was a wig and which day was the real hair? I think the real hair was looking thin and lifeless. Nothing about her looked expensive. Nothing. Her clothing sucked. If she has that much money it is scary that is the best they can do for her. Damn, I look better in Chico's clothes! Sorry. She really bugged me this season. Her tirades were unhinged. Maybe that's why she looks so bad. The inside reflected on the outside because Rinna was nasty all season. Like a mad dog. There. I said it.
  10. Getting to the end of this season and these are the things I have been left with: 1. Am I the only one who thinks Bob is beyond bizarre? Does he have CTE from being hit on the football field? I don't know if he has an issue with his eyes crossing from birth but it is very noticeable. He is enormous. FAT. I understand he was a football player but WAS is the operative word here. He is dumb as rocks. His behavior is almost that of a child. He has been cruel and a lousy father. What the hell does she even bother with him for? A story line is what I'm thinking. He's just awful. Sheree is no saint but really this match up seems like a nightmare. 2. Kenya is so full of BS. WHO in their right mind wants to have a baby with her? She's some kind of power beast and has such an over inflated perception of herself. She's no big win! What the hell does she do? And sorry, but refurbing a house in a gully is just stupid. I am thinking that's all she could afford and that's fine but she puts on airs and thinks she brings so much to the table. She doesn't . She's just a mean, miserable trouble maker-which is probably why they hired her. 3. Porsha-just stop. I can't even say what I think. Trashy/a mess/nuts. 4. Phaedra-What on earth goes on with the facial expressions & the tongue out and the odd sounds as if she is a farm animal? Pretty disgusting stuff. Does she think it's sexy? First we have the church lady act and then we have the I'm a trashy woman who is willing to get really nasty with a man & then I get what I want from them and make believe I didn't know they were making money on the side being a criminal. UGH. She's just so gross! The sounds! Somebody tell me they see this! 5. Glad Peter is gone. Cynthia can do better. A lot better. 6. Kandi? I got nothin. The whole sex dungeon, lesbian story line was meh. Am I watching this again? I don't know. I'm sad because I loved Atlanta the first 2 seasons.
  11. Have any of you seen twitter? RHONY was on fire on twitter last night. Back and forth between Dorinda and B. Wow. It got heated!
  12. I have to agree with those who think Jules has an eating disorder. I just finished re-watching ep. 2 and I have no doubt that there is something very wrong with the way she eats (or doesn't). I saw bones under skin. No muscle nor fat at all. More like a sagging skin off the bone thing. It made me a little sick to look at her. I have 2 younger women in my family who both have had anorexia and they were so scary to look at. Now that they are years past it they are still thin but not gaunt and sickly looking as in skeletal. I have seen it and I recognize it. Whether it's from stress or intentional or illness (I have no idea) that woman is skinny beyond what is healthy and I don't care if she's Asian or African or European. The woman is skeletal and there is no denying of it. And what is this body shaming thing everyone is dancing around? Body shaming or life saving-cause you are not going to live to see your kids become 18 if you starve your body (or use food as therapy and eat yourself into 300 pounds)! I'm not playing the PC game especially with a RH's show. Carol is so annoying. I find her snotty, above it all attitude tedious. She is on RHONY. She chose to do it. Her behavior is haughty. Give us a break. It is not cool to be 50 plus and behave like she does. I don't think it's cute that she rides on younger guys' bike handle bars. I don't think it's cute that she has a dog called Baby. Arrested development as well as being stuck in the past-her own past. She can move on any time. Dorinda is a bit of a hot mess. I don't understand the attraction to John. Not.At.All. Hiding from reality maybe? 1 husband dies another one she divorces (or vice versa) and it might be safer to be with someone you will never marry-ever. Just guessing here but after last season and just 2 episodes this season he is making me gag. IF they are doing drugs-please let them grow the hell up. Is that what being in your 40's or 50's has come to? Are we not all over that drinking and drugging BS from our teens and 20's? She has a daughter and she is a rotten role model for her. Even her own child can't tolerate the man! It's ridiculously obvious that this is really tawdry. And the rages she falls into are not particularly attractive. Provoked or not, it's gets ugly really fast with that woman. The rest of them I have a soft spot for. NY is my favorite franchise. I look forward to it since season 1. I enjoy Ramona/Bethanny/LuAnn/Sonja. They are flawed and messy and somewhat screwed up. There wouldn't be a NY HW show without it.
  13. I used to think Khloe had some sense in her head of all of them. What a jackass I was! What is wrong with this woman? That Cocktails with Khloe is not only a yawner but seems to be a stage for her to just be crude as hell and look snide about it. Wow. No dignity at all. The guests are a huge nothing. Nobody cares. I got rid of it off my DVR and am never looking back at it again. What on earth is with the pouty duck lips? What the hell did she do to them? They look ridiculous. BIBLE! She wrecked her face. Yes, she lost a lot of weight and I applaud her but she messed with her face and did way too much. What is she, only 31 or so? Idiot. She is crude beyond anything I could imagine. I am no angel. I'll throw out the F bomb at home but I watch it in public. The crudeness is beyond with her. Too many blow jobs gave her that mouth? I think it was the last plastic surgeon who injected her with who the hell knows what! All that said I watch KUWTK for one thing only-to mock them. I know this makes me a bad person but to be honest-they put it out there and it is soooo easy to watch and laugh out loud or be disgusted. It's beyond beyond. The self centeredness, the selfies, the bigger, biggest, best houses, the cars, the entitlement attitudes. All of it is BS and at the end of the day they are a clown show. Sorry Khloe bought into the scam but she seems to enjoy the limelight a lot now. PFFFTTTT. It's a train wreck and some of us can't turn the channel.
  14. Agree with you all. It's not a good look when your lips walk into the room before you do. What on earth do they see when they look in the mirror? "Oh I look so hot like a blow fish!" GAH!!!
  15. I would be careful posting anything to that twitter thread. Looks to me like they are trying to collect twitter names. Who knows? What a creepy person(s). Truly gross in every way.
  16. Don't know exactly where to post this but hope people will see it here. Is Lisa R looking odd to any of you? To me, it looks as if she has had some real face work done and it looks very pulled and tight, as if she has had way too much done. She just looks very off to me. And can she eat something please? She's way too thin. I didn't like or dislike her prior but I have to say she is getting on my nerves in her scenes this season. And we're only 2 shows in! GAH!
  17. So agree with you! I think this entire thing is just nasty. Kathy and Kim seem to have major envy problems when it comes to Kyle. So what if her husband left a firm to start his own? It's the USA. We are encouraged to do that! He saw old man Hilton raking in $$$'s and was smart enough to know he could do the very same. Whether I like Kyle or don't like her is immaterial. This is a "reality" show and I have nothing invested in any of these people personally but if I watch it, I'm going to have an opinion on it and just don't see how this isn't petty and odd behavior coming from a sister married into the Hilton family. I have read through the thread and also agree with someone who wrote that we haven't seen Kyle's kids behaving in the same way as Kathy's kids have. The Umansky kids look polite and well centered to me. Anything can happen at any time but so far I really think that Kyle and Mauricio have done a good job parenting their kids. Kathy comes off as an entitled, pushy woman who enjoys having her way. Kind of disgusting to me.
  18. Hi All! I found this place a while ago and have read some of the comments on shows I watch. Now I am making my 1st post after reading all the posts regarding the cat fishing (vile) scenario that is playing out. I have watched this show from the beginning. I have some TV shows of real substance that I watch but I am a bit of an insomniac and record stuff like this to watch until 2 AM while hubs is sleeping. What can I say-it helps me pass the time and finally nod off with my headset on! I have an interest in anything that has to do with psychology/sociology -why people do what they do and how they live. Always have. So this show intrigued me because what the hell did I know about polygamy except for a book I read for a sociology course and had to give a 'lecture' on for a grade. This show was very different from the book I read about being the daughter of a polygamist because it was showing the adults as the main characters. Those are the people I wanted to hear from. So, for the start I found myself staring at the women and wondering what in the hell they were all doing with this Kody person and why they would be so attracted to his ways-which annoy the heck out of me. I stuck with it, noticing the coolness between Janelle and Meri from the start and being completely shocked at how many babies Christine was popping out while kind of gliding through the days with a flip attitude. Didn't get that at all. But Meri always seemed to stand out as kind of bossy, kind of entitled and really pretty snarky. But I didn't dislike her. I just felt there was something going on with her. I don't think she was really on board for this plural marriage bit in a personal way. Maybe she was signed up for it in theory, but I don't think her personality could handle it once it was a reality. She probably didn't know that about herself. Once the other wife was in the picture it was a totally different reality for Meri. One she realized she had major problems with. So I kept watching and noticing things as time went on. But..this insanity that has cropped up? Never expected this shit storm. I thought someone might leave, and really thought it would be Janelle because she always seems very distant and so far away but seriously she has so many kids that it would be difficult to do on her own. Meri was a loose cannon. Once her daughter left for college that was it for her. I look at the way her house is decorated. Ever notice that? Kind of artsy. Kind of staged. More so than the others. She likes things to look a certain way. So many of us do. But it made her different from some of the others. Once she got through decorating that place, really, what was there left for her to do? If she truly had gone off Kody and didn't feel much of anything for him anymore it's easy for me to see how this happened. I will go out on a limb and say that I saw major depression in Meri. I have had 2 years of social services work and education in the psych side of things and that was just enough for me to have studied the major mental health issues people have and I saw depression in Meri right away. This made her ripe for what she stepped into. If she was this unhappy, like many of you have said, she had a choice. She was legally divorced and could also get a spiritual divorce and prob. have to leave the faith she was used to. Not so easy as some would think. Money, personal connections to the kids and even to the other sister wives would be a consideration. And where to go? And for what? I think, for me, the real interest in this latest revelation of cat fishing is how vile and disgusting the person(s) who participated are. There are so many mental illnesses and disorders that fill up the DSM IV that it used to make my head spin during exam time but I have to tell you the person who did this to Meri is one sick , sick individual. Some have used sociopath and I am beginning to agree. There are a few other labels that might fit as well but I'm not a psychiatrist and am an amateur at best. But to set out to lure a person into a sea of deception and to take joy in it and joy in documenting it; saving the information, carrying out elaborate schemes on line, stealing names and company logos etc. actually made me feel kind of sick. I went to that blog and it is very revealing-of the person who lured Meri. Who the hell does this person believe themselves to be? He/she has terrible grammar and a dreadful writing style. They repeat the same word in the course of one or two sentences and use the wrong tense often. Dead give away that this is no 'mogul' who goes to freaking Dubai to do real estate deals or construction deals. Painfully obvious this is a complete imposter. Sure, this degenerate was smart enough to pick up on how to lure someone in (sociopathic part of the personality which is very cunning and terrifying) and learned enough about how to navigate social media to create a blog, operate on twitter, transfer information from one place to another and so on. But this is not a super educated person. This is a predator who like any animal who hunts, found prey and enjoyed the deception. I read a little of that repulsive blog and it made me kind of sick. I have no connection to Meri. She's just someone on a show I happen to watch, but that someone would set up an elaborate scenario like this to lure and trap a woman is so wicked and evil that it crosses over every boundary I can think of. Was Meri wrong? Absolutely. She was wrong. But I have to ask myself why she got sucked into this insane underworld and the only answer I keep getting is that she was depressed, unhappy with her marriage and her life, for that matter. It's freaking crazy that she met up with this ...thing...at Disney. What an absolutely insane thing to do! This person could have done anything to her. Killed her and dumped her somewhere. Just about anything you can imagine. There are that many crazies roaming around-especially on the net. I don't know. There is a part of me that feels very sad for Meri. This is the most humiliating thing I could imagine happening especially if she does have major problems with Robyn and Kody. I can't help but focus on the embarrassment and fear that this has caused her and for that reason I do have empathy for her situation. It is degrading if nothing else. As for the person who did this just think back to some of the biggest monsters we have witnessed, most of which are escaping me now. Jeffrey Dahmer is 1 that comes to mind as well as that Warnous woman in Florida who murdered all those men and had created this nut job scenario about how and why. Too many to recall. They are out there and they have the greatest weapon they have ever had now. The internet. What a tool to use to prey on people. Anyway, I want to hear what is said next week. I can't stomach going back to that blog and/or hearing messages she left on a cell phone. I cringe. Meri made a huge mistake and a mistake that could have cost her her life. I do believe she does fear for that family because the person who carried this out is incredibly evil. I would believe they are capable of a great deal. Kidnapping for ransom? Who knows? I hope she finds what she wants to do with the rest of her life because clearly what she's doing now isn't at all even contentment. To fall into this "relationship" with a complete stranger who hides on line is proof that Meri is in a bad and fragile place that makes her ripe for something very bad happening to her. These nut jobs find the most vulnerable and stalk them before they make their move. That is a terrifying thought to me. Imagine that right now someone is gathering info on you to set up a net to catch you! Scarier than any thriller I have watched or read. Hope to read your thoughts about next week!
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