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Everything posted by marinw

  1. Miles may have swapped out the gas tank and ICE for a battery for his truck. I think they did that in The Last of Us where they had a lot of cars and trucks but no gas. (And the refined gas that was around would have degraded over time) A lot of folks would have clung onto gas cars for reasons like cost or simply preferring older cars over newer ones.
  2. Wading into more FAM Tech here. Please be gentle with me! The iPod came out in 2001. Did anyone see one in the background or something? Does Apple even exist in the FAMverse? Seems like a weird omission since this is an Apple Show, In Margo's Russian scenes, we see a lot of older cars and buses that may be gas, electric, or both. I don't recall seeing that many cars or buses in the US. What would early 00's cars, buses, trains and other types of vehicles produced or sold in the American FAMverse look like? All I can think about from our timeline is the Prius and some other little electric sedans that have since gone out of production for reasons I won't get into here.
  3. The Show continues to do an exquisite job of meeting people where they are. Such as the Iman trying to figure out where Sabi should sit at the ceremony. Poor Bessie. Her showing up at the Ceremony was inappropriate but she is still trying to figure out this new person she has become. Does anyone remember what sort of work she did before being injured? Is the actor who plays Sabi's doctor the same guy who plays Bash's therapist on Transplant? He looks familiar. I wish this was on CBC and not CBC GEM, but whatever.
  4. I loved Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles where that exact thing happens, I even loved the critically panned TV adaptation because I am weird.
  5. How soft is the soil in Happy Valley? IIRC is Season Three they found lots of lava tubes and caves, so they could easily build habitats there. One depressing aspect about this otherwise optimistic show is how Humanity outsources both our class structures and environmental exploitation to other worlds, so far the Moon and Mars and a bunch of asteroids if they can make better cable bracing. Global warming on Mars would probably be seen as a positive. Nit Pick: I appreciate the bright lighting when so many other shows are deliberately dark and "moody". Yet the sunlight on Mars is much dimmer, yet the exterior shots are usually nice and bright. The Asteroid Thing happened under his command, yet he is not the one suffering the consequences other than the genuine grief he feels over the loss of his friend. The career and financial ramifications are being felt by Miles and even Kelly. ETA: Kelly's Robot Dog program may have been cancelled not just for the cost, finding evidence of Indigenous Martian Life would complicate all the mining projects. Not that this has even stopped Humanity before,
  6. Texture, sound and even smell were factors is clothing and jewelry. I would like to know where Baba sourced his Samurai Armor.
  7. Does anyone know about the Official Podcast? No episodes for Season 4 are showing up in my feed. Official Podcasts tend to be relentlessly self-congratulatory but still interesting.
  8. Fever Dream: Well that got tied up neatly. Felt like a series finale. The six month flash forward with a seemingly healthy Mags and Bash seemingly still working at the same hospital. I did like that the show showed restraint in detailing Mag’s ordeal. Not so much just post-surgery but how spacey and discombobulated she was afterwards with all the drugs and the hovering.
  9. It’s sad that there’s no real mention of further exploration like to the many, many moons of Jupiter and Saturn. ETA: Kelly’s monologue about liquid makes me speculate that a trip to Europa may be in her future.
  10. Scenes from the class struggle in Not So Happy Valley! Random things: “Make it so XO” Danielle is such a Trekkie! Did TNG exists in the FAM timeline? Outside of the Russian bakery there is a heat pump! Did those even exist in our 2003? I only got mine for my condo in 2021. Sorry but Miles is so boring. So the Birth Control is the only thing that's free? Ed: The beatings will continue until morale improves. Danielle: Let's fix the wi-fi instead. So many parallels between Jamestown in season Two and Happy Valley in Season 4. This is looking more and more like a prequel to The Expanse, where all the class struggles will be completely solved. Or not.
  11. Season 3 is supposed to start today. But I can't find it on Fibe!
  12. In addition to Canada, another nation I'm interested in finding out about is North Korea. If they are active participants on Mars, the FAM NK can't be the same as the isolated, repressive "Hermit Kingdom" of our own timeline. I think the FAM NK is like Russia, claiming to be totally Communist but also with more than a little capitalism creeping in. I woulds like to think that NK will go the route of Norway with oil in our timeline and re-invest the Mars wealth into making the overall country better. But i doubt it.
  13. I wonder why Margo bothers setting her alarm. Maybe to maintain a sense or control and discipline? Or to get to the bakery before they run out of her favourite pastry. Priorities!
  14. The news clips also mentioned that Bill and Hilary Clinton get divorced. Will this make Hilary more or less likely to run for the Democratic ticket in ‘08?
  15. One of the news clips stated that Canada and China didn’t join the M-7 in order to pursue their own interests. That seems very un-Canadian to me, a proud Canadian. The Canada of the FAM timeline must economically be a very different nation in the ‘00s without all the the oil money.
  16. So I gather Kelly is now a SAHM. There’s nothing wrong with that except that she looks sad and bored. That may mostly be due to the hovering of Space Baby’s paternal grandmother.
  17. So even though the FAM verse had President Wilson from ‘92 to ‘00 they still got a Bush/Gore matchup in ‘00 albeit with a different result. So if this season goes until ‘08 will FAM get Obama vs McCain?
  18. Gore won the 2000 election, and if FAM Gore is like our Gore he will be much more into renewable energy than Bush. Humanity is still all about resource extraction. I see Happy Valley as an analogy for Alberta in the 00's with the promise of resource jobs attracting lots of laid-off workers from all over.
  19. I agree that Danielle looks great. Poor Margo, what is going on with her health? Ditto for Ed. There seems to be weed on Mars, or at least something smokable. Yes, the opening news recap said that Moscow is now looking pretty decadent, like New York City or Dubai. It's always seems to be something simple that causes a disaster, like cables coming loose. It seems like 9/11 didn't happen in this timeline. I think one of the biggest differences going forward is that climate change is not a significant thing.. This issue has been part of our reality for so long it's hard to imagine a 21st Century without that existential threat. Yes, given his age and all those years in lower Mars gravity returning to Earth would be difficult. I'm surprised that Mars Baby seems healthy,
  20. Apple+ just put out some news recaps of what happens in the FAM timeline between '96 and '01. They are fascinating. To quote Liz Lemon, I want to go to there.
  21. Now that the various strikes are over, I wonder how KC will deal with the actor's ages if and when we get another season. (A question that also needs to be addressed with Stranger Things). I wouldn't mind showing the former kids going to college or jobs or whatever while training at an adult dojo. Danny and Johnny can adapt their training methods accordingly.
  22. Other random thoughts: Few things are prettier than a ring around a planet, and this one did not disappoint. Great animation throughout. Mariner has Freeman’s command codes because of course she does. And Freeman unlocked her codes with a circa 2020’s iPad. Acting Captain Boimler!!! I was so excited and happy for him. The combat scene was ridiculous and funny.
  23. Epic!! I didn’t mind all the Wrath Of Khan callbacks with the music and genesis device. The Ferengi WOULD put a paywall on a bomb! Locarna’s jacket had a logo of the Starburst Maneuver! So Mariner has only been out of the Acedemy for nine years? Not sure of the timeline. No follow up on Tom Riker, Dr. Crusher or Seven. Next Season?
  24. Rewatching. I just noticed that in her fight with Ma’ah Mariner uses the same two-fisted punch Kirk was famous for in TOS. Standard Starfleet martial arts training for the past 100 years!
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