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Posts posted by Drogo


    I was going by how the teams did, as well as the amount of gold/red stars handed out and team challenges won. While Anthony's team imploded this last episode, they haven't done anything to stand out before then. Marcus' team not only have won 4 of the 6 team challenges, but 10 of the team's 11 gold stars.  Of those ten gold stars, Gabe won 7. Gabe also has no red stars. Gabe won two team challenges, so his spoon was best of all the cooks/chefs those challenges.


    Tony's team had 2 gold stars and they belonged to Tom and Tarik, gents who were booted. Of the 9 red stars awarded to Team Anthony, Eric has 3, or a third. Granted, the team challenge that Anthony's team won was with Eric's spoon, but other than negatively, Eric hasn't distinguished himself.


    Ben has 3 gold stars and no red. He hasn't won a team challenge spot, but he has been middling/ good enough to not have to go to a Taste-Off.


    Jen, on the other hand, has one of Team Ludo's gold stars and 4 ( or half) of their red stars. She has distinguished herself, however, by somehow surviving Ludo and her fellow cheftestants in two back-to-back Taste-Offs. She even got AB to give praise to one of her dishes last episode. Fireman Dan was the one who earned Team Ludo's Team Challenge win, though.


    Tristen has 3 of the 11 gold stars Team Marcus accumulated, and no red. He has also earned two wins in team challenges.


    I find the Team Challenge wins to be less of a credit to the chefs and more to the mentor for selecting a dish and/or ingredients that appeal to the guest judge and are appropriate for the week's theme.  Four out of six is a pretty dominant stat for Marcus.  Zero out of four should tell Nigella something. 

    • Love 3

    If I want to cry or pout that is my business. I am not hurting or affecting anyone in doing so.


    It's certainly Vanessa's prerogative- but if she's using tears to manipulate the judges in a competition and outlast other cooks, she is hurting and affecting others.  And they have every right to react to it. 

    • Love 7

    So I didn't see Vaness as Jen's poor little victim at all. I saw her as an annoying competitor who was using a variety of "feminine wiles" to manipulate her mentor and the outcome (as far as he could control it at least) and then resorting to sulking and pouting when it didn't get her what she wanted.


    I do agree that Jen should have just let her sulk and pout, but I couldn't really blame her for being irritated seeing a grown woman act like a baby because she didn't advance in a competition, esp. when there was no reason to -expect- she was going to win based on skill alone.


    I guess I could see Jen as a bully and Vanessa as her victim IF I didn't think Vanessa's "poor adorable little me!" routine with Anthony was just an act.


    Amen.  Furthermore, I find that tough-cookie attractive women (women who don't cry or flirt to get where they are in life) are typically very resentful of those that do. 


    My wife's one of the former, and I would never call her a bully for telling another grown woman who's crying over going into a Taste Off to grow up and accept it, which she would most certainly do in that position.  A bitch, maybe.  But she'd probably like that.  ;)


    Flirting and crying are easy ways to manipulate people and lose your integrity simultaneously. Take the road less traveled by, Vanessa, and that will make all the difference.


    Vanessa just annoyed on so many levels, and it was pretty clear that the dislike of her and lack of respect for her cooking boiled over to more than just Jen.  Ben in particular was outspoken about his desire to get rid of her undeserving ass, and he seems like a pretty level-headed (as level as your head can be with a giant samurai bun on top) guy.  Tristen and Gabe appeared to be helping her in order to keep a weaker chef in the finale. 


    I don't like Gabe's smug mug and feel like he's gotten a sort of goodie-two-shoes edit, so I like Ben for the win. 

    • Love 4
  4. 336463341.jpg


    With fairness to Spencer, it's hard to take the exercise seriously when you have Canary Yellow and A Creeper Who Looks Like He's Taking a car selfie for his Plenty of Fish page hovering over you while you say your "last words" to your "deceased wife."


    And FWIW - if I walked out of the house and they'd put my "bleeding" wife in a car wreck pretending to be dead Jim would be joining his ancestors right quick.

    • Love 4

    And...bike valet? Ride your bike to class, a valet will store it for you and bring it back when class is over?? LOL Is this really a thing?

    I could be wrong because I was only half paying attention to the tour, but I think that might refer to a type of bike rack. Some cities have them, it's like a pod that goes over your bike and it's much harder to break into. I think one of the brands that makes them is called something like bike valet.


    Bike Valet Parking is a way that UA is encouraging students to ride their bikes instead of driving and to curb bike theft.  It's just a parking lot for bikes, really, monitored by a student employee.  $35 a year.

    • Love 4

    He had this painful (I'm sorry, it's the only word) wannabe-inspirational vibe somewhere between a pep rally, a timeshare presentation and a Jehovah's Witness at your door.  Especially saying goodbye to Terrell.  How weird.  And painful.


    Ian's cheerleader farewell to T.O. is still grating on me.  Does anyone have the actual dialogue?  Something about how hopefully all his dreams will come true and how the future is so bright...


    T.O wasn't a one-season bust, he was a superstar who still holds at least a dozen NFL records and plenty of franchise records.  He had more of his dreams come true by 40 than most people will get in their lifetime, and Steve Sharknado Sanders is giving him good juju?   Get the hell out of here.


    "Demons be gone - bring in the angels!" seemed like a dollar-store ripoff of "May the gods of good pie be with us."   

    Geraldo may be pompous, but Ian is fake as f___...  he can go and take his Housewife friends with him.


    Was I the only one thinking the snowboard girl was high or somewhat had "residual" damage?


    It must be easy to do those snowboard flips without a spine. 


    Jamie (out loud):  "Who do you think I should bring back?"

    Trump (in his head):  "If you don't know then you haven't been paying attention, ya id'jit."

    • Love 15
  7. Brandi I know about, but Kenya (and any conversations between Kenya/Brandi) I don't know about.  I think Atlanta and DC were the ones she didn't watch.  But- I was really hoping that a "Kiss My Ash" had made its way to BG. 


    Now you know from my other posts I'll take any opportunity to defend a female of the species even if it brings heat ... but Brandi's on her own. 

    • Love 7
  8. Brandi also called Joyce "Hoyce" (the common Spanish pronunciation of Joyce) even though Joyce repeatedly asked her not to because she'd been bullied in PR by kids calling her Hoyce/Horsie.  And made fun of Joyce being a name that was only appropriate for fat/ugly people.  ("Joyce is a big fat pig!")


    I never watched the Housewives shows but my wife used to watch every single franchise and Beverly Hills had been her favorite.  Then Brandi started in on Joyce, and THEN she went on her podcast joking about child molesters and how jealous she was of kids who got molested - and my wife quit them all.  Around that same time RH fans were petitioning to get her off the show. 



    • Love 4

    It goes back to the racist comment Brandi made to Joyce on RHOBH about swimming and her black friends, blah blah blah.  Kenya called her an idiot on twitter.  Brandi retorted (on WWHL I believe) by calling Kenya an ashy whore.


    Someone, please tell me that Kenya's reponse was "KISS MY ASH."

    • Love 6
  10. I had a good laugh when Brandi finally decided to undress but wrapped a towel or something around her midsection.




    It looked like a washcloth.


    I believe she had to put it there to cover up the Sharpie messages:  "Jack was here" - "Jim was here" - "Frank was here"


    *Jack, Jim and Frank hadn't signed waivers.

    • Love 10
  11. "If you can't be a person of money, be a person.... of................................................ uhh, of.................................. value."


    My wife (a successful commercial-print model when we met) was watching with me and was appalled at model Brandi talking back to the shoot directions.  "If someone tells you to prop your leg and pop your ass out, you prop your leg and pop your ass out.  Want to get paid for speaking?  Become a lawyer."

    • Love 12
  12. I know people liked Steve Sanders, but everything Ian Ziering said was painful for me to listen to. 


    He had this painful (I'm sorry, it's the only word) wannabe-inspirational vibe somewhere between a pep rally, a timeshare presentation and a Jehovah's Witness at your door.  Especially saying goodbye to Terrell.  How weird.  And painful. 

    • Love 21
  13. Team Ludo is something like Parris Island - you've got your DI's dip-scented saliva on your chin because he's screaming in your face that you're disgracing his beautiful Corps, and if you dare wipe it away but the truth is- he's on your side like no one you've ever met before.  And at the end of six weeks you are eternally grateful for what he and the process have created out of you. 


    Team Anthony is like the cheerleaders' table in the high school cafeteria.  Everyone is BFF 22 hours a day, but he'll drop you into the nearest oubliette if it means he gets to be on the top of the pyramid next time or go to prom with Jake Ryan. 


    Given the choice, I'd be Team Ludo over Team Anthony any day of the week. 

    • Love 8

    I'm thinking Tristan is gonna win this, since the obvious (Gabe) never does.



    As a Tristan, I feel its my duty to point out that this show doesn't have a Tristan. 

    The show has a TristEn.  And so, he will not win, because even his name is wrong.




    I agree with Mr and Miss chichi, Nigella is beautiful.  A real stunner.



    Amen, squared.  Not to creep on the Countess of Creme Anglaise, but the print on that dress was highlighting all the right places. 




    He was definitely looking for a "kill."  He wanted Tom gone so he could continue with his better cooks.



    Definitely agree with this, and I don't think Anthony was trying to hide his desire to cut Tom out.  From the beginning of the episode and his Keep It Simple Stupid lecture to Tom, I thought to myself "Anthony will be happy if they lose the team challenge and he can axe Tom."




    That quote from Eric said it all, about him not wanting to be Tom's executioner.


    I think he said he didn't want to be the butcher, which I found offensive.  Like Tom was an animal. 


    Eric can go too, for all I care.  "Anthony wants tripe, so I'll make skirt steak, then cry in the corner about not getting chosen." 


    Here's a novel idea, Eric: During the team challenge, where the mentor of the losing team selects who's going home/who's pissed them off the most recently, don't disobey direct orders.


    You want to create your own dishes, save it for the elimination challenge, or better yet - open a restaurant.  All cooking shows have constraints/rules and nobody gives a shit about how brilliant you think you are. 

    • Love 4
  15. Crystal:




    She was a pain in the ass, she got eliminated on Fish & Chips when neither she nor Jacqueline (drunky redhead) wanted to listen to Nigella and were flat out rude. 

    • Love 2
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