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Posts posted by Drogo


    I'm not sure why so many people are weirded out about Littlefinger and Sansa.  Why are people calling him a pervert?   In the world of Westoros, Sansa is woman, capable of marraige and child bearing.  She is married, to an older man (maybe older than Littlefinger).  My impression from watching the show is that usually the young girls often marry much older men.


    Littlefinger >>>>>>>> Walder Frey

    *Also, Sansa knows for a fact LF can make a woman scream in all the right ways.  Yeah, I said it. 



    how cute was Dany putting up Missandei's hair?!


    Dany used to braid Drogo's hair, too.  Perhaps her time with the Dothraki taught her an appreciation of hairstyles she wouldn't have otherwise had. 


    Grey Worm's monologue to Missandei that she shouldn't be sorry that his enslavement happened to him, because it ultimately brought him to her? 


    This show makes me love eunuchs in a way I never thought possible.



    Trying to make us like Ygritte again right before the big battle so we care whether she lives or dies.


    Rose Leslie has never looked so beautiful as she did with her finger over her mouth, saving Gilly and little Sam's lives, totally not knowing who they are and why they're important...  I care about Ygritte.  For me, there is only one acceptable outcome to a Jon/Ygritte reunion and will not entertain any others. 


    As soon as Sansa revealed her true identity to the Vale council (?), I thought ooh, she's finally decided to play the game. I just hope that those three don't blab about her presence or deliberately betray her.


    Shit, I hope they walked out and had a press conference.  I don't think The Hound and Arya will go into the castle unless they knew Sansa was in there. 


    I need to see The Hound rescue Sansa again.  And some making out, if at all possible. 

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  2. Prince Oberyn: "The whole way from Dorne, all anyone could talk about was the monster that had been born to Tywin Lannister. A head twice the size of his body, a tail between his legs, claws, one red eye, privates of both the girl and the boy...When we met your sister, she promised she would show you to us. Every day, we would ask. Every day, she would say, 'Soon.' Then she and your brother took us to your nursery. And she unveiled the freak. Your head was a bit large, your arms and legs were a bit small, but no claw, no red eye, no tail in between your legs. Just a tiny pink cock. We tried to hide our disappointment: 'That's not a monster,' I told Cersei. 'That's just a baby.' And she said, 'He killed my mother,' and she pinched your little cock so hard, I thought she might pull it off, until your brother made her stop. 'It doesn't matter,' she told us, 'Everyone says that he will die soon. I hope they are right. He should not have lived this long.'"

  3. Tully women seem to have a trait for blaming the innocent. Catelynn directed all her hate and anguish towards Jon Snow instead of Ned  himself.


    Heh. Well, while the sisters catch up in the afterlife, Ned and Jon Arryn can commiserate with each other... ;D
    Jon Arryn is the only one with reason to complain. Ned created the situation with Jon, he was no victim there, only Jon was.



    I'm a little confused. Ned screwed up a lot of things, but how was he responsible for Jon Arryn's death?


    Cletus I was thrown by this too, but on reread it appears the post was blaming Ned for creating the situation with Jon Snow (and Catelyn- presumably by bringing home a bastard)- not Jon Arryn.  

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    Ah, but don't forget the psychological torture that she exerts on Tyrion by taking away his only defender, his last hope.

    This, times 1,000. 


    Cersei doesn't just want coins over Tyrion's eyes... she wants him to have absolutely nothing and no one left before they're put there, and she wants his last days spent thinking of "the wrong" he's done to her. 


    Reminds me of this gem from Sonny in A Bronx Tale...  "Look at me... *I* did this to you! REMEMBER ME!"

  5. This is the most bitter jury I've ever seen that didn't vote bitterly. 


    With the exception of Spencer, who made it clear that his vote wouldn't be for Woo, it almost seemed like they told the jurors to attack whichever person they were going to vote for.


    • Trish Skeletor'd it up and accused Tony of sacrificing his father's soul in order to make some money.  She voted for Tony.
    • Jefra started her question with 'I'm not bitter' then quickly turned bitter, with Tony incurring all wrath.  She voted for Tony.
    • Jeremiah called Tony of being a total piece of crap who commits the cardinal sin of lying while swearing a wife/child.  He voted for Tony. 
    • Morgan praised Woo for not selecting the obvious goat and taking the better player to the end, promising not to forget that. She voted for Tony.
    • Tash asked Woo a question, he said he was going to go off-topic, and she scooted back to her bench hysterically as if he had just answered in Mandarin.  She voted for Woo.
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    I really liked the interactions between the Hound and Arya.  I think this may be the only female he's been around in quite possibly forever who stuck with him, didn't taunt him (outside of their mutual verbal jousting) and who has, what he would see as an acceptable 'code' - even if he's on her list.  I really liked seeing him do the right thing by the suffering farmer as well as disclosing how he felt regarding the incident with his brother and father.  Best line "wish it was wine"   "Me too".


    By far, my favorite scene.  The farmer wanted to kill himself, but he was afraid of the Nothing*.  What does the Hound have, if not Nothing? 


    So he decides to let Arya in a little and now he's got a clean wound and a little apprentice.  Yeah yeah, I know he's on her list, but I'm pretty sure he used to be smack in the middle of it and now he's last.


    *If you've ever seen The Neverending Story, you are aware that The Nothing ain't nothin' to fuck wit.


    Which reminds me... Best kiss of the episode is HERE - sorry Sansa+Littlefinger. 

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    I believe that this is the first falling snow that we've seen south of the Wall.  Does this mean that winter IS finally coming?


    I believe the snow in the Eyrie is similar to the snow-capped mountains of California.  There's snow only because it's several thousand feet above sea level.  


    Wonder where Robin will get his milk now.

    The only beverages in Westeros are water, Lysa Arryn's breastmilk, and wine. 


    Following Dany's booty call, when she told Jelly Jorah to alert Lothario Daario that *he* had changed her mind... I had a mental image of Jorah riding out to Daario and yelling "I changed her mind......... with my Mormont greatsword!"



    • Love 3

    I've decided it must be down to The Mountain having a MUCH better skincare regime than The Hound.




    The Mountain makes it a point to remove all makeup before bed, use a rich creme Chanel moisturizer, and never ever ever *ever* set his own face on fire.  

    • Love 8

    Now that Lysa has added 'physical' to 'mental and emotional' to the things about her that are a complete mess, I wonder what is going to happen when Sandor shows up looking for his reward. Will Littlefinger pay him? Will Arya and the Hound even be allowed in?


    I don't think the new Hound is about to leave either of those girls in the Eyrie with Littlefinger.


    She is choosing to stay in the hospital where she was the intern that fell in love with an attending. I don't get the reasoning with that line and staying in Seattle (friends, family, etc. I get that but not this line specifically).


    To be fair, most of the people who know her as that are either dead, working at private practices or en route to Europe.


    Can someone explain Oberyn's past?  His sister was killed by The Mountain, whom Cersei has chosen as champion in the trial by combat?


        Surely people knew about this history and maybe Cersei would have chosen someone else?


    I don't think Cersei selected The Mountain to entice Oberyn to fight, I think she chose The Mountain so that no one would come to Tyrion's aid.  As The Hound let us know last episode, Meryn Trant is somewhat regarded as a joke of a swordsman.


    I imagine Cersei will be at least a little disturbed at the news of Oberyn volunteering, as if tragedy were to befall him it could jeopardize her daughter's safety in Dorne. 

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