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Posts posted by Drogo


    While I agree that one can have opposite-sex friends, think of how the show might portray it if Scott chose melanie.  Ramsey would make a remark, the camera crew would "catch"  them being close. there would be innuendo that Scott had some sort of crush.  Scott was smart to avoid this.


    Doing that flirty edit with singles Ralph and Rochelle (a little guy and big girl) was cute, but I think HK would avoid implicating its competitors in alleged infidelity, expecially marital.  All it does is make the competitors unlikeable and turn off any moral fans who watch.   


    There was something like this on Top Chef some years ago where Hosea flirted with (and I think kissed) a fellow competitor after speaking publicly in THs about having a longtime girlfriend, she also had a boyfriend at home- and when he won the season the fans and message boards were aflame with Hosea-hatred.


    Joy/Melanie suck as people, so they were out.  Scott knew what the reward was before he made his selection, and Rochelle's many-many-emotions in a tiny plane rolling around in the air? May have been more of a punishment than a reward.  He made the right choice. 



    (Also, it was a no-brainer he'd pick Jason for the reward. Scott is married. There was no other choice.)


    People can have friends of the opposite sex even if one of them is married. It's not like the reward was romantic in any way.




    If it were my wife on the show, I'd want her to select the person she liked the most or who had been the most fair with her throughout the game, or the person who had shared rewards with her in the past - male or female- to share the reward.  I would hope most married folk would feel the same.


    I'd feel like a real Ike Turner if my wife were afraid to go on a fun chopper ride with another man because she thought it would hurt me.  


    I don't think marital fidelity was the reason Scott selected Jason... I think he genuinely enjoyed the last reward they spent together at the winery, and Jason has been his biggest ally throughout the season... I also think Jason is the only chef who would select Scott for a reward he'd won. 

    • Love 4
  3. What really pissed me off about Joy (and Melanie) this episode was their reaction to Rochelle being hurt. 


    They knew that a chunk of her finger had been cut off, yet they broke into the type of little girl hysterics that kindergarteners break into when one of their classmates throws up.  Neither tried to help Rochelle or even stood near her in case she passed out. 


    Instead:  "Medic, #OMFG, please come get this thumb out of here bc it's totes disgusting..."

    • Love 8
  4. I was never a Kashia fan, but at least she had the integrity to finish service, show up (knowing she'd bombed) and let him eliminate her. 


    It may be Joy>Kashia as a chef, but it's Kashia>Joy as a human being. 



    The most immature part of Joy's meltdown was that when she realized she'd F'd up, and thought about going back in to apologize and ask for a second chance, she didn't. 


    Since she felt she wouldn't get a second chance (and she wouldn't, since everyone else had a great service) she skipped the apology... which is what's really going to doom her. 

    • Love 5

    They were pulling for him, as was I, because he seemed like a genuinely contrite and humble kid with promise. Too bad he was noticeably out-cooked in the dessert round but I'm grateful to the judges for their integrity. If Albert's dessert were just a little bit better it would have secured him the win I think.


    His heavy-handedness with the spices was his downfall... if the Chopped judges, who need more seasoning on everything, ask for less seasoning - you're using the wrong measuring spoons. 


    Sorry Maneet... Thumbs down to any woman who shapes her hair to look like a massive head tumor.  I did enjoy her disgusted expressions at sick Chris like "Bro.. take a vacation day." 


    In season 4, I don't remember anyone else reacting to news beyond the Wall not even to say that it's ridiculous and that there are no such things as White Walkers.


    Stannis has just realized that going around and telling anyone who'll listen "The Iron Throne is mine by right!" isn't getting him any closer to actually, you know, sitting on the Iron Throne.  Melisandre tells him that death marches on the wall, and only he can stop it, and he's salivating over the prospect of saving Westeros and the people rallying behind their hero.


    We know the people of Westeros don't love the StannMan.  He looks like the constipated Prince Malagant from "First Knight" which is the worst movie, ever.  He doesn't know any cool card tricks, he sucks at story-telling, and he chops off his besties' fingers. 


    For three seasons prior to the raven, Melisandre's been telling him every ten minutes (or every time she gets naked, whichever comes first) that The Night Is Dark And Full Of Terrors, and then suddenly for the first time in 100 years(?) White Walkers are spotted near The Wall. 


    Everyone else is all "White Walkers went out with chastity belts, Aemon must be going senile" and they all believe that the biggest threat to the realm lies within Westeros, but Stannis has been waiting for his moment... and it's here.


    Why does she need proper assassin training?  Why can't she just go to Dorne and hang out on the beach?


    Not when there are names left on her list.


    She didn't kill Sandor, and he was on her list. 


    After the Mountain/Viper showdown, I won't assume a Clegane is dead until someone's drinking wine out of his skull.

  8. With the fifth and final season set to jump ahead seven years to 1931, what loose ends are you hoping to see tied up? 


    Personally, I'd like the following...

    • No more Richard Harrow or Dr. Narcisse.  Realistically, no one would be discussing that Crayola-face sniper guy they once knew seven years after his death, and Narcisse's turning evidence shouldn't have an impact on NJ, only his connections in NY.
    • Nucky and Eli back on brotherly terms.  They're at their best when they're allies. 
    • Willie dead, in prison or back in college.  Couldn't stand the character/actor.
    • Gillian Darmody out of prison and getting revenge on the Pinkerton who put her there. 

    Dammit. I just realized that Arya never met Oberyn. :(


    Man...the bonding they would have had over their shared hatred of the Lannisters....


    And their shared love of integrating combat with interpretive dance. 




    • Love 1

    Hounds love canine-shaped pastry.


    I doubt he's a cannibal.


    I eat gingerbread men...  I'm not a cannibal. 



    She needs proper assassin training ASAP and it's good to see she's actually going in that direction.


    Why does she need proper assassin training?  Why can't she just go to Dorne and hang out on the beach?

  11. Don't think so... Ramsey said he was sending the team on a thousand-dollar shopping spree, and when they were at the store Scott was the only one holding money.  He even made a not-funny joke of the moment, saying "Don't worry ladies, I got it this time.."


    Cheap ass show. 

  12. Turns out Danny is a Marine, so he's far from the first person he knows to run to a courthouse and marry a girl he's only been dating a few months. 


    Seemed like a good dude, though, he could probably do better than her. 

    • Love 1
  13. That shopping spree was bullshit.  $1000 for three people to share at Tommy Bahama, where a men's shirt (nothing fancy) costs upwards of $125? 


    Come on, show.  Splurge and give them each a grand.  It cost you more than that for Ramsey's hair pomade.

    • Love 3

    Why didn't Brienne show the Hound the bread?


    what would be the point of that?


    Hounds love canine-shaped pastry.  He would have totes sat down and gave paw. 


    Agree that showing it to Arya might have been the smarter move. 



    • Love 4

    What did John Snow think they were giving him to drink? It obviously looked like milk...


    Egg nog is always a festive Northern choice for guests.  


    Bonus:  You can serve it in mugs that resemble albino Tormunds.  



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