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Posts posted by Drogo


    I'm sort of surprised that Janos completely fell apart.  He was the head of the King's Guard, before Tyrion sent him to The Wall.


    Janos was the commander of the City Watch.  I imagine that putting him into a battle scenario like this one is the medieval equivalent of taking the Chief of Police from NY and dropping him into a Marine infantry unit in Afghanistan. 

    • Love 7
  2. RIP Ygritte.  Really should have never left that cave. 




    Apparently this episode cost over $8 million to create.  I'm going to say it was worth every penny. 

    There was one tracking shot in particular toward the end which blew away any notion that these were mini-sets... absolutely stunning. 


    I couldn't breathe when Slynt started his walk/jog of shame down Gilly/Sam's hallway.  I thought for sure he would kill them just to cover up his shameful secret.  


    Slynt didn't exactly win my trust the last time I saw him in a room with an infant. 

    • Love 3

    But to say he is not to be trusted is an understatement.  Hopefully she got that message after he pushed her aunt (and his own wife) out the window.


    Personally, I doubt Sansa sees it as "her aunt and his wife" going out the moon door, so much as "the insane woman who was seconds from killing her."


    If I were Sansa, this would only reinforce my faith in Littlefinger and his protection of my best interests. 


    Side note (yes, I am prepared to have zero friends afterwards):  Tywin looks sexy as F in that deleted fishing scene. 

    • Love 9

    It's hard for me to estimate at the Hound's age.  When I look at him all I can see is greasy hair and scars.


    And all I see is smoking hotness (pun intended) and one of the only men who's not scared of the Lannisters, doesn't kiss ass, stays away from brothels, and saves young girls from harm's way on this show.  He better start being bad again or I'll fear for his safety.


    chivalry  (ˈʃɪvəlrɪ)

    — n  , pl -ries

    1.  the combination of qualities expected of an ideal knight, esp courage, justice, and a readiness to help the weak

    • Love 3

    It's really creepy for Littlefinger to tell Sansa that in a "better" world he could be her father and then kiss her in a very unpaternal way (unless Craster is your father).


    “I loved your mother more than you could ever know. Given the opportunity, what do we do to those who’ve hurt the ones we love? In a better world, one where love could overcome strength and duty, you might have been my child. But we don’t live in that world ... You’re more beautiful than she ever was.”


    He's referring to the last 2 decades or so of his life which he's spent alone because their world is based on strength and rules, so he lost out on Catelyn.  I can't make a connection between him saying "If things had been different I might have married your mother twenty years ago" and him feeling paternally toward Sansa.   


    how did LF help with the Red Wedding? I thought that was all Tywin and Roose Bolton?


    Littlefinger told Catelyn that the dagger used in Bran's attempted murder belonged to Tyrion (having lost a bet to him) so Catelyn took Tyrion captive, igniting the entire Stark/Lannister showdown which resulted in the Red Wedding.  It's a long and winding road. 


    The man is responsible for many of the "major" deaths and overall chaos in the show. He's responsible for Jon Arryn's death, Tyrion getting blamed for trying to murder Bran, Ned Stark's betrayal, I could go on and on. The man is the most evil on the show.  But not for squishing heads, for using his mind to manipulate others..


    Yet he has no actual blood on his hands.  We had never seen Littlefinger kill anyone until this season.  That's pretty impressive. 


    If this Game of Thrones thing doesn't work out he's a shoo-in for Sole Survivor. 

    • Love 1

    *Not saying this is where Sansa's head is at, but it's definitely not creepy to me.  This is not 2014 USA, this is medieval Westeros.  On his own he's an attractive man, and by comparison to others we've seen (Frey and Craster come to mind) LF is a stone cold fox.


    When you can only make Littlefinger look good by comparing him to Craster or Lord Frey, I think you've answered your own question.


    I actually said that Littlefinger is an attractive man on his own- he's not only attractive compared with Craster/Frey. 

    My original comment was addressing those who believe it's creepy because of their age difference or that he'd been in love with her mother before meeting her. 


    Catelyn was in love with Ned's brother, then he died, and she was married to Ned and grew to love him dearly.  If age differences aren't a big deal in Westeros, and falling in love/marrying/having children with the relative of someone you used to be in love with isn't a big deal in Westeros, then it stands to reason that falling in love with someone who used to be in love with your mother and happens to be much older than you in Westeros should not be a big deal. 


    I disagree that he implicated Sansa in a murder on purpose.  I don't even believe that he purposely implicated Tyrion, as no one could have foreseen Joffrey forcing Tyrion to be his cupbearer and humiliating him publicly at the wedding.  Had the wine not been poured so obviously by Tyrion, at Joffrey's insistence, I'm not sure that Tyrion would even  be the prime suspect.  But I digress.  Sansa only knows that Littlefinger orchestrated a plan to get rid of horrible Joffrey and at the same time, please some new powerful friends of his.

    • Love 1

    I feel slightly wrong for shipping Littlefinger and Sansa, but the chemistry won't be ignored.

    Nor should it, IMO. 

    What's so different between Sansa+LFinger and Dany+Drogo- who so many people loved? 


    A young woman is suddenly removed from years of abuse at the hands of someone who was supposed to care for her, finds herself in a relationship where a man of power and means who helps her to find her own voice, grow powerful herself, and feel safe and desired? 


    *Not saying this is where Sansa's head is at, but it's definitely not creepy to me.  This is not 2014 USA, this is medieval Westeros.  On his own he's an attractive man, and by comparison to others we've seen (Frey and Craster come to mind) LF is a stone cold fox. 



    In regards to Danaerys and Jorah, I feel like this scene could have been better handled if Clarke had decided to look at Glenn eye to eye.


    I enjoyed the angles of this scene. 


    When Dany trusted Jorah, she looked up to him- literally and figuratively.  (My favorite example below)


    Now, she's Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons... and he is a traitor... and she looks down at him.  Her place on the higher stair negates their height difference and serves as a symbol that she is above him in this room and all rooms.





    • Love 8

    Jorah's mistake was not coming clean though. He's had a couple of years to tell her the truth and he didn't. As they say, it's always the cover-up.


    I'm confused about the delay in receipt, and can't figure out why the boy messenger gave it to Barristan instead of Jorah. 


    Did it take a couple of years for that pardon to arrive? 


    Or was the pardon recently sent by Tywin & Friends (following their Small Council meeting re: Dany) to stir up drama within her camp? 


    I would imagine there are plenty of organic substances, like henna, that can be used. Crushed bugs and sea creature shells were popular at one time.  Sansa's hair has looked a slightly different shade of red all season to me.


    Berries are also a good way to colour hair. Just spend a morning picking strawberries and check out your hands. Of course, anything organic would wash out quickly, but I suspect there's not a lot of hair-washing in this world.


    Her hair looked black, no?


    I thought that wasn't happening. Isn't that why Lady Olenna snapped the quill in her meeting with Tywin? Oh but then Tywin threatened to name Loras to the Kingsguard.  I need to find that scene and rewatch.


    It's on and poppin'.  The day she went to all three judges to not-so-subtly lobby for Tyrion's conviction, Cersei promised Tywin that her own wedding would be within 2 weeks of Tommen's wedding to Margaery. 


    When Jorah  stepped   to the throne, it was clear Selmy had already snitched.

    Dany clearly knew that Jorah had received a pardon, but it didn't seem like she knew what it was for. 


    p.s.  WTF with the delay in Essos mail delivery?  And why haven't we seen a raven the whole damn season?  In S1 ravens were coming out of the woodwork.

    • Love 1

    The arena was cozy, without being cramped, and has lovely views.


    Was Tommen even there?  I saw Cersei, Pycelle, Tywin and Martell... didn't see Tommen. 


    Seriously, fuck the king.


    Hopefully that was also the end of the Mountain, since they couldn't keep an actor to portray him properly.


    And he had a voice like Fozzie Bear. 


    Oberyn's teeth flying out of his mouth like Tic Tacs is not an image that will be forgotten anytime soon. 

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