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Posts posted by Drogo


    If you remember from the season 3 finale when Tywin goes to the bathroom it ends up in front of poor Davos' front door.


    I thought this was just a story that Davos told Gendry while they were pre-Shawshank bonding... Tywin made his poopin' premiere on this finale. 

    • Love 1

    I would guess that the privy is usually at the side of the tower hanging over the air, so that the fecies can just drop down and you don't have to clean it and it smells better.


    Given Baelish's "some people die on their chamber pots" comment, I imagine there's a poop-pan underneath Tywin's bum inside that privy.  


    If a poo were to be dropped directly, from the extreme altitude of the Tower of the Hand... couldn't it kill someone?  Like a penny off the Empire State Building? 





    Died at dinner table:  Joffrey

    Died in bed:  Shae

    Died squatting over chamber pot:  Tywin


    I see what you did there, Miss Cleo Littlefinger.

    • Love 6

    The Red Witch didn't need a bastard. She needed a person with king's blood, which Gendry had due to being King Robert's bastard.

    Of course, if a certain fan theory is true, the Red Witch has plenty of reasons to be interested in Jon Snow too ...


    Or... she may have just noticed his sparkling forlorn eyes and untamed black hair.


    Because every once in a while I'd like to see Melisandre do something for Melisandre. 

    • Love 11

    I think Shae made a deal with Tywin soon after Cersei pointed her out to him.  Bronn never did put her on that ship.

    Agree that this was not a long con, and that the deception began well after the Shae/Tyrion relationship began. 


    When Cersei pointed her out at the wedding breakfast, Tywin said "Bring her to the Tower of the Hand before the wedding."  During those same few hours (post-brunch/pre-wedding) was Tyrion's "It was fun while it lasted, Ho- but don't let the ship hit you on the way out" dismissal, so she was probably more than willing to turn. 


    Bronn definitely received more than a few gifts for his betrayal as well, but he didn't get to roll in the sheets with Tywin. 

    • Love 1

    I think the Hound's wound from an earlier episode weakened him and made him more susceptible to losing that fight.


    And his sword was no match for Oathkeeper.  The Valyrian steel is light and never loses its edge. 



    The Hound seemed fine with Arya going with Brienne after his demise, so it's not like he's  that convinced Brienne's a baddie.


    Prior to the fight, the Hound believed Brienne was in bed with the Lannisters (he said he's "been looking at Lannister gold" his whole life, her armor and sword were very clearly from the Lions/Jaime) and he wasn't about to let the Lannisters have Arya. 


    However, when she offered a truce, he realized no Lannister henchman would have let him live.  [unfortunately, when she offered the truce, she called him Ser, so he wanted her dead.] 


    (If he really wanted a big payday for Arya, he would have ransomed her to the Lannisters or their bannermen in the first place- not Robb, Lysa, etc.)


    Hopefully she can find some better way to handle the situation, but for the immediate time, she can't exactly have three untrained dragons flying around wreaking havoc in her newly liberated kingdoms.


    Now in theatres:  "How To Chain Your Dragon 3D"

    • Love 1
  6. no-slave.gif?w=500&h=308


    "Breaker of Chains" my ass, Daenerys. 


    I could just hear Jorah now if he were still in The Plastics:


    "Daenerys, you're the Mother of Dragons.  Don't turn into the Casey Anthony of Dragons."


    Let those two go and try to send the real problem child to a cozy island somewhere.  



    • Love 4

    Was the Clegane family noble? I know the Hound said a few times that he wasn't a knight but I don't remember much about his family except the story of how his brother burned his face.


    I believe anytime there is a House Whatever (e.g. House Clegane) they are considered noblemen.  I believe to become a House they need to be bestowed that title by the King or liege Lord. 


    I think the Hound holds high disregard for the word knight because his brother is a knight and well, he's the scum of the earth.

    • Love 1
  8. Leaving Sandor Clegane to die like that was the least Stark-like thing Arya has ever done. Not a proud moment. She should be ashamed.


    I thought it was very telling when the Hound responded to BoT's claim of bringing Arya to safety:


    "There is no safety, and if you believe there is, maybe you're not the one who should be protecting her."


    Translation:  I, Sandor Clegane, should be protecting her.  Even though there's no one left to ransom her off to, protecting this girl is my duty now.  And she's the closest thing I'll ever have to a family.


    Total BS to leave him there for the vultures. 


    Fuck the King, and fuck you too, Arya. 

    • Love 5
  9. Still not sure why they didn't stalemate - wouldn't the guys band together to vote Kashia/Joy and the girls band together to vote Anton/Scott?  


    Then a compromise nom of Kashia/Anton would have been possible.  Couldn't believe the guys allowed themselves to be the nominees.

  10. I really think he should've killed the leader.  You know, the one who killed both his parents and told him to his face that he was going to eat them.  Instead, it seems the fat guy killed him.

    Jon killed the leader of the Thenns

    Ygritte killed the kid's dad, though, not the Thenn.


    This took two watches for me.  Ygritte killed the kid's dad, to be fair we don't know exactly who killed his mother.  The head Thenn (Stir) told the kid he was going to eat both his parents.  


    Jon killed the head Thenn (Stir) with a hammer to the head.  It was probably easy for him to ID Jon as the handsomest prettiest lad with the most divine hair among the Night's Watch, the only one who could turn a cold-hearted killer like Ygritte into Jodi Arias.  


    Sam killed the Thenn who told them it was "time" to attack (a warg?) who I believe remained nameless.  

    • Love 2

    I agree that next week will likely be a let-down, as there's too much to fit in 50 mins. Even though the season was only 10 episodes, it still feels like there was a lot of filler.


    The GoT finale has always been an episode where (most) loose ends are tied and promises for the future are made.   


    Also, with such a limited penultimate landscape, there's a lot of ground to cover in other locales.  "Blackwater" was only KL,  and the finale that season was very satisfying what with Dany in the House of Undying and Arya's farewell to Jaqen Hagar.. this one should be good.  I'm hopeful.



    I think part of why I find the Northern scenes/episodes boring is the drab colour and landscape. It’s not pleasant to look at.


    I want to see frickin' Dorne already. 

    • Love 1

    Also does anyone else notice when Kaisha says "frustrating" she actually says "flustrating?" Weird...


    I get flustrated because she says that word at least once per episode.  We get it, Kashia.  You're flustrated.


    Going to Hell's Kitchen and expecting Ramsay's compassion/coddling at is like going to Marine boot camp and expecting a mint on your pillow. 

    Did I miss something, or was Joy the only one allowed to nominate for elimination?

  13. Rhaegar was Dany's brother, the Mad King's son.  His children and wife were the ones the Mountain killed. 


    "The last time I was in the capital was many years ago. Another wedding. My sister Elia and Rhaegar Targaryen, the Last Dragon. My sister loved him. She bore his children. Swaddled them, rocked them, fed them at her own breast. Elia wouldn't let the wet nurse touch them. And beautiful, noble Rhaegar Targaryen... left her for another woman. That started a war, and the war ended right here, when your father's army took the city." - Oberyn to Tyrion


    Makes perfect sense if Jon is really the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen.  Jon, being the son of Lyanna, is still a Stark.  And once he joins the NIght's Watch, he automatically gives up any claim on any land or titles he could've gotten as the son of Rhaegar -- including the Iron Throne.


    Even if those were his parents, he would still be a bastard son of a prince, while Dany is the trueborn daughter of a king.  Seems like a lot of speculation for nothing.  I can't feel too invested in Ned's sister or Rhaegar since we never met either. 

    • Love 1
  14. If we have to have a Wildling woman at The Wall I think Ygritte would have been much more exciting than Gilly, but perhaps she'll prove me wrong.  More likely, not. 


    Speaking of vanilla characters, if I don't see Bran for the remainder of the season I'll be fine with that.  Bran was adorable in S1, now he's this awkward goofy looking teen with a Mickey Dolenz haircut and a storyline that could bore a tortoise. 


    Again... the hair... he's just like... a really ugly woman...



    • Love 3

    I was beyond ready for Ygitte to die and I'm glad that kid, Olly, got to avenge his parents.  He looked so proud of himself afterward, completely ignorant of the fact that he'd just broken Jon's heart.


    One minute he's a blubbering mess who can't even operate the lift, the next minute he's Swagtastic William Tell with the thumbs-up to Jon Snow...?


    Ollie was annoying me.  I'm glad they ate his parents. 

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