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Posts posted by Drogo

  1. Brian strikes me as the one who's going to come to work with a gun and "eliminate" them all.

    Frank... I like him, but every time I look at him I think Boardwalk Empire Richard Harrow without half his face missing.

    I root for no one.

    • Love 2
  2. Dick is the scum of the earth. He was a real douche on BB8 and I'm sure in every day of his life when he doesn't see a cameraman in his face to remind him that he's being recorded. His wrath during BB8 was honed in on a young girl, a model (maybe 22-23 y/o) who he "didn't like" though you could catch him staring/drooling over her on many an occasion. She earned his wrath by not being interested in him, and not kissing his daughter's ass and ignoring the fact that she was sleeping in a bed and making out with a male houseguest even though she (Dick's daughter) was engaged to be married to her boyfriend outside the BB house. Dick's relationship with the girl Jen turned violent at times - he blew smoke into her face knowing she hated it, he poured iced tea on her head, got directly into her face to speak... She ruined his cigarettes to try to get back at him and even tried to get herself kicked out of the house... CBS gave the events a verrrrry pro-Dick edit and that's why I don't know anyone who watches BB anymore.


    A fan-made anti-Dick compilation live feed footage, some CBS "forgot" to show

    Dr. Jenn is ridiculous, but not nearly as ridiculous as she was with Farrah Abraham and her nonexistent partner.

    • Love 2

    Yes, I will write up a new campaign for my application, on how my cat is channeling his energy and favorite foods into my cooking.


    You must make sure to burst into tears when you pull tunafish out of the basket in Round 2.  This. Is. Essential. 


    I'll have one of those photo buttons made of my cat to wear on the show. Photos in my pocket. Maybe even share a video clip or two.


    If time allows, try to have a portrait of the cat tattooed on your forearm which you can flash during judging and will be in every cooking/plating shot.  


    *In all seriousness, my condolences.  

    • Love 10

    Diana probably made around $60,000 per year once she was full time. While in training they make much less than that. And I'm guessing based on average pay for police officers in major cities like Philly or NY, based on what I could find out online. She wasn't a detective, they are the ones who make more money but it still doesn't come close to six figures, I don't believe.


    Sorry about that, I didn't mean to imply that she made 100K/year salary...  Most departments start around the 40K range for base.  Twelve of my Marines went into law enforcement after separation from the military and all made about twice their expected base due to the amount of overtime the bigger cities require.  


    I'd prefer to know absolutely nothing about the contestants aside from their names, what city they're from and what kind of food they usually cook.  I could even live without those three tidbits.

    • Love 4
  5. We learned in Season 1 that Mabel killed herself after the death of their newborn, and that Nucky holds himself responsible because he knew she was severely depressed (the doctors warned him) yet neglected her for his work intentionally. I am not sure a guy with that monkey on his back wants to start a new family so fast, so he found dames like Lucy Danziger.

    • Love 1

    I don't think it's any different than Sgt PTSD wearing an ARMY shirt when he's no longer in the army.


    Welllllllllll.... he was medically discharged from the Army, whereas she quit the police force.  He had 12 or 13 years in so I'm sure he would have liked to finish out his 20.  



    I was irked with no-longer-police-officer woman before this episode even started. She wants to win the car because he car got repo-ed because she couldn't make the payments. OK, have fun paying taxes from your prize money on the winnings and the car, and see how much is left.


    I 'm with you, theatremouse.  Something about Diana really annoyed me.  The whole "I could really use the car because mine was repo'ed" and the judges' "you know she was homeless for a while before going into the police academy" and the "I'm a single mom of a couple kids" combined.  


    Something about that story doesn't add up.  If I've got kids and I'm homeless, I really can't afford to go through a 20-30 week academy to *possibly* become a police officer. Many high-traffic academies are unpaid unless you are sent there already hired, or if you're hired mid-training.  Don't even get me started on residency requirements for applying.


    In conclusion.. she left her job as a police officer making (most likely) six figures with OT, and pursued her dreams of becoming a personal chef- and now she's too broke to make car payments.  Excellent decisions as a single mom of multiple children.  

    • Love 6

    The plastic surgeon who did Dick's eyes really must have hated him.


    Everyone hates him.


    If you showed me two pictures, one of Deena and one of Mrs. Dick, and asked me which one was 41 and which one was 27? I wouldn't get it right on my third try.

    • Love 4
  8. tumblr_n29a0b0MSu1rux8n3o7_r1_250.gif



    I see Gillian's most terrible acts as those of self-preservation, so I have more sympathy.  She's not trying to get ahead, she's trying to keep what little she has.    


    She killed Roger because she needed a body.  She needed proof that Jimmy was gone in order to keep the house, keep Tommy safe, keep the lights on with food on the table.  I can't say for sure what I would have done in her position.  


    The incest is harder to cope with.  But then, Jimmy was all she knew, the only person who ever truly loved her, and she was losing him.  Losing him to his college friends and professor, losing him to his new girlfriend Angela... I don't approve of what she did, of course, but I'll never know how she felt to have only had one good thing her entire life and to see it slipping away.


    "I'm just the loneliest person on Earth" should be the topic of this thread.  When she said it, it was heartbreaking, and it takes a lot to be even slightly sympathetic in a scene like that.  



    ETA:  Love the thread title. 

    • Love 6

    As for Daughter killing Purnsley; I kind of sense that if she didn't, he might have killed/raped her.  Purnsley was a nasty piece of work.


    Daughter knew Purnsley was coming there for Chalky.  He wasn't there to hurt her and she knew it.  She just changed her mind about letting Chalky die. 



    Had a black woman committed the same crime, she would be in a real jail; I didn't see any black woman in the "baths" BTW.


    Gillian is in a sanitarium.  There wouldn't be any black patients there in 1933 due to the separate-but-equal segregation of the time. 



    Nucky had a tough childhood and couldn't even be bothered to count his murder victims.


    Nucky, though, had a loving mother and a little brother who admired and loved him.  There's an expression that a mother's love can right all the father's wrongs.  Who did Gillian have besides no one? 

    • Love 3
  10. Gillian Darmody:  I'm Feeling Murderous

    Gillian Darmody: The Peaches Are Still In Season

    Gillian Darmody: Pull My Trigger and See What Shoots Out


    Definitely the best character on the show.  She's a survivor.  I think we'll be seeing a pretty brutal flashback related to that fateful day with the Commodore.

  11. "It wouldn't be ethical." "The law's a shield, sir, not a sword."


    Hey St. Willie, remember when you killed a guy and framed your roommate for it?  And it ended up with your father as a fugitive in Chicago for the murder of a federal agent, destroying the lives of your mother and countless younger siblings?  Yeah, me neither.

    • Love 7

    I can't stand Gillian and I wish she would go away forever, but I think that's because they really wasted her character.  I really thought she would have tried to hook up with Richard in season 3, being that Richard was Jimmy's friend and well, if she can't have Jimmy, she'll have his best friend.


    See, and for me, having her live happily ever after with Richard Harrow would be a waste of her character. 

    Gillian's the most interesting character on the show.  I think we'll see more of how she became herself as the season goes on.  I'm expecting a brutal flashback too. 



    I thought one takeaway from that bordello meeting was that they *didn't* try to have Nucky killed in Havana, and Lansky really was just saying hi when he coincidentally ran into Nucky, because it would be awkward not to...


    They were responsible... when Siegel gets on Meyer's case for talking to him before the hit, Meyer says "He saw me, Benny... Better to face it head on."



    I do get that the lackey was once working for Rosetti, and thus responsible in part for Billie's death


    He was Rosetti's lieutenant... his 2nd in command... far from a lackey. 


    He had it comin'... Sold out Rosetti to Nucky, sold out Masseria to Maranzano, sold out Maranzano to Lucky/Meyer, and sold out Lucky/Meyer to Nucky.

    • Love 4

    ND, is the hotel where the Commodore was holding court....is it the one the Nucky bought/lived in at the end of last season?


    Nucky's S4 hangout was The Albatross, the Commodore is shown at The Corner Hotel.  


    Not sure if they're the same place with different names, but to me the Albatross looks like the Corner with a paint job, a new porch fence, and some porticos.  



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