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Posts posted by Drogo


    Even though closed captions said that the voice was Nucky's mother, that was definitely Gretchen Mol reciting that poem. She has a very distinctive voice.


    Watch again and pay close attention to Nucky's mother's voice... The poem is definitely recited by Nucky's mother.  



    When young Nucky was hit by his father at the table, it was just heart breaking. That young actor was amazing.


    Agreed, he was fantastic, but our experts say that a young Steve Buscemi would look more like this: 



    • Love 4

    Yeah, especially since she's the big boss' wife.


    Christine doesn't realize that sometimes husbands/wives show respect to each other, have each other's backs, etc.  It's a new concept for her. 

    • Love 6

    He spent two months in a House with a group of assholes who snarked on him at every opportunity, spread malicious rumors about him, and went to the nth extreme to sabotage and backdoor him, until they succeeded. And the vast majority of the time Donny took it, with style and even HUMOR. Even in adversity, some of his one-liners were pure gold.

    So am I going to begrudge Donny a few moments of getting in some good cracks when one of his chief persecutors gets her own well-deserved comeuppance? Hardly.


    Seeing Donny cry out of loneliness in the BB house was so horrible and visceral for me, I wouldn't have cared if he really would have ripped into Christine for days.  Instead, he made a joke. 





    Good. On. Him.

    • Love 9

    I seen the risottos look different colors during the seasons, one was green, one was brown, and the standard white. IDK what they do to make it different colors and I don't see what the big deal about risotto is anyway.


    I want to say last season was pea or fava bean risotto and this season is lobster risotto.  The color comes from the broth they use to cook the rice (last year's was clear-ish, this year's is orangey red.)  They threw some kind of poached lobster tail on top both seasons.


    Been to Philly a ton, and while Italian restaurants and Chicken Parm are everywhere, I've never seen one turned inside out.  Cheesesteak is popular there, but an elevated sausage-and-peppers dish might have really gotten Ramsay going.  


    I think Denine just wanted to put as many breasts in Ramsay's face as possible, so she went with the chicken breast. 

    • Love 4
  5. And didn't Lucky have a sexually transmitted disease that left him with "issues?" That's all I could think of with all that blood brother stuff at the end. Who the hell knows what everyone was passing around.

    With all of the espresso and vino they had on those tables, the only disease that could survive their bloodstream is alcoholism.

    • Love 2

    Lucas is growing on me. I don't mind that he knows he's attractive. That's a theme from BMW, the attractive male characters (Eric, Shawn, Jack) all knew they were good looking and were confident in it, and so far Lucas is less vain than them. I liked him covering Farkle's mouth when he was asking about the painting. I also enjoyed seeing those two run out a second before the rest of the art class because they know Riley and Maya better and knew where that scene was going before anyone else did. Those little moments are making the core four a unit better than any of the major lessons.


    Agreed.  I watch this with my 7y/o girl, and while she thinks he's great, for me he's been "Justin" up until this point.  (Justin is any attractive teenage guy we're expected to swoon over, unless they have discernible entertainment value.)


    His perfect delivery on this one earned him me calling him by his actual name...


    Lucas:  Your name is Farkle Minkus?

    Farkle:  Don't wear it out.

    Lucas:  ..................I don't know how you could....

    • Love 2

    Dear Caleb, you weren't in combat.   You were in Baghdad in 2010.  You might have worried about stepping on an IED, but your "combat" doesn't even come close to what the "support your local drug lord" forces in Afghanistan have to worry about, not to mention actual real wars like Viet Nam, Korea, or WWs I and II.  Take your cord and gag yourself, please.


    Iraq and Afghanistan are real wars, and he's a real veteran. 


    Moving on... Julie Chen doesn't think Christine's husband Tim was upset enough

    • Love 4

    I just registered at CBS and voted my 20 times against that awful play.  Not so much to show that I didn't like the play, but that I didn't like the choice of the play over saving Donny.


    When Frankie and Derrick find out they're not getting their 5K, at least one will say "Well if they didn't like that, they really wouldn't have liked the idea of saving Donny."  Not an ounce of sense between them. 


    If America liked Donny enough to vote him into TA, why wouldn't you think America would like the idea of saving him from eviction?  Maroons. 



    CALEB said "espresso" twice. It SAID "espresso" on the wall. So why did only ONE PERSON not say "expresso?" And she's a barista, I would freaking hope she knows how to say it.


    You have a great way of expressoing your feelings.  I'm going to expresso my feelings to CBS by voting NO as many times as possible. 





    The only thing more hilarious than Donny's impersonation of Devin (which was so spot on I actually thought he might have caught Genius Gangrene) was Cody pretending he was going to make any kind of move with that PoV. 


    Cody, we all know you'll do only what your daddy tells you to do. 

    • Love 6
  9. Carnie never really bothered me, but her Chopped charity bothers me.  Thousands of children go to bed hungry every night in the U.S. but she wants to give grants for one of the most dangerous surgeries- to solve a lifestyle-related issue- when she clearly still eats crap everyday and should not in any way/shape/form be the poster child for it.  I'm sorry.  I can't.  Don't hate me.


    Holy crap though, I do love that Korean/Italian woman.  She was adorable. 



    • Love 6

    Did they  even win the money?  I don't think I saw a confirmation either way.


    The neighborhood watch needed to be "on duty" for 24 hours, and everyone was wearing the same clothes by the time Caleb said they should look under the garbage bag. 


    Which begs the question... Is Caleb a secret genius?  How did he think of "under the garbage bag"?  So random.


    Donny is the only one who showed any kindness to him (and, really, was partly responsible for the house turning on him-did TA not think that someone would be blamed?).


    For me, Donny was the least egregious by far.  The network probably didn't anticipate two of their TA members turning into Nuremberg prosecutors during a silly prank.  That was gross. 

    • Love 3
  11. Oh Christine... I bet you thought all the football players (whose homework you did) liked you, too.

    Beastmode Cowboy, FTW. He's the only one who's really committed to his alliance, enough to go on the block and stay on the block with total trust in his alliance-mates... despite the Bomb Squad only existing in his imagination.

    • Love 3
  12. I'm reminded of Danielle's Fatal-Attraction-esque feelings about Shane a few seasons back.  Nobody thought that was so creepy. 


    I knew a few Beastmode Cowboys myself at Camp Pendleton.  Let me tell you, when you've got a guy who was the Big Kahuna in TinyTown, OK- and he gets out to California and these women aren't impressed that he can throw for 30 yards - it's a shock.  Still good guys, but plenty of people need an adjustment period. 


    Of course that's risky because there's a bounty on him and he can't hide him like Sansa, but now that Tywin's dead, LF might not give a crap about the Lannisters anymore.


    With Tywin dead and Tyrion MIA, the Lannisters lose most of their clout.  

  14. Victoria's swimsuit was mild in comparison to what Britanny has worn (showing bottom half of her buttocks) plus Victoria had a cover-up on when the whistling happened -- not all that revealing.

    I think the catcalls were less about the swimsuit and more about the ensemble... swimsuit, sexy hat, sunglasses, full makeup and sky high heels.

    She knew what she was doing when she walked out that sliding door.  And she looked better than she has all season.

    • Love 3
  15. Big and loud as he is, Jason would crap his pants if Gordon had gotten in his grill (pun intended) the way he did to Scott. 


    I'm really pulling for Scott on this one, especially after his performance at the pass.  In all the seasons I've watched this show, I don't think anyone has ever had that kind of stellar performance for expediting and quality control. 


    When he asked GR if he thought the non-sabotaged dish had too much garlic I was waiting for Gordon to tell him that he's being overly critical of the dishes and to calm down, but instead he agreed "There's an absurd amount of garlic in there. Good catch."

    • Love 4
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