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Posts posted by Drogo

  1. Alright, I found one thing that hadn't already been analyzed.

    Night 1: "Someday I will stab my sword through your eye and into your skull." This is a weirdly specific threat. It sounds similar to an icepick lobotomy, and wikipedia says that the transorbital lobotomy was simplified by Walter Freeman but first performed by an Italian psychiatrist named Amarro Fiamberti. It's not the strongest clue, but lobotomies freak me out and I'm not googling them any further.

    FWIW, sword through the eye is a direct quote from GoT story.

    • Love 1

    That and the whiny ass which I can't connect anyone to, is all I've got.


    I could name 60 people off the top of my head to connect the words "whiny ass" to, Oinky - so consider yourself lucky.  ;)  



    There does seem to be a lot of boat talk. Is that just story?


    Boats/wildfire are connected with actual Dragonstone story- most of an entire fleet was taken out using one flaming arrow and a combustible substance on the surface the water.  A pretty epic scene.  



    If I get hanged is it irony, coincidence or self-fulfilling prophecy?


    I mean, it's not like rai-ee-ain on your wedding day or a free ride when you've already paid, but... ironic.  

    • Love 2

    Photo initiated the DL on hangman pretty fast. Thinking that was to save himself is too obvious. I think more likely to save the next most in danger>>Jessie112.


    I don't know anything about anything, but I don't think the Hangman DL is a product of preservation so much as an attempt to avoid another actionless Day when it seems there are serial killers, vigilantes and freakin' dragons not wasting any time.   

    • Love 3

    The pair were flush from their time

    That’s an interesting catch. The only name that I see that would apply to that would be JayKay – JK - Jack King poker hand. But that’s kinda weak.



    Please. They are in a whorehouse. "Flush from their activity" is story.


    Brothel or bathroom, I agree flush is a loaded word.


    JayKay (JK) is the abbreviation for just kidding, synonymous with just joking....

    Flush... Joker...  I could be on board with that. 


    Then again, I still like the D1 "dark room" clue pointing toward PhotoFox. 


    Drogo ready to be aggressive, B-E aggresive.

    • Love 1

    As in, they can send in one PM during the game to kill whichever character they choose, ideally a villain.)


    Kinda sucks if their Stannis-kill took out Davos instead... Davos is pretty much the nicest villain around.  Seems like a waste of a kill. 


    Though I guess a villain's a villain.  :)

    • Love 1
  6. *There are only three dragons in the GoT universe, all belonging to Daenerys.  As far as I know, only one of them has ever killed a person, but I doubt any of the dragons are serial killers.  

    • Love 1
  7. 3 to DL Hanged Man (photo fox, SVNBob, Drogo), 8 to be proactive and intense
    5 to No DL (BizBuzz, Spruce, Dougal, jessied112, TMunz), 6 to be calm and boring adults :-p
    2 to DL jessied112 (CuriousParker, OinkyBoinky), 9 to shoot for no real reason
    1 to DL photo fox (Hanged Man) 10 to bring light to the dark room


    Because it's gotten pretty cold here and no laughter has frozen in my throat and choked me to death.  

    • Love 2
  8. Interview with Theresa:  




    What do you find to be your strengths in the challenges?


    I’m an athlete. I’ve played sports my entire life- mainly basketball I was a 5’9” point guard & well, my pops was a professional bball player in Puerto Rico- so I have the competitive/athletic genes. Also, I have 3 brothers who raised me like a tom-boy, sooo I find myself to be an eager competitor, not one who is not confident in their own athletic ability and someone who gets a rush under pressure.

  9. I have received my PM and I am ready to go. No clues jumped out at me, but I am not much of a day 1 lyncher anyway.

    ETA...they mentioned the Khaleesi, Drogo must be a villain. LOL someone had to say it once.

    Sweet Khaleesi could never harm anyone or anything.


    On board with the dark room (Photo Fox) theory. 




    The gaunt outlines of huge catapults and monstrous wooden cranes stood sentry up there, like the skeletons of great birds,


    Fossils?  Dinosaurs?


    The Wall is wide enough for a dozen armored knights to ride abreast.


    "Abreast" (sounds like GoT language) doesn't stick out to me so much as "a dozen" since the wall seems much wider than that... Dozen... 12?  jessied112?  

    • Love 1
  10. I'm on the fence, but the Khaleesi loves this show.  She also loved Bobby Flay when he was on Worst Cooks in America last season. 


    Re:  Bobby Flay

    It's weird that his voice sounds so nerdy but he's actually this cool chef guy.  And he's so serious with his arms crossed all the time. 


    Re:  Curtis' reaction to Mimi burning the caramel sauce

    Curtis:  Take it off!!!  The sugar!  THE SUGAR!!! 

    Mimi:  Oh, I'm sorry!

    Curtis (exasperated):  Look at me, HONEY, when I'm screaming at you...

    Khaleesi:  Well there goes Prince Charming...


    Re:  Sherry and Ann

    You just know that if they lived next door they would both bake me cookies everyday. 


    Re:  The (not one but two) broken glass mixers

    How cheap are those bowls?  He's using a spoon not a hammer.


    Re:  Alex's guilt over August's elimination

    I'm pretty sure he would have gone home the first episode if she didn't pick him.  Nobody else wanted him.


    Re:  The "strategizing" in front of the refrigerators

    This shouldn't take too long, those fridges are like completely empty.

    • Love 4
  11. Maybe not all that low. Blogger lady on Best Restaurant wore a lowcut dress and a push up bra on this week's episode. Usually we get close shots of her putting her fork between her lips while she's trying the food. This week the top of her head barely made the frame.


    $10 to the first man who can tell me what she was cooking.  ;)

  12. This show would be so much more interesting if Khaleesi live-blogged it.  


    Or if she replaced Gordon Ramsay. 


    I was getting ready to fry pierogies last night and had just the oil in a skillet - naturally Khaleesi walked in and asked me if I was practicing for HK. 


    Fun fact about the Mother of Dragons: she loves her eggs fried with the yolk super runny.  She makes a production out of eating them, they go on top of a thin bagel, she crushes up bacon in a Ziploc bag and sprinkles it over the top, then slices the yolk open so it leaks everywhere on the plate.  If there's no actual bacon, she uses the Hormel bacon pieces out of a jar and says:  "I'm never going to win Top Chef like this."

    • Love 3
  13. After reading all the comments, I'm FF'ing too. But I have to say, the V necklace is there to point to her cleavage. I can see no other reason for it, given what she chose to wear.


    Just what we men need... a cleavage compass.  


    *Sorry, I just came from the Survivor board so my opinions of my gender are quite low. 

    • Love 4

    Will is slow to anger and that gives him an advantage over half this season's cast.


    I liked that Will had a plan but as soon as he heard Vince was a questionable ally he was able to divorce himself from that plan with no hesitation.  Carolyn also impressed me with her free agency.  That's a survival instinct a lot of players don't have- how many have we seen where someone feels/knows they're in trouble with their alliance but they make no move to preserve themselves and just keep doing the alliance's work for them? 

    • Love 14
  15. Or we could just listen and respond differently to people based on how they are as individuals. Not because of anything having to do with "men are like this" and "women are like that".


    Definitely agree - and I'm not trying to excuse what Dan said, only to express that had Dan instead said "In my personal life I get better results when I talk to my wife/mom a certain way and I talk to my dad/brother a different way.  It's been my experience that the women and men I know communicate differently so I'm going to try that here" would have been much more relatable for a lot of people (myself included.)  Instead, he positioned it as "All girls cry and talk about their feelings. All dudes fix problems. I have cracked the code, now watch me win Survivor with this knowledge."    


    I'm ready for Dan to go; his ugly mug and questionable apparel choices are this-close to making the Khaleesi stop watching with me. 

    • Love 9
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