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Posts posted by Drogo

  1. Nothing he says makes any sense to me. That would imply that he thinks when a woman becomes newly single, men are falling all over themselves to get on that. So is it the reverse? Newly single men aren't beating women off with a bat? Because, then that WOULD imply that women are holding themselves to these "higher standards" he keeps prattling on about, right?

    I think I just confused myself all over again.

    What he means, ghoulina - is that women should save their virtue... unless Rod's in the vicinity feeling frisky.

    Because certainly the whole of female America salivates at the prospect of Rodney breathing vanilla creme Muscle Milk all over them while stinking up their apartment with Axe body spray and forcing them to tape-measure his flexed bicep. "I said measure at the WIDEST paht!"

    I don't get this shit some men have about what they deserve and how a woman should act if she wants the privilege of his affections. I've never met a woman who didn't "deserve" way more than most men could hope to offer her, least of all these toolbags.

    • Love 14
  2. Khaleesi is into this season, but doesn't have any favorites.  She has the emotional attachment level of a hermit crab owner. 


    "The girls are trying to put those fish pieces together that don't line up.  It's like FrankenFish."


    "I like Milly, but that was really stupid to let the other guy take some of his rice."


    Michael:  "I feel sorry for the surfer because she won't get to meet me."

    Khaleesi:  "Yeah she'll be fine."


    "I don't remember a season where there were so many empty hot pans with oil in them.  It's like they're all cooking invisible food."

    • Love 6
  3. The moral of the story is this:


    If you are on the Challenge, you want to be as promiscuous as possible with athletic players so that production has a lot of options when you need a new BOTS partner.  Doesn't hurt to be a total a-hole to all the athletes in case the same happens on a Rivals season. 

    • Love 5
  4. Best two moments of this episode, for me:

    1. Glenn inspecting Adam's bucket arms "What ARE these?" "Oh that's just proto-plasmic... well, it's all very technical, you don't want to hear about it."

    2. Ben shooting his toy (bubble?) gun while he was on stage. Rrrrrrr....

    Khaleesi's theory is that Adam's superhero was more about the costume and less about the makeup, which is why Logan walked away with it. I could see that.

    Khaleesi sums up the contestants' failures in one long sentence:

    "Comic book heroes wear bright colors and carry a cool weapon that no one else has, and they are supposed to look like someone who's going to save you, not kill you."

    She was particularly turned off by Ben's character, foaming at the mouth with black blood under his Bane-like mask.

    • Love 9
  5. I won't be there, but I have some advice. 


    • Don't bring a puppet with you. 
    • If you're going to screw up a table, make sure it's not the VIP table.  Screw up the table that's full of children in the main dining area.   
    • Learn how to make risotto, scallops, and Wellingtons prior to getting on the plane. 
    • Throw a tantrum when your dish gets cut by your teammates prior to tasting, so Gordon will insist on tasting yours after the team loses and say it's the best thing he's ever eaten.
    • Smoke... a lot.  Light a new one while the first one's still going.  Bonus points if you can fashion bullet-belts out of loose cigarettes and wear them across your jacket while cooking.
    • Love 5

    But the biggest bullshit with Leroy was on the Rivals season - when his "rival" Adam was sent home for fighting and they brought in not another rival but LEROY'S BEST EFFIN' FRIEND Mike.

    To be fair they did the same thing with Cooke on Rivals 2.


    Naomi took herself out of the game for a family emergency, though - not the same as fighting/sexual harassment... and she left in the first episode. 

    • Love 1

    I've been rooting for Leroy the whole season, but I gotta say.....him getting a new partner that late in the game was pure, unadulterated bullshit.  For whatever reason, I really thought that was bogus as fuck considering what they've done with people who lost partners in past seasons.


    But the biggest bullshit with Leroy was on the Rivals season - when his "rival" Adam was sent home for fighting and they brought in not another rival but LEROY'S BEST EFFIN' FRIEND Mike. 


    So it was a bunch of teams of people who can't stand each other, and these two wearing BFF necklaces.

    • Love 9

    How is the Khalessi these days? I miss reading her commentary on MC.


    She's excellent, thank you athena.  We're watching Survivor, Face Off and HK together now since our beloved MC's over.  :) 


    The best is K during Face Off:  "It's not WHIMSY enough!"


    ETA:  I forgot DWTS!  (*I had to agree to DWTS in order for her to continue watching Survivor with me.)

    Last night, she asks me why Charlotte McWhatever is "so obsessed with her boobs."

    Me:  Because that's why she's famous.  That's what people know her for. 

    K:  And she's not offended by that?

    • Love 3
  9. No video of the BBQ because Hector offered Richie "a penny a pic(ture)." You'd have to be a real bonehead to blow your chances at $1.29 in pennies because you decided to take one lousy video instead.

    The photos Richie was looking at were still on the memory card which was still in the camera, and I believe we know enough about Richie to know that he wouldn't have altered them. He may or may not be gay- but he didn't not-sleep-with Connie and make sure she got home safely because he's into her, he did it because he cares for her greatly and he's a good kid.

    Most disturbing to me was his reaction to Connie after he turned Gary's invitation down for them:

    R: That was me saving you from yourself.

    C: Thanks, Richie, but I don't need saving.

    R: Boy, what it must be like to be you.

    C: What's that supposed to mean?

    R: Nothing, my princess. You are loved by and forgiven for all.

    Feels like something's up with that kid's home life. And it's not something good.

  10. There's some kind of medic emergency in the coming attractions, and Jeff always gets excited about those. 


    He loves to hover over the wounded and have his little "In your professional opinion, can he/she continue in the game?" interactions with the physician.  He's a regular Dr. Doug Ross. 


    Just look at this happy bastard. 







    • Love 3
  11. Not sure what mafia is... but these are questions for wise men with skinny arms.  I'm in for GoT. 


    1. Oinky Boinky
    2. MarkHB
    3. Athena
    4. stacey
    5. Machiabelly
    6. Hanged Man
    7. caprice
    8. CuriousParker
    9. TJtrack99
    10. The Crazed Spruce
    11. JayKay
    12. SVNBob
    13. BizBuzz
    14. Drogo
    • Love 7


    He told me that whenever you meet a disabled person, you have to determine which of the two types they are:  someone who wants to be treated with special care or someone who wants to be treated like everyone else.

    I'm not sure which one Nina was.

    She was the third - and worst - type: she says she wants to be treated like everyone else but she actually wants to be treated with special care.


    Exactly my point wonald... The blame can't fall on people who treated her the way she said she wanted them to.



    People like what?  People with scripture tats?  Have we actually seen Mike mention anything remotely religious around camp?  If not, I don't think you can really just assume he's an obnoxious evangelizer from a tattoo.  There are plenty of quietly spiritual people.


    And there are a ton of guys with bible passage tattoos who couldn't name three of the twelve apostles. 

    • Love 6
  13. My first civilian job, I had a supervisor with a birth defect that affected one of his hands.  After spending years surrounded by physically "perfect" men, it was admittedly uncomfortable for me and I had no idea how to act so he gave me a little advice.  


    He told me that whenever you meet a disabled person, you have to determine which of the two types they are:  someone who wants to be treated with special care or someone who wants to be treated like everyone else.  


    I'm not sure which one Nina was.  

    • Love 4
  14. As for Max, I thought he stated that he was doing the naked thing to get alone time so I think most of the time he was naked he was frolicking in the sea by himself. Shirin was trying to have casual conversations while she was butt naked save for her bikini top. 


    I couldn't agree with this more.  Max was taking it off and going off on his own, so it was easy to avoid seeing the goods if you didn't want to see the goods.  


    Personally, I don't enjoy nude men and I've only ever enjoyed seeing nude women in situations with potential for sexin'.  I've never been one for Playboy or strip clubs: if it's not gon' be mine, I don't wanna see it.  




    • Love 2
  15. Maybe White Collar wold be more comfortable if the monkeys wore pants. And suspenders to keep them on.

    And little hats, just to keep me and Shirin happy.


    Stay tuned for scenes from our next "Survivor."  


    White-collar Max is med-evac'd from the game following a full-frontal jellyfish attack, and Shirin begins a wild romance with the tribe's newest member. 



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