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Posts posted by Drogo

  1. Hali: Surfing is the third most important thing in my life.

    Khaleesi (8): You don't say something like that and not tell people what #1 and 2 are.

    Re: Nina's "occupation"

    K: What is a hearing advocate?

    Me: An advocate is someone who supports something. If you advocate for something you say nice things about it to other people.

    (...several minutes later...)

    K: Are there people who don't advocate for hearing?

    Re: Beach inequality

    K: "Why does white collar have all the mosquitoes and no collar has all the good waves?"

    Re: Nina's disability isolation

    K: "She really needs to read Helen Keller's biography."

    I'm thinking many hearing-impaired people watching the show are probably annoyed that Nina was the one chosen to sort of "represent them" - like how I was annoyed that they let lazy, mopey fat-ass Shamar represent OIF veterans.

    • Love 17

    And I could NOT believe his response when CH asked him if things would have been different had Becca been willing to commit.  "I don't know" is definitely the wrong answer.  The right answer is "No. Things would not have been different, because I realized my connection with Whitney was stronger regardless."


    And then Jimmy Kimmel, who told Chris that Becca just didn't like him, right next to poor Whitney.

  3. At first I thought Nina was picking something with the girls to endear herself to the guys as a Lone She-Wolf... but no such luck.  She just doesn't get this game.


    No-Collar, SMH... Vince tore up the swimming challenge, and if you haven't noticed, you're on an island.  There's going to be plenty more where that came from.  Always vote out Superman when 60% of your challenges will involve Kryptonite. 

    • Love 3

    The two young girls also didn't 'invite' any of the men to go swimming.  Why should they have invited Nina?  It's a big ocean, Nina.  Go swimming when you want to.


    Khaleesi (8):  What's skinny dipping? 

    Me:  It means they're going in the ocean with no clothes on. 

    K:  It doesn't sound like something you'd invite everyone along for. 


    (and once Nina made her frustrations public about not being invited) (showing shades of her grandmother with this reference)

    K:  She's a grown-up, she doesn't need the big fat policeman to tell her it's okay to go with them. 



    I was so glad to see Vince go.  Jeff looked mad about it.


    Probst:  Vince, the tribe has spoken.

    K:  Goodbye, our fine feathered friend.


    Joaquin:  I have too much pride to walk around naked. 

    K:  He probably has hair all over his tush like he has on his head. 


    Will:  I'm the only brother out here.

    K:  How does he know that?  He hasn't even talked to the people on the other 2 tribes. 


    ETA:  Working off Galaxy notes, sorry if these are staggered.   

    • Love 10

    I do not think that word means what you think it means.


    You don't have to like the guy to admit he's got these games on lockdown. That's one of the perks of coming back all the damn time. Take out the fact that he plays a douchebag on TV (which he does) ... he's good politically, he's loyal to those that are loyal to him, and he's physically strong. "Luck" is Jon and Simone not having to compete because Knight blew out his shoulder. Nany and Nanners won all their exiles straight up, and make no mistake, the players in the house weren't knowingly sending them scrubs.




    I also think they would have blown Nia and LeRoy away in that first Dome had Nany's bands not gotten stuck on an unfortunately-placed giant splinter. 

    • Love 1
  6. 8 yr-old opinion on what So/Jo should have said (IF they were going to lie, which she was disappointed in):  

    "We had to choose between a big mystery box and this bag of beans.  There may have been two bags of beans under the mystery box, but it wasn't worth risking not having any food."  ...Then, wonder out loud all day about what delicious food might have been in the mystery box until everyone says you made the right decision. 


    But as I pointed out, when the tribes come together this is bound to come up in conversation and you're bound to get caught. 

    Khaleesi:  "That's why you don't lie.  Because you weave a tangled web.  With lying spiders.  Lyders."   

    • Love 8
  7. As a man, I felt Vince was going too hard.  Not stalker hard, just too hard for Jenn to ever want to sleep with him. 


    As a woman (to the best of my knowledge), my wife felt Vince's affections were sweet.  She also argued that both men and women have a right to cut to the chase and ask if there's interest there or not before they find themselves too far in.  If it hurts his game, it's his problem. 


    If you're wondering, our courting went like this:

    Me:  "I'm really into you and I'd like to take you out."

    Her:  "Good.  I'll get my coat."

    • Love 1
  8. Maybe, Anouk, if you're trying to keep your surprise internet-history-espionage visit to your Mom's a secret... exit out of the Google search window.


    "My bookworm boy is looking at porn. He forgot to delete the internet history." -Aisha

    He forgot? Is deleting the search history in your home as habitual as putting the toilet seat down?

    And did anyone else immediately think the porn must be Hector's?

    • Love 4

    It still irks me the way Nev insists on giving people a platform to make excuses for what they've done, and on having the catfish and the catfishee "hug it out".


    I don't mind this.  Most therapists will ask you to directly or independently forgive the person who has hurt/damaged you, because forgiving is the only way to move forward in your own life.  Trying to forget without forgiveness is an endless uphill battle.  Once you forgive someone, you can stop considering yourself their victim.  


    Not that Nev is a qualified therapist, but same idea.

    • Love 2
  10. In the original documentary, when Nev was catfished, his "catfish"'s husband Vince told him a story that gave the series its name.  


    He claims that when live cod were shipped from the U.S. to Asia, the fish's inactivity in their tanks resulted in mushy flesh. Eventually, the fishermen discovered that putting catfish in the tanks with the cod kept them active and saved the flesh from mushiness.


    Vince feels that people like his wife Angela are like catfish, who keep other people active in life.



    From the Wiki page: 

    "They used to tank cod from Alaska all the way to China. They'd keep them in vats in the ship. By the time the codfish reached China, the flesh was mush and tasteless. So this guy came up with the idea that if you put these cods in these big vats, put some catfish in with them and the catfish will keep the cod agile. And there are those people who are catfish in life. And they keep you on your toes. They keep you guessing, they keep you thinking, they keep you fresh. And I thank God for the catfish because we would be ... boring and dull if we didn't have somebody nipping at our fin." 

    • Love 2
  11. ETA: Jinx, Oblique Angle.  


    Urban Dictionary's Top Definition for Basic tells me that people who use it didn't pass Chem 101, otherwise they'd have chosen Acidic.  


    An adjective used to describe any person, place, activity involving obscenely obvious behavior, dress, action.

    • Love 2
  12. My wife loves Starbucks (Flat White is her new go-to; sounds like a Sherwin Williams paint color to me) and she watches all the Sex and the City reruns.  Starbucks is delicious, and Sex and the City is funny.  It's a sad day when enjoying good stuff that you like becomes a bad character trait. 


    If it's any comfort, EAG46, the person who would call you (or her) "basic" as an insult is not someone whose opinion either of you would care about.  

    • Love 5
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