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Everything posted by DammitHardison

  1. And in the same episode (I think, been binging them,) Midge has a customer that she calls Mrs. Maraczek - the last name of Jennings' character in the musical She Loves Me!
  2. I think last position in Hot Potato is the most advantageous - if your teammates drop out, you win by default even if you didn't have an answer that round either. The other players need to have more answers than you do.
  3. The bruises were from the cupping that Hannah(?) did to Daniel in the previous episode. Poor Haygood, she will never be right in her mother's eyes. She lets her parents taste the sake, warning them that the first sample is the worst one. Nope, her parents think it's fantastic. Cynical me saw it less as her parent's support, and more as Haygood being wrong once again.
  4. It practically is! It streams on Netflix and is called The Joel McHale Show, but it is basically The Soup. I misnamed it in my original comment, but I'm gonna keep it.
  5. Is this the first time in history a man has gotten a plus-one invitation to a baby shower? I thought Patricia was being selective with her invite list, but Craig brought his roommate and Pat was clearly meeting him for the first time. Austen was super annoying at his happy hour with Craig. I hate when people drag out an unfunny joke and you have to wait for them to finish to politely laugh. Also, he's such a cool guy who finger gun points at nachos and says, "Nachos." when they arrive at the table. It's now Saturday, April 21 in my timezone...I'm laying down a bet that on Sunday's episode of The Soup, Joel shows the clip of Craig waxing poetically about his sewing machine being his outlet and how making pillows gives him the same high as gardening. You can't make this stuff up.
  6. I miss Mikey Day. There has been a run of male hosts but he hasn't been in too many "supporting" roles lately either.
  7. I love that! I haven’t seen the original so when Nola 2.0 made it a point to tell “her fan” that she looked familiar, I was trying to recall if she was in a previous episode and why that was relevant. I love that the original Nola played that part. Another Easter Egg that I found amusing: when Dean is in the bathroom with Mars and says he recognizes him. “What time is it? It’s showtime!” I don’t live in New York but I’ve heard that is/was a common thing in the subway – so common that Lin-Manuel Miranda put it in Hamilton as a cheeky reference. Anthony Ramos (the actor playing Mars) says that line with his boys in Hamilton. I don’t know that it was a direct reference to Hamilton but it made me chuckle.
  8. I see what you did there. I'm not sure if this was intentional, but great word choice when describing basketball players ;)
  9. I can't wait for the Black Mirror episode about how Jesse Plemons is slowly turning into Matt Damon. I thought this was a great start to Season 4.
  10. So Malia could fulfill her fantasy of being on The Bachelorette and go on mini-dates with all her suitors? Didn't she even say something like, "I felt bad that Wes didn't get any alone time with me"?
  11. This is all I saw last night. I think Whitney was wearing Vince's vest in different colors.
  12. I don't want to live in a world where I find Whitney somewhat charming.
  13. Obligatory fangirl post that another Hamilton cast member appears this week: Jasmine Cephas Jones as Elijah's coworker. I wonder if Andrew Rannells had any influence in getting her and Oak to guest star. I wasn't expecting either one so it was a nice surprise to see them this season.
  14. Thanks for putting the link for the visual aids within the podcast description!
  15. I would have loved if the cow guy's last name was O'Toole, coming directly after the scene of Meghan asking half the residents of the county if that was their name.
  16. No fellow Hamilton fans? "Talk less. Smile more." --Aaron Burr
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