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Everything posted by muessigkeit

  1. When Frank had drinks with Asher in 1x11 Best Christmas Ever, Asher asked if Bonnie was visiting her family to which Frank replied: "Nah, her family is messed up." I always figured he knew, since we've been told several times that they know each other's secrets. It makes sense to me, too, they've known each other for a decade and Frank is probably the only close friend Bonnie has. We also still don't know when and how Bonnie met Annalise for the first time. If she was Annalise's client and Frank worked for her already, he might have known because of that and not because Bonnie told him.
  2. Frank confessed to Laurel that he killed Lila to prove that he loves her. Laurel couldn't deal with that and acted weird around him which Bonnie noticed. So to find out what was going on, Bonnie recorded a conversation between Frank and Laurel and found out about Lila too. She then confronted Frank with that knowledge and asked him why he killed the girl. Frank told her the whole story (that Sam blackmailed him into killing Lila because of Frank's hand in the car accident that killed the baby). At the same time a drunk Laurel spilled the beans about Frank killing Lila to Annalise. Because Annalise now knew that Frank killed Lila (and was smart enough to guess that he must have done it for Sam), Bonnie told Annalise the whole story and tried to play peacemaker - unsuccessfully. I wholeheartedly agree and I hate to be an ass, but her name is Liza not Liz. Still hoping for Wes to be under the sheet. That would be a bold move.
  3. I don't think that's necessarily a contradiction. It's pretty common that after a breakup the involved parties have different perspectives on how and why the relationship ended. If Annalise started dating Sam directly after Eve, Eve might see that as Annalise leaving her for him, while Annalise might have meant she felt the relationship had run its course before it officially ended. We also don't know how long Annalise had been in therapy before that relationship became sexual. I think the most logical way to reconcile the two different view points is: Annalise started seeing Sam in his function as her therapist when she was still with Eve (either because of her childhood, her sexuality or both). Then after a so far unknown amount of time Annalise fell in love with Sam (and out of love with Eve?) and instead of doing the ethical thing and discouraging her, Sam started a sexual relationship with her. Either shortly before or after that Annalise broke up with Eve. Then Sam left his wife and they made the relationship official.
  4. I took Annalise's attitude towards the baby as trying to not get too attached in case something goes wrong with the pregnancy. She probably had at least one miscarriage before, so she's afraid of that happening again and won't allow herself to actually believe that the baby is okay. Bonnie and Asher officially broke up in 2x03 when she believed he was cheating on her (when he was actually spying for Sinclair.) After that misunderstanding got cleared up it seemed like they might reconcile, but then Bonnie found out about Trotter Lake, so that killed any romantic interest she had in him. I'm sure she still cares about him, but I don't think they'll get together again any time soon.
  5. No, the timeline for the flashback is 10 years before present time (also if I'm not mistaken "present time" is probably spring/summer of 2015 or so, because we didn't have a time jump between season 1 and 2.) Sam and Annalise had been married 20 years, so during flashback time they've been married 10 years and Annalise and Eve have been broken up for about the same amount of time or 1 or 2 years more. That part depends on when exactly Annalise left Eve for Sam, considering there's also the issue that Sam was married when he started preying on his patient Annalise.
  6. I don't think Bonnie gave her an antipsychotic. It was strongly implied that she gave her the same sleeping pills that Frank used to drug Catherine when he kidnapped her (and that Annalise wanted, because she contemplated giving them to Nate's wife.) I've seen people speculate that Bonnie drugged Annalise to keep her from testifying, but I think she might have been worried about what Annalise might have done in her mental state. So she figured if Annalise slept for a while, she would be safer than she was running around hallucinating things that weren't there.
  7. Paris: "Don't sound so surprised!" Rory: "How do you know he sounded surprised?" Paris: "Because I'm a genius, Rory. I have deep and powerful clairvoyant abilities. For example, I can instantly deduce that when someone hears the name 'Paris' in the same sentence as the word 'date', jaws will drop, confused looks will cover faces and words like 'How?', 'Why?' and 'Quick, Bob, get the children into the minivan, because the world must obviously be coming to an end' will immediately fly out of people's mouths." (3.01 Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Summer) That one just randomly pops into my head from time to time. Perfectly delivered.
  8. Asher's dad killed himself because information about him covering up Tiffany's rape at Trotter Lake leaked to the press (Annalise gave the information to a prosecutor to get Sinclair off her back, but Asher thinks Sinclair leaked it.) When Sinclair taunted him about his father being a horrible man, Asher impulsively ran her over with his car. Afterwards he was in shock and called Bonnie for help. Bonnie feared that if she let Asher call the police, he would break down and tell them everything he "knew" about Sam's death (she had lied to him that she killed Sam when he tried to rape her in the hope that Asher would protect her out of love. Asher though, still wanted to make a deal with Sinclair and only reconsidered when Annalise informed him that Bonnie had been sexually abused by her father as a child; Bonnie was pissed when she found out about that.) So Bonnie called Annalise to ask her what she should do. Annalise knew that Nate would be the first suspect in Sinclair's murder because the two of them were very publicly at odds. She thought up a plan to frame Catherine for the murder of Sinclair (Catherine is no longer Annalise's client, but Caleb still is. Because Caleb found a gun in her atelier and Philip owns one of Catherine's paintings, they think she might have killed her parents with the help Philip without Caleb's knowledge.) Annalise told Bonnie to bring Sinclair's body to the mansion. Then she told Caleb that she would try to talk to Catherine and send him away (he went to wait in Michaela's apartment since the two of them slept together.) When Asher and Bonnie arrived with Sinclair's body (in the trunk of Sinclair's car), Annalise enlisted the help of the K5 to enact her plan. When Connor refused, she revealed to Asher that the Murder Quartet were the ones who killed Sam (so now that he knew their secret and could sell them out, they had to help him.) While Connor, Michaela, Bonnie and Asher brought the body up to the balcony to throw it down and Wes and Laurel wiped down Sinclair's car (to get rid of Nate's and Bonnie's fingerprints), Annalise made a few calls. She left messages on Sinclair's and Catherine's phones urging them come see her at the mansion, then called Frank and instructed him to kidnap and drug Catherine with sleeping pills in order to frame her. When Wes overheard Annalise explaining to Frank that she did all of this to protect Nate from being suspected, he called Nate and asked him to come and talk Annalise out of it. After Bonnie took the still traumatized Asher away, Annalise explained the second half of her plan to the Murder Quartet: to make it look like Catherine went on a rampage after being confronted by Sinclair and Annalise, she wanted one of the them to shoot her in the leg (she called an ambulance pretending to be shot, saying Catherine shot her.) The MQ freaked out and didn't want to do it. Connor and Michaela ran out of the room. Laurel and Wes wanted to leave too (with the gun to prevent Annalise from shooting herself), but then Annalise revealed that Rebecca had been dead the whole time, taunting Wes with the fact that she lied to him over and over. This prompted Wes to shoot Annalise in the stomach. He even wanted to shoot her again, but then Annalise kept repeating the name "Christophe." Flashback to 10 years earlier: A young Wes, then called Christophe is being interrogated by a woman (an FBI agent?) about finding his mother who committed suicide. Eve and Annalise are watching from behind a two-way mirror and Eve asks: "What did we do?" Flashforwards not yet shown: Frank putting on a show in the hospital, bringing Catherine into the woods and Catherine being found by the police. Asher making a statement to the police. Connor going back inside to Annalise. The MQ being picked up by Nate and Michaela telling Caleb "she's [Catherine] fine." Other more or less important things that happened: Philip wanted to meet Catherine that night, but couldn't find her at the motel (because Frank kidnapped her,) so he went to the mansion. We saw him sitting somewhere outside in his car (not sure how far away from the action going on inside; it's a big estate.) Even though Bonnie helped Asher with Sinclair's body, they're still broken up, because she found out about Trotter Lake; Nate and Annalise reconnected after he blamed her for keeping him from spending time with his dying wife by framing him for murder; Connor and Oliver and Frank and Laurel are still together.
  9. Agreed. Though, I feel like I've seen this "marzipan is disgusting" joke before in US shows and as a European I just don't get it. Marzipan is candy; why would you treat it like a delicacy that needs the most refined taste buds to appreciate in the first place?
  10. She was on heavy medication that she's not taking anymore. Even though the therapist in 1x07 said she was over-medicated and blackmailed her into trying talking therapy instead, I doubt her old New York therapist would have prescribed those drugs to someone whose only problem was being immature. There's also a throwaway joke right in the pilot episode about a suicide attempt that "inconvenienced a lot of people."
  11. I might have a truly unpopular opinion: I don't find Luke attractive. Scott Patterson does nothing for me (especially since I heard him on Gilmore Guys), but I keep hearing/reading people fawning over his looks, so clearly I must be the weirdo *shrug*
  12. They met in "Grinder Rests In Peace" when everyone visited the set of "The Grinder: New Orleans" to watch Dean film his farewell episode, remember?
  13. My favorite part of the Natalie story is how she decided to keep wearing the scar as a fashion statement. Like I can just see her shopping on amazon for fake scar stickers, comparing different prices and designs, when she noticed that the 100 piece economy pack was on sale (Only 20 bucks, you guys, what a steal!) and couldn’t resist.
  14. About that Simon subplot: I'm kinda with his classmates here tbh. Now, hear me out. I don't think it's right what the profiler did but once the damage was done I don't see how Simon's actions corrected that wrong. All he achieved was that instead of 1 violent criminal getting off, there are now 2 violent criminals getting off. The serial killer gets his conviction overturned but the actual killer won't be convicted for his crime because the evidence has been tampered with. So while it was obviously wrong to falsify the evidence in the first place, what Simon did was kind of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Now, I don't think he should have stayed quiet, that woman did want to kill him after all (which btw was completely unnecessary, Quantico writers, have you ever heard of a thing called "nuance"?), but what he should have done first imo is go to his or her superiors. Him saying "I found someone who'll believe me" makes no sense because he didn't try and fail to convince anybody. The only people he talked to about his suspicion were his teammates who just thought he was wrong about the exercise and the person responsible herself. So her saying "you'll never prove it" was enough for him to decide the whole FBI wasn't interested in hearing the truth and going straight to the media (and then to his bomb maker buddy)? When he didn't even try to tell them the truth in the first place...?
  15. The last scene wasn't a flashforward that's right. I'm fairly sure we've actually caught up with the flashforward timeline (as in Annalise gets shots the very next day after this episode.) The beginning scene with Bonnie in the shower, Annalise in her bedroom and Nate at the door etc was "3 days earlier." Then, after the whole Oliver and Philip thing, it's the next day; Annalise is wearing a gorgeous red, white and black dress (2 days before ff.) Things happen, a day passes, Annalise is wearing a black dress with buttons in the front (1 day before ff.) So the next episode should cover the day of the flashforward (plus maybe a bit of the aftermath.)
  16. I'm so glad someone else is over the "Bonnie is grown-up Paris" joke. It was funny in the beginning but now it just feels insulting. Like they're saying Liza can only play one character - which is so untrue I want to scream.
  17. I really hate how many people are apparently completely okay with letting 4 rapist get away with their crime as long as somebody else did something worse. And if were talking hypocrisy here, let's talk about the fact that Asher thought Sam's death was because Bonnie defended herself against a rapist and still wanted to turn her in to save his and his father's reputation. About that scene with Annalise and Bonnie: I think that confrontation would have gone a lot differently if Annalise hadn't handled it so poorly. What she should have done was to allow Bonnie her rightful anger, apologize and call her a cap. Then they could have had a much calmer conversation the next morning. What she did instead was telling Bonnie that she didn't have a right to be angry in the first place which of course made her even angrier. "You don't get to be emotional about this." Really, Annalise? You of all people should know better; you got plenty emotional with your mother last season.
  18. I got the feeling her father is a politician or something? He told a story about going golfing with "city commissioner Springer"...
  19. I liked the Bonnie/Asher relationship because it was one thing in Bonnie's life that made her happy but I don't see how they're going to come back from making Asher involved in rape. Pairing them up just seems incredibly gross after what we've learned about both of their backstories. That we only have 2 more episodes before they're on friendly terms again in the flashforward doesn't exactly increase my faith in the writers handling this storyline well.
  20. In all these cases we, the audience, have been made aware of the manipulation beforehand, though. As far as I understand the rules of the show are: characters may lie and information may be withheld but what we see with our own eyes is actually what happened. There hasn't been one instance in which scenes we've been shown turned out to be fake. Take the scene with Bonnie and Asher in the car for example: the words she says are lies but the flashbacks we see are the truth. So I think Annalise showing Asher the tape instead of simply telling him was for the audience's "benefit" (and I'm using that word loosely.) The whole episode we've heard characters tell lie after lie, so if Annalise had told Asher about the abuse we would have thought it's just another lie. Showing the tape is the showrunner's way of saying "ok, this is the truth."
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